Chapter 114 Las Vegas Big Gamble

But obviously our protagonist Aoyu didn't have this awareness. Aoyu looked at this guy who seemed to be a master-level master, but Aoyu didn't realize how powerful the opponent was. It's nothing, but this guy Aoyu obviously didn't think about his perverted skills, the other party's ability is already B-level in his mouth, such a person can be called a master anywhere.The gambling started soon, and the new croupier who looked like a master said: "Sir, do you still want to bet?" Aoyu nodded with a smile, and threw all the chips up, the croupier He began to shake it confidently, and soon the croupier put down his hand, and said confidently: "Sorry, guest, you lost, 1, 2, 3, small." Aoyu looked at the other party with a half-smile and said : "Are you sure? Then open it and have a look..." The croupier confidently opened the top cover, but to his surprise, the sieves on the table were 5, 5, 6, big. I can't accept it. Could it be that the skills I have practiced for decades suddenly failed?Let that kid run into him?At this time, he obviously didn't realize that Aoyu is also a master, a supreme master, of course he can't be blamed for this, after all it is difficult to find Aoyu's aura with his level.

So just like this, he fired several times in a row. At the beginning, he didn't use his abilities, but relied on his years of skills to fight against the opponent, but later he had to give up his absolute confidence in his skills , and switched to using a power he hadn't used for a long time, but the result disappointed him, it was still 5, 5, 6, big.He has already used this point several times, which made it impossible for him to believe that the other party was relying on luck. He clearly realized that the other party was a master, an absolute master.Reluctantly, he lowered his head and said: "Sir, you are very good, I lost..." Aoyu said with a smile: "There is nothing to lose, continue..." The other party raised his lowered head again and said: "Sir, you don't understand the rules of the casino, do you? Sometimes you should stop when you win enough. Don't go too far, or you will suffer a loss. I respect you for being a master. Let's go."

"But Aoyu obviously didn't care, he still said with a smile: "It's okay, let's continue..." But the croupier had no choice but to continue playing with Aoyu, and soon Aoyu had won tens of billions of dollars, which made everyone around Everyone, including Susan, opened their mouths wide, and the eyes of the people next to Aoyu were different. Including the two croupiers who gambled with Aoyu, they all looked at Aoyu with dead eyes. From their point of view, although this handsome young man has top-notch skills, he is too incapable of being a human being. It is obviously impossible for the casino to let him go. This guy is dead. Many people feel sorry for him, and of course more The beautiful woman beside me feels sorry, what a beautiful woman, it is a pity that with such a man, the rest of her life will be over. However, the two parties did not realize this, Aoyu continued his gambling, and Susan hugged happily Aoyu kissed fiercely. In her opinion, Aoyu is really capable. Although the kind-hearted Susan knew that Aoyu was the leader of Zhetian, according to Aoyu's explanation, Zhetian became a perfect security company. They make a living on expenses, and because Zhetian's security guards are doing very well, many places are employing them, so Zhetian is very famous in the United States.

For the kind-hearted Susan, she obviously believed it, and this can also understand why the school would send money to Zhetian every month. It turned out to be protection fees, (Aoyu is really shameless) but Aoyu also has a clear conscience Yes, Zhetian is indeed security~~Protecting them is a higher level than security, and the security fee is of course the protection fee. As for those who follow Aoyu in Zhengtian, they are the personnel of their company. In Aoyu’s words, they are anyway If you have to spend money to support them when you have nothing to do, it's better to let them be bodyguards with you, but the kind girl obviously didn't think that a rich man would bring hundreds of people to the street.In fact, among Aoyu's women, only Huoyu and Xia Xue knew his details, and the others only knew that Aoyu was rich and had many subordinates, and they didn't know what Aoyu really did.For Aoyu's unconscious behavior, Susan, who doesn't know much about casinos, also has no awareness. She just feels that the people around her see her and Aoyu in a different way, but she can understand this kind of vision. After spending tens of billions of dollars, his eyes are definitely weirder than theirs.

