Chapter 102 Is this also called negotiation?

Several godfathers even forgot that there was Aoyu next to them, and there were business discussions, and they were completely immersed in the selfless discussion. The godfather of the Kuke family said: "Enen, the Japanese are really rubbish, mother's sneak attack back then One of the heirs of our family in Pearl Harbor was training there, and was killed by these little Japanese sneak attacks. He was my grandfather’s uncle. At that time, the genius of our Kuke family was killed by these Japanese Yes, our whole family hates them. If these little Japanese were not for some special reasons, we would have wiped them out long ago." The remaining two people don't think so. Are those prodigal sons? Are there geniuses? They must be idiots, but even idiots can’t die in the hands of little Japan, how embarrassing it is.” Some of the godfathers of the Lanson family also said at this time, “Damn, these Japanese They are all beasts. My grandfather’s brother’s friend’s eldest brother’s second aunt’s cousin’s son’s uncle’s sister was raped by these Japanese. They also used my uncle’s wife’s uncle’s uncle’s brother to do it Bacterial testing, what the hell is not a thing.

"At this moment, several people looked at the godfather of the Lanson family depressedly. He was obviously confused by his words. My God, what kind of thing is this? It doesn't seem to be your business, but at the moment they are immersed in contempt The Japanese didn't say much. When the two godfathers continued to despise Japan's shamelessness, the godfather of the Bill family seemed more proud, and he said proudly: "Hey, these little Japanese can eat us The Bill family has suffered a lot, so let me tell you that the two atomic bombs that are still in Japan were originally sponsored by our Bill family, hehe. "The other two godfathers did not show weakness and told how their ancestors attacked the Japanese, how their family hated the Japanese, and even studied together how to deal with the Japanese, and what the US government should do to the Japanese. The species is extinct, and the Japanese should use bacterial weapons or something.

After a while, a few godfathers found out depressedly that these Japanese are really rubbish, but when did I hate Japan so much?Aoyu was also dumbfounded. Originally, he thought he hated the Japanese enough, but after looking at these godfathers, he realized that his hatred for the Japanese was not deep enough and needs to be strengthened. However, the only thing Aoyu is depressed about is, Where did they come to hate the Japanese so much?Of course, the contempt and hatred for the Japanese are part of their hearts, but the main thing is to please this godfather who overshadows the sky. After all, Aoyu is a little less involved in the WTO, and he is too young to see this, although Aoyu is already very shameless, but compared with these people, he is still much worse.Looking at Aoyu's expression, you are very satisfied, at least you have won the approval of the young Chinese godfather, so they despised the Japanese even harder, and began to praise China, saying that the Chinese are outstanding, what? China has a long history, Chinese culture is superb, China is beautiful and rich, Chinese people are so selfless and so on, the Chinese people have become angels, and other countries have become devils, which made Aoyu depressed, Although I am Chinese, is China really as good as they say?Is it because I don't know China well enough?Mark looked at the performance of these guys, and really had the urge to rush up and flatten them. These guys are so shameless as the godfather, which is really embarrassing to the United States. As an American, Mark feels blushed to have such a compatriot. .

Aoyu saw that the situation continued and he didn't know what they were going to say, so he had no choice but to stop him, and Aoyu said: "Several, few, we all know about the shamelessness of the Japanese, as for how I despise them so much, I think we will have a chance to talk about it in the future, now let's talk about the business, since several and several families hate the Japanese so much, then on behalf of Zhetian, I invite you to talk about the Japanese people in the United States together. The Japanese gangsters will cleanse and drive all the Japanese forces out of the United States, how about it?" Seeing Aoyu say this, the godfathers knew that this was the theme of the day, but they quickly agreed. Good impression, since Zhetian takes the lead, of course he agrees, but the distribution of benefits makes a few people depressed, what will happen to the territory at that time?Seeing the worries of several godfathers, Aoyu said: "Our action this time is to clean up the Japanese in our own territory. Of course, the main force is ours. Let's do it first. As long as everyone When the time comes, it will be fine to cut off their retreat, and then each will stabilize their own territory. "After hearing Aoyu's words, several people breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the godfather of the Bill family said: "Well, since the godfather of Aotian Your Shrouding Organization is responsible for the main battle, so I think we should also express it. On behalf of the Bill family, I announce that all the income from this battle will be contributed to the Shrouding Organization as the reward for this time. We just need to clear the territory The Japanese in the country will do. "The godfather of the Bill family has his own ideas when he says this. After all, it is the beginning of the sky, and they have undertaken the main battle, so they have to pay as much as they want. Of course, the territory can't be done, but the money is enough. No problem, the Bill family has plenty of money, so it doesn't matter.But what he said caused dissatisfaction with the remaining two. This guy has a lot of money from the Japanese. This guy doesn’t care, but if he said it like this, it means that he didn’t contribute. These two godfathers are so depressed, I really want to Take the bastard Bill out and shoot him.But now that they have come to this point, they can't evade it and simply say generously that all the money belongs to Zhetian.And Mark, who doesn't like the Japanese himself, immediately expressed his support for this operation on behalf of the U.S. government, and guaranteed that the Japanese would not receive any assistance from the outside. organization to facilitate their movement.Mark's words also made several people very satisfied. After all, with the support of the government, there will be much less trouble, and there is no need to worry about the problems of the media and civilians. Although they can't help, they are at least a trouble.Aoyu was very satisfied with the generosity of the godfathers, so they started chatting about some household matters, and a negotiation ended in the midst of the dinner. Although not everyone was happy, at least it looked like this on the surface.So a satisfactory negotiation ended. When the godfathers left, Senge came up and said to Aoyu: "This...young master...are we negotiating?" Aoyu has no negotiation experience, but he also Knowing this is indeed a bit... well... But he still bite the bullet and said: "Uh... this... it should be..."

(End of this chapter)

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