Chapter 276

Dalong crawled down and stared at Fang Li, like a maid waiting for favor, waiting for Fang Li's blessing.

"Go up, go up!"

"Brother Li, such a good opportunity, hurry up and get on this big dragon!"

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became excited!
How can you miss such a wonderful scene in this live broadcast of Dalong?

"Fuck, what do you mean, I am summoning a big dragon as a mount, not the Ri Dalong you said!" Fang Li quit immediately, what is he called Ri Dalong, this is Chi Guoguo's slander !

"It's already this time, Brother Li, don't worry about this!"

"That's right, the big dragon has already knelt under your crotch, if you don't seize the opportunity, what are you waiting for?"

With black lines on Fang Li's face, he decided not to pay attention to these old drivers anymore!

At this time, the effect of the plug-in began to take effect.

The moment the big dragon knelt down, there was a loud roar, and the little dragon immediately spread its wings and flew directly on top of the big dragon. This scene really felt like a big dragon.

"You really put Dalong on?" UZI and the others were all stunned!
At first they thought it was just a joke, but who knew that they actually hooked up the big dragon!

"Great my brother."

"How lonely Li Ge is, he doesn't even let Dalong go!"

"I used to watch The Legend of the White Snake, and I admired Xu Xian for daring to rape a snake!"

"After watching Hua Qiangu, I thought Xu Xian was a scumbag. So there are still people in this world who dare to rape caterpillars!"

"It wasn't until today when I watched Brother Li's live broadcast that I realized that the ones I watched before were so weak! What R snakes, R caterpillars, that's just a child's play! Li Ge's bare-handed r big dragon is really strong!"

"It's not just strong, it's No.1 in history!"

"On behalf of the Summoner of the Summoner Canyon, I bestow upon Li Ge the title of Dragon Slayer Warrior!"

"Is it brainless? Is this Dragon Slayer? This is Sun Dragon!"

"Yes yes yes, award Li Ge R the title of Dragon Warrior!"

Fang Li watched the live broadcaster's comments, gritted his teeth angrily, and then said a word from between his teeth: "Get lost!"

"The big dragon is all R, you are right in everything!"

"You dare to R big dragon, I admit you are awesome!"

Who knew that this remark would make the audience in the live broadcast room even more enthusiastic, making Fang Li silent quickly, feeling so entangled in his heart!

Why did he come up with such a bad idea in the first place, and actually fuck Dalong well!
"I fucking got on the big dragon. If it gets out, this life will be ruined!" Thinking of this, Fang Li suddenly panicked. At this moment, he just wanted to end the game quickly!
The good big dragon suddenly disappeared, and Fei Ke was in a very depressed mood!
"Forget it, the big dragon is gone, let's push it directly! The UZI in the back row is handed over to me!" Fei Ke's eyes were firm, and with such full confidence, even if he couldn't drop UZI in seconds and retreat completely, then he could still make UZI Can't do much damage.

Soon, under the leadership of Fei Ke, the blind monk, crocodile, Xiaopao, and Morgana all walked towards the middle with puzzled faces.

"Brother Li, they are going to push the middle lane!" Seeing the menacing five people, UZI suddenly became nervous.

"It's okay, I'll go around!" Fang Li smiled.

"Okay!" With this sentence, UZI and the others are also determined.

The five members of Feike will arrive soon!

"Strike hard! Kamikochi!" The five words show how strong Feike is!

The crocodile directly activated its big move, turned into a prehistoric giant crocodile, and rushed into the crowd to resist the tower. After that, the blind monk, Xiaopao, and Morgana also rushed forward!
Huang Zi's EQ made two consecutive picks, and then made a big move to frame the crocodile blind monk!

UZI's wheel mother also started her big move at this moment, and she was crazy about the crocodile. The little murloc and Nuo Shou also threw out their skills!
Feike stood on the periphery of the battlefield, constantly moving, looking for a suitable entry point!
When he saw that UZI went too far because he wanted to output, his eyes lit up and he knew that this was an opportunity!
"Right now." Without any hesitation, he took a few quick steps forward, followed by pressing the avatar, swapping, and then activated his ultimate move to aim at uZI's mother wheel!

But as soon as the ultimate move was activated, he was pushed up directly. At this time, a strange creature appeared in front of him!

Fei Ke looked up, and his body trembled violently.

The lower part of this creature is a big dragon!
"This, this, isn't this the big dragon that disappeared before? Why did he appear here? Could it be that someone really cheated?" Fei Ke panicked, his eyes widened. The most important thing is to fly him to the top 1
"FUC, K!" Following him, he wanted to type and swear, when his eyes moved up three points, he saw Xiaolong on Dalong's body, and at this moment he couldn't help but yell in blunt Chinese With a cry!
"Damn it. The servers in China are so imprecise! How can the little dragon get the big dragon up?" Fei Ke's face was livid. Hearing about someone cheating and seeing someone cheating with his own eyes are completely different things, and It's really unprecedented for the little dragon to go to the big dragon.

At this time, Crocodile, Morgana, Blind Monk, and Xiaopao also noticed the changes in the battlefield. It was hard not to pay attention to the appearance of such a huge behemoth.

"Damn it, Xiaolong got on Dalong, and he still came to beat us? You are not good at R Dalong, why are you messing around?"

"Mom, this game can't be played anymore. Little dragons can go up to big dragons. Is there any reason? Consider how I feel about being single, okay?"

"No, I want to call the police, Yaoyaoling? The big dragon here has been raped!"

Everyone was stunned at this moment!
This kind of weird picture directly made them dizzy, and even forgot to operate, staring at the screen and breathing quickly.

On the contrary, UZI and the others are all excited. It's really time for the big dragon to join!

Feike was lifted, and UZI's wheel mother opened the distance, and then rushed out crazily!

At the same time, Nuoshou and the little murlocs are fighting fiercely under the tower with the help of the defensive tower!

Soon, the battle was over, and at the price of three heads paid by the purple side, Feike's Jie and Xiaopao fled in embarrassment.

"Hahaha, it's so cool! You haven't seen Feike running away like that!" UZI immediately shouted hooked, feeling extremely relieved.If it weren't for Fang Li's control just now, I'm afraid he would be killed by Feike again like before!
"Yeah! It's so fucking cool! Let the opponent think that he can win by keeping Feike's thigh? Don't you know that the number one thigh in the ancient country is with us!"

"That's right, who doesn't know that Brother Li is the number one player in the national uniform, and Fei Ke has to give in when he comes!"

Nuoshou and the little murlocs all laughed.

On the other side, Fei Ke fled back to the hot spring, and said with a livid face: "Your Chinese server is too loose! How can you beat Xiaolong and get on Dalong? This will never happen in Korea!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience burst into laughter!

Fang Li also said quietly: "So you Koreans will never be able to climb the dragon!"

(End of this chapter)

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