Chapter 294 Grandmaster?

"Hua Jianfeng, I didn't expect Hua Jianfeng to come so early!"

After seeing the person coming, many people began to discuss quietly, but this was all in private, and they dared not let Hua Jianfeng hear it, otherwise, who can guarantee that Hua Jianfeng, who is so desperate to jump over the wall at this time, will kill him with a sword? Killed himself!

"He is Hua Jianfeng, the former Patriarch of the Hua Family? I didn't expect that he has fallen into such a state now, even one of his arms has been cut off. What a trick!"

Deng Ze met Hua Jianfeng once three years ago. At that time, Hua Jianfeng was so majestic and majestic. He never thought that after only three years, he was already a hero, with a broken arm and white hair!Thinking of this, he suddenly looked forward to the young man who destroyed the Hua family and drove Hua Jianfeng to such a desperate situation.

Hua Jianfeng's face was sullen, and he snorted coldly. Suddenly, it sounded like a muffled thunder. Many people were frightened. The temperature here seemed to have dropped by a few points. It was freezing to the bone!

"That thief Fang Li, why hasn't he arrived yet? Isn't he afraid!" Hua Jianfeng jumped up and landed on the huge rock on Yunding Peak. He looked around and said in a voice of contempt .

"Hmm! Old man of the Jiang family? Since the little thief Fang Li didn't come, let's take your anger out on you first." Hua Jianfeng found the old Jiang in the crowd, and a surge of anger swept up. Fang Li besieged the Hua family that day, The Jiang family participated in it, almost without thinking about it, he pointed like a sword, and an invisible sword energy came through the air, piercing Old Jiang's shoulder with a puff.

Blood splashed, Mr. Jiang groaned, his face turned pale instantly, if the guards around him hadn't reacted quickly to support him, he would have been thrown flying three feet away!

"Fingering like a sword, condensed in the void, this Hua Jianfeng has broken through to the level of a martial arts master." At this moment, Deng Ze suddenly exclaimed, the expression on his face can be described as horror.

"What is a Martial Dao Grandmaster?" Murong Jing's face changed, and she asked in surprise. In her impression, Deng Ze was always a calm person in situations. She had never been so panicked. Seeing Deng Ze's expression , she suddenly felt bad.

Not only him, but others also turned their heads and looked over, isn't he just a martial arts master?Why are you still related to the martial arts master?
"Martial arts masters are all masters of their own sect on the road of martial arts. This kind of person can establish a sect and sit in one side. The most important feature is that he can condense in the void and kill people in the air!"

Originally, Deng Ze wasn't sure whether Hua Jianfeng was a martial arts master, but the finger he pointed at Mr. Jiang just now made him sure that Hua Jianfeng was a martial arts master.

He has met two masters in his life, one is the one in his Deng family, that is, his grandfather, and the other is Hua Jianfeng.

"I didn't expect Hua Jianfeng to become a master of martial arts. I'm afraid this time your friend is in danger!" Deng Ze glanced at Murong Jing with regret in his eyes. In his opinion, no matter how handsome Fang Li is However, when meeting a martial arts master like Hua Jianfeng, he might not have any way out.

"Hahaha I didn't expect that there are people from a martial arts family here. It can be seen at a glance that Hua has broken through to the realm of a martial arts master! That's right, I am a martial arts master. If I didn't break through to a martial arts master, how could I dedicate my life?" Hua said. Jian Feng looked up to the sky and laughed, and old man Jiang's face suddenly changed. Although he didn't know what martial arts master meant, from Deng Ze's words, he could tell that Fang Li was dead to Shang Hua Jianfeng.

"Patriarch Hua, don't be too arrogant. Fang Xiaoyou hasn't arrived here yet, and everything is unknown." Jiang Lao looked pale, but still straightened his old body, and shouted sharply.

On the contrary, some people who wanted to embarrass Fang Li lowered their heads and laughed, even looking at Jiang's family with mockery. Isn't it courting death to face a martial arts master like this at this time?
Sure enough, Hua Jianfeng's eyes turned cold, he snorted softly, uttered in vain, and landed on Elder Jiang again. Before the two bodyguards even reacted, they hit Elder Jiang's other shoulder with a pop.

These two bodyguards were also first-class and first-rate fighters from the army, but they didn't even have the ability to block Hua Jianfeng's attack. At this moment, everyone present shrank their necks, and finally had a deep understanding of the power of the master.

"Fang Li is doomed this time, when the time comes, the Jiang family will suffer as well, and my vengeance will be avenged!" Thinking of the humiliation he had suffered in the Sky Hotel, Qin Ye immediately stepped forward with a fawning look on his face. Hua Jianfeng bowed.

"The Hua family, Fang Li is domineering and bullying too much. You must make the decision for me and help me get justice." Qin Ye jumped out and said with an aggrieved face.

Hua Jianfeng looked around at everyone, and immediately said: "If you want to regroup now, you can still choose, otherwise I will kill Fang Li, and you will have to pay enough!"

Hua Jianfeng's voice rolled, and the place fell into a brief silence, and then the person standing behind Jiang's family quietly stood in another area, this is to draw a clear line with Fang Li!
"You, you scumbags, you all had a share in the division of the Hua family, but now you're rebellious, and when little friend Fang arrives, aren't you afraid of bearing his wrath?" Mr. Jiang's face was livid with anger.

"Mr. Jiang, those who know the current affairs are heroes. Fang Li is strong, but can he surpass the power of a generation of masters? We don't want to be buried with him!" Qin Ye sneered.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang, Patriarch Hua gave us a chance at this time, why not choose again, there is no need to be tied to Fang Li's boat, is there?"

Everyone opened their mouths one after another. After seeing the power of Grandmaster Hua Jianfeng, they no longer had confidence in the opponent's strength.

"Father, it seems that Hua Jianfeng is doing well!" In the crowd, a handsome young man stood beside a middle-aged man and said.

"He did a good job, but he also lied to us. He didn't even tell us about such an important thing as breaking through to the master." The middle-aged man snorted coldly.

"Father, do you think Fang Li can survive under Hua Jianfeng's hands?" the handsome young man asked.

"The power of a grandmaster is so terrifying. No matter how strong Fang Li is, is he still a grandmaster?" The middle-aged man didn't say it clearly, but the meaning in his words was very clear. Fang Li couldn't beat a grandmaster.

"Murong, find a way to inform that friend of yours! The power of a master cannot be lightly resisted. If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. Why don't you avoid his edge for now?" Deng Ze reminded again!

"No, he's already here!" Murong Jing's voice trembled, as if reminding everyone, she turned her head and looked behind her.

A boy approached slowly with his hands in his pockets.

(End of this chapter)

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