At this time, the person in charge of the casino has received a report from his subordinates that a guy has won tens of billions of dollars, and it is still going on. The casino's usual rule for such a person is to wait for him to go out and deal with it, but today he dare not do that Many, at least find out the identity of the other party first, because today is very unusual. Today, several sons and young masters from internationally renowned consortiums came to gamble in the VIP room, and the more overshadowing ladies were on the first floor. Playing slot machines... He didn't dare to offend these Gods of Wealth and those aunts who covered the sky, and he couldn't be sure who the one who won the money was.So today he made a special request to watch the video of the other party. At this time, he was drinking coffee in the office, smoking a cigar, and stroking the plump breasts of the female secretary by the way, but when he saw the handsome boy on the screen, his hands The cigar dropped instantly, the coffee was overturned, and the big hand that was stroking the female secretary also stiffened on the firmness of the beautiful secretary.

Because he saw the person on the screen, the person he remembers the most, that taboo in the whole of America...a person who cannot be offended...the godfather who shrouds the sky...this frightened him, where is this man coming from? No, he just came here. The Cook family has more than one casino in Las Vegas. How could he come here? He obviously has nothing to do with the godfather of Zhetian. He dare not hurry up. Please, please. He doesn't move, and he has to let the other party play, but if he continues to play like this, the casino will be closed today, no... I'm afraid the family will let him win and close down, because this master has already won several times in just one hour. It's tens of billions of dollars. This is all the money in the casino. He can't be allowed to play any longer, but the question of how to invite him away makes him face a difficult problem.At this time, his beautiful secretary and mistress couldn't help but speak when she saw his expression.The beautiful secretary asked suspiciously: "What's going on? Is there something that makes you unhappy?" As she spoke, she tried to show her charming side, and tried to pull down her chest clothes so that the other party could see it more conveniently. But her tried and tested trick, as long as a little time, the other party will fall into her arms.But today this move obviously didn't work, but for the beauty, the person in charge of the casino told her the reason very helplessly.

This beautiful secretary is not very stupid, she immediately came up with a solution, and she smiled and said: "This is not easy, isn't it just a few sons from world-renowned consortiums today? Let's let this godfather go and They made a bet that they won't make us look bad and won't offend him, so let those young masters suffer. Even if they find out, will they still dare to trouble Zhetian?" The person in charge said to his beautiful secretary Satisfied with the idea, he immediately burst into a smile, and began to unruly reach into the skirt of the beautiful woman. At the same time, he ordered his subordinates to do this matter. Of course, he did not tell his subordinate Aoyu's identity, because he was afraid of these useless things. Knowing the other party's identity, he can't even stand up straight, but in fact, isn't he himself?However, he still told his subordinates that they must be respectful, this is to organize a very important guest, to avoid this group of ignorant subordinates, if they do something wrong and offend the master, then it will be troublesome.Soon the supervisor here came to Aoyu according to the order of the person in charge, and said respectfully: "Sir, do you want to change the place, I think you will like it there. A few sons from the world consortium came to us today, they I'm in the box on the third floor. I don't know if you are interested. Our person in charge would like to invite you to come and play.

"For what the other party said, Aoyu didn't want to agree at first. According to his original idea, today he will ruin the Kuke family, but after thinking about it, this is just their casino. If they play too hard They will throw away the car to protect the handsome, and it will not be worthwhile to abandon this casino. Besides, didn’t he say that there are a few sons of world-class consortiums coming here to play? Then go and have fun yourself. So Aoyu said : "Well, well, then you lead the way. "Just like that, Aoyu followed the director and took Susan to the box upstairs, leaving behind a series of dazed people. They didn't understand why the always proud casino director was so respectful to this young man. Maybe he really Not ordinary people, no wonder they dare to be so arrogant, it turns out there is a backstage. Under the guidance of the supervisor, Aoyu and the others came to the third floor, the door of a large luxury box, the supervisor opened the door for Aoyu, and brought Aoyu and the others in , Said to the people inside: "Gentlemen, this is Mr. China who wants to play with everyone. "The supervisor introduced him one by one: "These are all sons of world-renowned consortiums. "He pointed to a short Asian man and said:" This is the eldest son of the Japanese Mitsubishi consortium, Mitsubishi Xiufu.

