Chapter 275 Take the Dragon

"Everyone, don't surrender. I have already asked Brother Li for help, and he will enter the game to help us soon!" UZI watched his teammates send the surrender, and quickly typed to tell them that he had asked Fang Li for help.

"Really? Brother Gou, don't lie to us, huh?" At this time, the little murloc who initiated the surrender couldn't believe it. He really didn't have confidence. Was hanged and beaten.

Fei Ke's famous hero, Jie, is full of residual blood, which is scary when he thinks about it!
"That's right! Puppy, don't lie to me! Don't wait for us to refuse, if Brother Li doesn't come, aren't we being abused?" Nuoshou said on the road.

"That's right, if Brother Li doesn't come, we'd better surrender quickly, I really can't bear to go on like this!" the jungler prince said to the robot.

"Don't worry, I have really greeted Brother Li, he will come right away. Don't wait for surrender!" UZI said with a firm face, followed by a click to refuse to surrender.

"Okay, then wait a bit!" With his lead, the other three also ordered to surrender.


And at this moment, the jungler on the opposite side suddenly typed two words.

"Holy shit, this stupid blind monk dares to mock him." The prince suddenly became angry. If Feike hadn't often helped blind monks invade wild areas, he would hang and beat the blind monk every minute.

"Forget it! Let's wait! It'll be easy when Brother Li comes!" UZI quickly persuaded the prince.

But at this moment, the field of vision inserted in the position of the big dragon showed that under the leadership of Feike, the purple side started to fight the big dragon!
"What should we do? The opponent is ready to fight the big dragon, let them take the big dragon at this time, we are still playing a fart!" The prince is anxious!

It is a disadvantage in the first place, if the opponent takes a red BUFF again, this high ground will be unstoppable!
"I'll go grab a wave!" At this time the prince said, "You stay here, I'll go grab the dragon, if I don't grab you, keep the tower!"

"Don't, don't go! You go to grab the dragon alone, there is little hope! I think it's better to wait under the tower. Just wait for Brother Li to come!" UZI said!
"But when will Brother Li come? It's already been 30 seconds! If he doesn't come again, I guess people will push the dragon to the door after taking the dragon!" said the prince!

"Yes! Why don't you send another message to Brother Li to tell him to come quickly." Shang Dan Nuo said.

"No, I'm already here!"

At this moment, a message suddenly popped up, the ID is amazingly, Brother Dali!
"Brother Li!"

"It's Brother Li who is here!"

"Great! Now I have something to play with!"

Several people were excited.

Only Fang Li looked at his screen at this moment with a helpless face, because at this moment he had suddenly turned into a little dragon in the Xiaolong Canyon.

"Awesome, I didn't expect Brother Li to become a little dragon this time!"

"Hi Xiaolong!"

"Brother Li, go out and show your face quickly, to deter those lawbreakers."

The audience in the live broadcast room came up with ideas one after another, but at this time UZI's voice sounded eagerly.

"Brother Li, the opponent is fighting the big dragon right now, you have to think of a way, don't let the opponent take the big dragon!" UZI looked anxious, the opponent's equipment is really good, and Feike is there Fleeing from the edge, their only hope of robbing the dragon is Fang Li!

"Hit the big dragon?" Fang Li was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to speak, there was a commotion in the live broadcast room!
"Fuck, Brother Li, your eldest cousin was beaten. Can you bear it?"

"If I were you, I would have rushed over to Fei Ke to fight for my life!"

Fang Li rolled his eyes immediately!
How come Dalong has become a confidant and big cousin?
Fang Li was a little speechless, but UZI was right, he couldn't just let the opponent get Dalong, otherwise it would be a lot of trouble!

Think here!

Fang Li had an idea, and then started to hang up: "Modify the data and summon Baron Nash to be my mount!"

After the message was sent out, the entire live broadcast room was stunned for a moment, followed by their eyes widening in surprise.

"Let the big dragon become a mount? Damn it, Brother Li, how dare you think about it!" Someone yelled out directly.

"I became a small dragon, and then summoned a big dragon to be a mount. What kind of rhythm is this?"

Crossing into a small dragon is already enough, if you get a big dragon as a mount, no one can imagine what the scene will be like!
"Is this okay?" UZI was dumbfounded when he saw the message sent by Fang Li!

"Summon the big dragon as a mount, this big dragon is almost dead!" The prince also opened his mouth!
And at this moment, something strange happened!
Originally in the Dalong Canyon, the Dalong, who was being ravaged by no one from the purple side, uttered a loud roar and disappeared immediately!
Under Feike's nose, it disappeared!
This Feike was dumbfounded!

"Axi, did you see that dragon disappear?" Fei Ke asked in surprise to the translator next to him.

"Look, I saw it!" The beautiful translator on the side, her pretty face was full of shock, a living dragon disappeared right in front of her eyes, this shit is too strange!

However, several of Feike's teammates widened their eyes, and let out a long howl.

"Damn it, Brother Dali is here!"

"This dog R's, it must be Brother Dali! This dog R's cheating took Dalong away!"

"Brother Dali, give me back my big dragon!"

They screamed and exclaimed, there can only be one person who can wipe out Dalong in the entire national uniform, and that is Fang Li.

Fei Ke looked at the message sent by his teammates, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the translator: "What else do they say?"

The translator took a look at their information, with a strange look on his face, and said falteringly: "It seems that they are saying that someone hacked and got rid of the dragon!"

"Hacking?" Fei Ke's eyes widened, "Is there anyone in the national server who can hack?"

He had been in closed training before, and he came to the national server just after the training was released the day before yesterday, so he didn't know about the Han Chengjun incident that had caused a lot of noise a while ago.

On the other side, under the gaze of everyone in the live broadcast room, the screen suddenly felt a shake, and a big dragon appeared in Xiaolong Canyon out of thin air!
"I made a big trough! I actually brought all the big dragons here!"

"Isn't Feike stunned now? A big dragon disappeared from his eyes, and he probably hasn't reacted yet!"

Everyone was discussing, and the scene that appeared below made them open their mouths instantly.

At this moment, under the gaze of everyone.

Fang Li actually gave Dalong up!

Yes, you read that right, Fang Li directly fucked Baron Da Long!

The audience in the "this" live broadcast room all stared at this scene with weird expressions!
Uzi and the others, even the hand holding the mouse, trembled at this moment, watching the dragon crawl down with their own eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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