Chapter 113 Las Vegas Big Gamble

Of course, the spectator who is a member of the Cook family can't bear the other party's arrogant behavior. You must know that although he has a low status in the Cook family, the people who come here will not treat him like this even if they are billionaires. Talking, and those little bastards are very flattering to him, usually the big brother comes and the big brother goes, how can he bear the other party's words, but just when he got angry and was about to find someone to teach the other party, he saw the other party The mark on the collar suddenly lost confidence. Everyone knows that although the Kuke family is huge, it is still incomparable with men like Zhetian. What's more, because of the arms incident, Zhetian is looking for an excuse to do something against the Kuke family. This kind of thing offended the other party and gave Zhe Tian an excuse, then he would be guilty of a big crime.So he hurriedly put away the arrogant attitude just now, put on a warm face and said: "Okay, okay... I understand, then please have fun with your lady." He heard it at this time, Mary called there, "Who will help me, I don't know how to play this game, I always lose..." This guy is quite sensible, Lima ordered a few beauties around him to help, Mary and the others , to introduce them to how to play various gambling machines, his current thoughts are "Hurry up and let these aunts and grandmas have enough fun, I can't serve them when I leave, and if I can't do something wrong, I can just play."

"Of course this guy is not an idiot, and he won't handle such a thing by himself. He sent someone to greet Mary and the others, and then sent someone to notify the district supervisor. Of course, the guards from Zhetian discovered the other party. This is not a very clever little move, but they did not stop it. With the strength of the Kuke family, even if all their elders dispatched their group, they are still capable of protecting the ladies, not to mention that the great godfather is still there. The adults can wipe out the rubbish with just a few fingers, so they still wait for Mary and the others to order. Aoyu has already entered the second floor, and this place is obviously different from the back. The facilities here are obvious. It's a level higher than the one below. There are rows of various gambling tables, and many people are playing. Although they don't gamble very much, you can tell how serious they are by looking at their devoted expressions. There are men and women here, obviously higher class than those playing gambling machines downstairs, most of them belong to the white-collar level, many of them are tourists from Las Vegas, and some come here specially Try your luck, there are always happy people and thick people. Of course, it can be seen from the waitresses here that it is much more advanced than the first floor, because the waitresses here are obviously much more beautiful than those on the first floor.

Aoyu didn't intend to let go of the Kuke family when he came this time. Aoyu is confident that he can close this casino with his own ability. Of course, it needs to use his own ability. Luck can close the doors of other people's casinos. In that case, Aoyu doesn't need to practice, and he can directly become a god by touching millions of years of skill with luck.Aoyu exchanged tens of thousands of chips, and then came to a Russian roulette wheel with Susan in his arms. Looking at the roulette wheel that kept rolling on the gaming table, Aoyu gave up a piece after observing it a few times. Going up, the result is of course Aoyu won. After playing a few games, Aoyu already has 10,000+ dollars. For Aoyu, this is just the beginning. He thinks that Russian roulette is not interesting, so he might as well go there to play Compress the size.But at the moment, Susan who was beside him shouted excitedly and said: "Aoyu, you are so amazing, you have won 10,000+ so quickly, if it were me, I would definitely not be able to.

"You must know that although Susan has never been short of money since joining Aoyu, she is still very excited that Aoyu won more than ten dollars so quickly. After all, the money came in too quickly, of course she didn't know My little man can get money tens of thousands of times faster than this...Susan's cry is inevitable, and it has attracted the attention of many people. You must know that the handsome and beautiful images of the two of them want people not to pay attention It's hard, plus Susan's cry, although Aoyu didn't do anything, but at this time the two of them have become the focus of the casino, of course, many beautiful women's affectionate and silent eyes and many perverts' lewd eyes are also unavoidable When it fell on the two of them, Susan saw that her exclamation had attracted so much attention, she blushed immediately, but Aoyu was still relatively calm, after all, even tens of thousands of younger brothers had faced it, let alone this little guy Aoyu smiled at the people around him, then naturally walked to the gaming table with the sieve in his arms, looked at the croupier in front of him, and started shaking the sieve with his hand, then suddenly put it down, The people on the table began to bet individually, Aoyu smiled and threw all the chips in his hand to the side with big characters on the table, and then said: "I bet big.

"Sure enough, the result was not what Aoyu expected. It was big. Just like that, Aoyu started his first official gambling in his life. The chips around him began to double and double, and in a short while, there were more than 1000 million US dollars. , At this time, the croupier has already started to sweat profusely. The handsome young man on the opposite side bets seventeen big hands in a row. Dizzy, the other party is either super lucky or a master, but as a person who has been in the casino for several years, this beautiful He Guan obviously does not believe that the other party is all luck, so it is obvious that the other party is a master. Such The situation was no longer something he could handle, so the croupier clearly chose to avoid it and let the masters in charge of the casino handle this matter. It's not like I haven't seen such a thing before, and some people won more than ten hands in a row, and they were all defeated in the end. The masters in the casino were cleaned up. Of course, the handsome boy opposite him made me dizzy. I was really reluctant to let the masters of the casino deal with him, but obviously this was not something I could decide. After all, my wealth and life were more important.

So the beautiful croupier had no choice, and she said in her sexy voice: "Sir, I think it's time for me to get off work, if you want, we will invite another croupier to come, I don't know What's your opinion? "Actually, this beautiful woman is quite kind-hearted. This is obviously telling Aoyu that I can no longer bet with you for a while, and there will be more powerful masters coming, so you should go.Of course Aoyu understood what the other party meant, so he smiled kindly and said: "Well, that's good, then I'll wait for the other croupiers to come." The meaning, but she still behaved like this, which made her very helpless. Is he really that confident in his skills?The beauty thought.But at this time, there is obviously no time for her to think about it, because someone has already come here. This guy is a recognizable beauty. He is a master of the casino. It is said that he is a master-level sieve master. No one has ever beaten him. It is said that this guy used to be a well-known sieve master in the world, but he had no choice but to run here because he offended someone who could not be offended. He sought help from the casino owner, the Cook family. .The person that the beauty wanted to come might be some ordinary masters, so this handsome boy whom she liked might still have a chance, but when she saw this person coming, the beauty had already started to mourn for Aoyu, in her eyes Aoyu was Lost.

(End of this chapter)

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