"The Japanese man looked at Aoyu proudly and said:" Chinaman, do you have money?We don't play with the poor. "Although the other people didn't say anything, their expressions also expressed their meaning. It seems that they also doubt Aoyu's financial ability. After all, Aoyu and Susan are dressed very casually, although they are very suitable and beautiful. , but in the eyes of these guys, this is the performance of the poor." Aoyu said indifferently, and said: "I am in a good mood today, or else I will let you go to the west based on what you little Japanese said. "Mitsubishi embroidery husband said angrily: "Baka, what are you talking about, Chinaman?" Then he said angrily to the supervisor: "What's the matter with you, you brought people in casually, and you should drive him out quickly." The supervisor is depressed, but he also knows where he should help. Although these guys are rich, they are just customers, and this Chinese who doesn't know the details doesn't know where he came from, but it depends on the attitude of the person in charge. , he also understands that this person cannot be offended.

So the supervisor also rarely said forcefully: "I'm sorry, Mr. Mitsubishi Shifu, this is a distinguished guest of our Kuke family, I can't drive him out, and he is definitely rich, so you can rest assured, not to mention the value of this gentleman , He has already won tens of billions of dollars with us just now, I think that alone is enough to play with you." Mrs. Mitsubishi saw that the supervisor was so tough, so he couldn't say anything, but said: "China, you wait Come on, I'll let you go bankrupt." After finishing speaking, he looked lewdly at Susan next to Aoyu, as if the beauty beside him after Aoyu went bankrupt was his own.The supervisor then introduced the remaining few people, namely the eldest son of the German Volkswagen Group, the son of an Arab oil tycoon, and a young Korean Kim Jong-su. Although the supervisor did not introduce the identity of the other party, Aoyu knew that this young Korean It is the highest status among this group of people, because this group of people keeps a distance from this Korean youth, especially the Mitsubishi embroidery husband, and this Kim Jong-su has strength that is not weak compared to ordinary people, probably He has the level of a top expert, and Aoyu is also very appreciative for reaching this level at his age.

What makes Aoyu feel good is that when he just entered the door, this Kim Jong-su didn't look at him with disdainful eyes to the others, and even looked at Susan next to him lewdly. Aoyu felt that the other party was a handy person.After the performance of the supervisor just now, the rest of the people no longer look down on Aoyu, after all, the guests of the Kuke family are not ordinary people, so they all greeted Aoyu politely.Aoyu also responded politely one by one. At this time, Aoyu found out that the women who are attached to them around these people are all popular celebrities. It seems that these celebrities must be taken care of by these guys. Don't despise them, in Aoyu's view, such behavior is self-inflicted... Such gold diggers are more annoying to Aoyu than prostitutes, Aoyu looks at them and thinks that there are many artists under his Huanyu banner, it seems It is necessary to rectify them when we go back, so as not to embarrass ourselves.But at this time, Aoyu didn't have the heart to think about other things, because the gambling game had already started, and he was playing the most traditional poker. It is said that he can play, if usually Aoyu can play with them slowly, but now Aoyu doesn't think so, just based on what the little Japanese said just now, Aoyu will let him go naked today Get out, or you will be sorry to the masses of the people.

So at this time Aoyu shamelessly used his ability, but before that, Aoyu still let that little Japan win a few games, let him be happy first, and then make him cry again, in Aoyu's opinion The higher the climb, the more painful the fall, and the most painful is the extreme joy to the extreme sorrow.Sure enough, that damned Japanese pig, Mitsubishi Xiufu won several games with Aoyu's intentional or unintentional help, and the expressions of the people around him began to change. Only Jin Zhengxu and Aoyu still looked normal, the difference was that Frowning, the movement is very subtle. Even if ordinary people see it, they may not be able to find it, but who is Aoyu, of course Aoyu saw all this, and smiled in his heart: "It seems that this guy is also very depressed, hehe, after all. Whoever loses so much money will not feel better.

"Aoyu still understands Kim Jong-su's performance. This is normal. It's strange that someone won more than one billion dollars and doesn't even show any expression. However, there is only Aoyu present besides Mitsubishi Xiu The person still has a smile on his face. In the eyes of other people, this Chinese person is either an idiot or too rich. That’s why he is like this. Kim Jong-su is also very surprised, after all, Aoyu’s performance is so special, especially him They are at a loss. You must know that even though you have seen calm people, you have never seen such calm people. This makes Jin Zhengxu look at Aoyu with puzzled and curious eyes. Who is this Chinese? How could it be? With such a calm personality, he didn't panic even after losing more than a billion dollars. Did he have some strange tricks that didn't work or didn't he care at all? These questions kept circling in Kim Jong-su's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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