Chapter 101 Is this also called negotiation?

Soon the godfather and Mark's convoy entered the field specially cleared for them in front of the Caesar's Palace. Seeing such a scene, it was obvious that Zhetian still paid more attention to himself, otherwise he would not have given such an important Caesar's Palace They cleared the venue and received them in such a grand manner. Although their godfather did not come out to greet him in person but sent Senge out, they can understand that it is already a face for the godfather to see him, and let the cover Senge, one of the four heavenly kings, did not lose face when he came to receive him.When several godfathers saw Senge standing there waiting for them, they didn't control their height, and quickly ordered their men to stop, and several of them walked down at the same time, walking towards Senge standing over there.Several godfathers shook hands with Senge cordially, Senge didn't talk nonsense, and said directly with a smile: "Several godfathers, our young master is already waiting for you inside, please come with me." Several people also know the current situation The environment is really not the time to be in love with Senge. After all, Senge is not the boss who overshadows the sky. The mysterious young Chinese godfather is waiting for me upstairs. I can't keep him waiting for a long time, so they He also echoed repeatedly, and entered Caesar's Palace with Senge.

Several godfathers and Elder Mark walked beside Senge and kept making indirect remarks. They wanted to ask about the purpose of Zhetian this time, and the attitude of the Chinese godfather towards himself and even the organization behind him, so as to do a good job. If you are not prepared to make a fool of yourself, or if you annoy the other party, it will not be worthwhile.But obviously what disappointed them was that although Senge was very friendly, he didn't say a single word of substance, which made these godfathers very depressed. If they met such a guy in normal times, they would have been shot by their men They were beaten into a hornet's nest, but they obviously couldn't face the person in front of them. Not to mention how powerful the opponent was, the identity of the opponent alone made them afraid to make a move. It is tantamount to declaring war on Zhetian, and the blow to them will be devastating.So although the godfathers are somewhat dissatisfied, at such a moment and such a place, they can't, and dare not express their anger, because if they show it a little bit, they will be the ones who will be beaten into a honeycomb. This group of lunatics will not estimate who you are, as long as you dare to fight against them, everything will be wiped out.

So they still maintain the gentleness they are not used to, and they can't maintain their godly demeanor with gentle smiles. They followed Senge to meet Aoyu, but everyone knows that they are afraid that Senge is about to die in their hearts. The body was dismembered, but obviously both they and the people around them knew that they could only think about it in this life.Soon these godfathers and Elder Mark were led into a room, which was the most luxurious box in Caesar's Palace. The interior design inside was specially made by those masters. The pure gold pillars , chandeliers made of crystals and precious stones, beautiful ivory ornaments, and those beautiful Caucasian girls in traditional Chinese cheongsams, all of which are eye-catching. In the middle, not far from the table, about two or three meters away is a group of luxurious leather sofas. At this moment, Aoyu is sitting leisurely on the sofa with his eyes closed.Hearing the sound of the door opening, Aoyu didn't stand up immediately, he was still sitting there, the only difference was that his eyes were opened, and seeing a few people who stomped and trembled in the United States came, Aoyu finally Standing up lazily, he said to several godfathers and Elder Mark with a smile on his face: "Welcome, welcome to come, hehe, thank you for your kindness today, I'm sorry I didn't go to greet you, please Forgive me.

"Several people looked at him like that, but they didn't seem sorry, but they didn't dare to say it at the moment. Anyone who has worked so hard to this point is some special people, but these special people always have some who are not quite like others. The same thinking, they are not sure what the godfather will do, because judging from his past behavior, the godfather is not a good person. He replied: "There, there... We know that the godfather is busy, and it is not your fault that you didn't come to greet us. How dare you say that to us. "Several people shook hands with Aoyu kindly one by one while talking. Aoyu immediately kindly asked the godfather to do it, and then ordered the dishes to start. Before these godfathers came, they had more or less learned about Chinese culture Most of them like to talk about things at the dinner table, which is more cordial. If they are willing to talk to you at the table, then things are generally easy to negotiate. If they talk to you in the living room or office seriously, then probably This matter is basically dirty, or it is ready to kill you.

A few people were flattered to see Aoyu invite themselves to the table, and their mood improved a bit. Originally, they should know that they are also godfathers. Although their territory is less than that of Zhetian, they are not weak, and weak countries are other organizations. They don't look like this at all, they are humble and groveling, but there is no way they are covering the sky, this perverted organization, as a mafia family that has stood for a hundred years, of course it cannot be as simple as a pure underworld. There are many masters in the world, but it is because of their many masters that they lose the courage to fight against the sky.Because these elders who are usually omnipotent in their eyes, these masters with superhuman abilities, all tell them not to mess with Zhe Tian, ​​or they are going to collect their own corpses, and the family will be waiting to perish. These masters Tell them clearly that there are tens of thousands of people who are more powerful than themselves, how can they not be frightened, you must know that even the powerful European Dark Council does not have such great energy, nor did the elders of their own family make such an evaluation, From this we can see the horror that covers the sky.

Aoyu started to talk after a few girls refilled their drinks, Aoyu didn’t talk nonsense, he knew that everyone was smart, nonsense was a waste of time, and Aoyu didn’t like beating around the bush, so he said: " I believe you are all aware of the time transfer of our Zhetian, and it must have aroused your dissatisfaction." Several people said repeatedly: "No, no, how could that happen." Although they said this, their expressions were obviously Said, you just know, we were all scared to death by you, who knows what you are going to do.Aoyu also saw it, but he didn't point it out, he just smiled and continued: "No, it's fine, hehe, don't worry about it, we just think that there are so many Japanese in America now, and they all It's rubbish. As good citizens of the United States, we should help this country and clean up the rubbish." As soon as Aoyu's words came out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and almost everyone thought at the same time: "Boss, when did you say that?"'s scary.

"They don't have any objection to Zhetian's plan to deal with those Japanese. They all know that the young godfather of Zhetian is a Chinese, and as a Chinese, how can he not have hatred for Little Japan? That's why Zhetian will be like this I am not surprised to be them, but rather happy. You must know that these Japanese people usually hate them as a mere formality and have to let them go temporarily. Besides, although these guys are not very powerful, it is not difficult to eliminate their own losses It will be small, after all, there are many people in this group... But now they are not opposed to Zhetian coming forward, although this may allow Zhetian's power to extend into their territory, but this is nothing to do, it is better than Let Zhetian directly deal with him. Several people quickly expressed their approval of Zhetian's behavior, and began to scold the Japanese, saying that they are so shameless, and how they are in China. Incest, from the Emperor of Japan to Japanese prostitutes let them scold them as worthless, and they also said how much their ancestors hated Japan, and how much they despised the Japanese. The only thing they appreciate in Japan is the great AV art in Japan. For this, these godfathers think that they are not as good as Japan in the United States. After all, the title of the most obscene nation in the world is not available to ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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