Chapter 292

In a bar taken over by the dark night
This place was originally the property of the Hua family, but now it has changed hands!
The two dark night boys were smoking a cigarette at the door of the bar at this time, with deep tiredness in their eyes.

"Boss, it's true, the Hua family has already fallen, does Hua Jianfeng dare to come out?" One of the younger brothers complained with some dissatisfaction.

"Isn't it? I made a big fuss and made me stay here all night, but nothing happened. If you ask me, how could someone come and attack our dark night property, unless they don't want to live!"

The other took a deep breath, but at this moment, a sword glow suddenly flashed, and the cigarette in his hand fell to the ground with a thud.


The other opened his mouth to exclaim, but he didn't say anything, but suddenly widened his eyes and leaned against the door. A one-armed man loomed not far away.

The man entered the bar and walked out 3 minutes later, with a sharp sword in his hand and blood dripping
Fifteen minutes later, an underground casino in the dark night was wiped out, leaving no money in it.

When the news spread to the headquarters of the dark night, people panicked for a while.

"Brother Li, Hua Jianfeng is here!" Liu Shisan stood respectfully in front of Fang Li, with deep worry on his face. In just 10 minutes, several properties have been bloodbathed by Hua Jianfeng!

"I had expected this day a long time ago, but I never expected it to be sooner than I expected." The revenge of killing a son, the ruthlessness of destroying a family, how could a hero like Hua Jianfeng forget it easily, even if he could bear it for a while, It is absolutely impossible to endure forever, and at this moment, as he expected, as soon as Hua Jianfeng came out, he began to collect interest!

"Send the order down, security personnel." Fang Li only said a word, and Liu Shisan hurried down!
At the same time, countless families heard the news of Hua Jianfeng's reappearance. For a while, many people were waiting to see how An Ye would collect it. Mr. Jiang also called to ask if he needed help. Fang Li only said another word, wait!

It was dawn at this moment, but Fang Li knew that this was just the beginning of the darkness. Hua Jianfeng's appearance was absolutely impossible to be so random, he must have his own support, and it was destined to cause a storm.

"This day is about to change again!"

As news of Hua Jianfeng's appearance continued to come in, Fang Li sighed deeply.

In NJ City, more than a dozen properties that An Ye took over in a small time have already been bloodbathed by Hua Jianfeng.

All of a sudden, the entire Dark Night headquarters was about to experience a storm, and the major families in Jiang City were eagerly watching. Some even gloated and spread rumors everywhere that Dark Night was about to end!

An hour, three and 10 minutes later, a one-armed man quietly appeared downstairs in the dark night headquarters!

Hua Jianfeng is here!
Following the news of Hua Jianfeng's entry into the dark night headquarters, all the Wang people in Jiang City turned their attention to the dark night headquarters.

"Fang Li, after three days, Jiangshi Yunding, dare to fight. The loser will end on his own."

In the dark night hall, Hua Jianfeng was surrounded by the dark night disciples. His eyes were calm, and his voice rang out, like sword energy from all directions, shaking many people dizzy.

"Of course!"

At this moment, another word came from afar, instantly dissipating the power of Hua Jianfeng's words.

Fang Li's figure appeared in the hall, calm and without waves!
"Then I'll wait for you!" Hua Jianfeng left a sentence, and fled away. Fang Li didn't stay, and he knew the price of keeping him, so he just watched indifferently, with deep worry in his eyes. With a roar, he knew that Hua Jianfeng was stronger!
"Master, why did you agree to Hua Jianfeng? Isn't it just the right time to keep him when we attack together?" Liu Shisan was a little puzzled, why didn't he take advantage of this time to keep Hua Jianfeng.

"I have no choice." Fang Li took a deep breath, turned and left.

Hua Jianfeng dared to come here alone, so he was not afraid that he would make a move. He was not sure how to deal with a confident person who regarded death as home.As for agreeing to Hua Jianfeng's battle at Yunding Peak three days later, he had no other choice. Otherwise, if Hua Jianfeng was allowed to kill him, the consequences would not be acceptable to him. Who can guarantee that he will not go to Jiang Yuchen in the next moment?
And if he agreed to him, with Hua Jianfeng's temperament, he would definitely not charge any interest, so the decisive battle in three days' time would be a bondage, no matter how much resentment he had in his heart, he would liquidate everything in three days' time.

But at that time, would Fang Li let him go down to Yunding Peak alive?
"Three days later, Hua Jianfeng made an appointment to fight Fangli at the top of the cloud top."

When the news came, the Wang people in Jiang City were in an uproar!
From Hua Jianfeng entering the An Ye headquarters, everyone was waiting to see An Ye's good show, but who knew it would be this result.

Hua Jianfeng is alone and has no way out, so it is inevitable to make an appointment with Fang Li!
But no one expected that Fang Li would agree to Hua Jianfeng's appointment!

For a while, countless people accused Fang Li of being arrogant and stupid. Things that could be mobbed and besieged were made so complicated.

After all, comparing that one Hua Jianfeng with the whole Dark Night is unequal in anyone's eyes!
But who knows, in Fang Li's mind, this is the safest and easiest way.

"Just wait! After three days, Fang Li will know that he was wrong!"

"Giving Hua Jianfeng this opportunity, Fang Li is undoubtedly self-defeating, but it's also good, once he is beheaded by Hua Jianfeng in three days, and the night is chaotic, we have the opportunity to take advantage of it!"

Some people with bad intentions have already started to contact secretly with their crooked ideas at this moment.

"Fang Li, you'd better die under Hua Jianfeng's sword, otherwise it will be hard to get rid of my ruthlessness." Qin Ye sat on the sofa with a gloomy expression, his expression was horrifying, "If you die, Jiang Yuchen will be left to me." Taken care of."

And so on and on.

"Grandpa, go and persuade Brother Li. It's too risky to make an appointment with Hua Jianfeng at this time!" Jiang Zhe said to his grandfather with a worried face.

"Xiao Zhe, you still need to grow up!" Jiang Lao sighed, "Even you can see that this is a bad deal, do you think Fang Li can't see it? I blindfolded my eyes, but I don't know what the person is thinking!"

"Grandpa, do you mean that, in Li Ge's mind, maybe this appointment is the best solution?" After being stunned for a moment, he immediately understood.

"Yeah!" Mr. Jiang nodded, "Since Fang Li promised Hua Jiangfeng, he must have his support. As allies, we just need to help him take care of his surroundings!"

"I heard that some families are already restless! We should also stand up and speak out at this time!" Mr. Jiang arrived.

Half an hour later, the Jiang family spoke up, no matter what time it was, they would advance and retreat with Fang Li, shocking countless Xiaoxiao for a while.

Immediately afterwards, the Murong family also said something vague: "At this time, any family that creates unrest in Jiang City is against the Murong family."

At this point, everyone knew that Fang Li was no longer that lonely trash who only knew how to play games in Jiang City. He was standing at an unattainable height!

PS: There was a chapter "Comprehension of Frost Shards" that was blocked before, resulting in incoherent chapters. Now it has been lifted. You can delete it and add it to the bookshelf again to read it!
(End of this chapter)

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