Chapter 293 Gathering at Cloud Summit

Waiting quietly, within three days, quietly left!

And within three days, Yunding Peak had completely closed the scenic spot for this duel between Hua Jianfeng and Fang Li, leaving only a dedicated passage for some dignitaries in Jiang City to enter and exit.

"Why can't we go in if they can enter?" Some tourists shouted dissatisfied with the police at the entrance of the scenic spot.

"That's right, it's clearly privileged. We're all human. Why can't we even be fair?" Some tourists with independent thinking and higher social status even talked about human rights.

"Stop talking nonsense. Among these people who went in, which one is not a dignitary in Jiang City? Can you compare with them? Let's talk about fairness. Fairness can only be discussed when the status is equal!" The policeman maintaining vigilance was abrupt. He said a word, making these tourists shut up one after another.

"Okay, let's leave quickly! Come back tomorrow, when the scenic spot will be open normally, it is impossible to let you in today!" Another policeman also spoke, intending to expel the tourists, but there was an explanation from above. Can't put any civilians in, so they can't be careless.

"Let's go. We can only blame our bad luck, come back tomorrow!"

"It's gone. It's really unlucky to encounter such a thing as the closure of the scenic spot."

The tourists had no choice but to give up, but at this moment, a young man in casual sportswear came slowly from a distance, and then walked leisurely towards the special passage.

"Hey, look at that kid. He won't be some powerful man in Jiang City, right? How could he enter the scenic spot? Aren't you clearly fooling us?" At this time, someone with sharp eyes noticed Fang Li, and pointed at him Shout out to the police.

"That's right, I have to give an explanation for today's matter. You said that the group of people before were high-ranking officials and dignitaries. I admit it, but that kid just now was wearing a tracksuit. Does he look like a dignitary?"

"Let me tell you two, either let us in today, or explain to me what happened just now, or I will expose this matter on the Internet, and let the people of the whole country see how you handle things!"

It is really that Fang Li's clothes are too ordinary, no matter from which point of view, he is a college student, not a dignitary.This completely breaks their sense of balance and final self-esteem.

"Hush, keep your voice down, do you want to die?" Seeing the tourists talking about Fang Li, the two policemen immediately gave them a hard look. Their surprised and frightened expressions startled the tourists.

"Do you know who that young man is just now? You dare to talk like that, you are not afraid of death, or you don't want your life?" One of the policemen roared angrily. Don't offend Fang Li, who just entered the scenic spot. Now that tourists dare to talk loudly, he is afraid that he will be implicated!

"Why, could it be that the student just now has a special background?" The tourists were stunned for a moment. If it wasn't for the police's reaction that was too intense, they would have rushed into the scenic spot!
"Student? Have you ever seen a student who dares to swagger and walk through the dedicated passage?" One of the policemen looked disdainful. He glanced at Fang Li who had disappeared in the passage, turned his head and continued.

"Let me tell you, be careful what you say in the future, otherwise don't blame me for not reminding you." The policeman's mysterious expression immediately caused the gossip psychology of these tourists to skyrocket.

"Comrade policeman, tell me about the background of that young man just now, why is he so young, is he also a big shot?"

"That's, let me tell you, the young man just now is amazing!" One of the policemen raised his voice an octave as he spoke.

"When the scenic spot was closed back then, our high-ranking officials in Jiang City personally explained to us that if we met this young man, we must not offend him. Think about it, the high-ranking officials of the city personally explained that this person could be an ordinary person. right?" said the policeman.

"What? The senior city official personally explained that this young man is so powerful?" After the policeman finished speaking, many of the tourists had already exclaimed.

"Then according to what you said, we all misjudged just now?" Seeing that what the police said did not seem to be a lie, some tourists were a little lost.

"That's right, now you also know, leave quickly! If you want to enter the scenic spot, it's not too late to come back tomorrow, anyway, it won't be open today!" After the police finished speaking, they urged them to leave again.

Cloud Peak.

At this moment, many people stood in the gazebo on the top of the mountain, or found a place to stand quietly.

There are various families here, such as the Qin family, the Li family, and the Jiang family, almost all of them are of this level in Jiang city.

There are also younger generations, such as Jiang Zhe, Jiang Yuan, Qin Feng, Qin Ye, Li Li, Murong Jing, etc., all standing silently at this moment.

"Murong, what's the matter today? Why are all the celebrities in Jiang City gathered here?" Beside Murong Jing, a handsome man looked around the dignitaries and asked in doubt.

His name is Deng Ze. He just got off the plane when he arrived in Jiang City early this morning, and was dragged here by Murong Jing. At first he thought it was Murong's family who received him here. Even he was surprised when he saw it.

"Didn't you say that I have no outstanding talents in Jiang City? Today I will show you the outstanding talents in Jiang City, how are they compared to those young masters in your provincial capital?" Murong Jing smiled, and when she said this, she couldn't help but think of Fang With all kinds of strength, her heart felt a little hot, and a blush bloomed on her pretty face.

"Oh, so you brought me to see your lover, no wonder you brought me here so early in the morning." Deng Ze noticed Murong Jing's strangeness, and immediately guessed the girl's mind, and joked.

"You don't come here, he has a girlfriend." Murong Jing gave Deng Ze a white look, and did not dwell on this topic, but briefly told him about Fang Li's deeds.

"Is there really such a person?" Deng Ze suddenly said this sentence after listening to it, and there was a bit of yearning in his eyes.

"Everyone in Jiang City knows about this matter, so I have to lie to you?" Murong Jing rolled her eyes, wondering if I, Jiang City, can't produce a hero?
"No, no, it's just a bit of a surprise that Jiang City has such a hero." Deng Ze smiled. To be honest, before coming to Jiang City, in his eyes, the younger generation in Jiang City was only Murong Jing. But after listening to what Murong Jing said just now, he suddenly had the intention of making friends with Fang Li.

On the other side, Jiang Zhe and the others also noticed Deng Ze's new face and were discussing around. They soon realized that this was the young master from Deng's family in the provincial capital.

"It is rumored that Murong's family has backgrounds in the provincial capital. It seems to be true. Otherwise, how could the son of the Deng family in the provincial capital be so close to her."

"You said that we landlords in Jiang City should find an opportunity to let Murong Jing introduce us to us as landlords?"

Someone suggested.

In Jiang City, they are considered young masters, and they can eat well, but if they are placed in the provincial capital, they will be nothing!

So they were naturally unwilling to miss out on getting to know the top young masters in the provincial capital.

As they said that, they moved closer to Murong Jing, but at this moment, a strong wind blew up, sand and rocks flew, and a one-armed man appeared in everyone's sight.

PS: I recommend a friend's new book "Rebirth: I'm Crazy for Immortals". If you like urban immortals, you can read it. It's passionate and hot enough. I like it very much.
(End of this chapter)

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