Chapter 115

Kim Jong-su couldn't find any breakthrough in Aoyu, so he turned his attention to the beautiful Caucasian beauty next to the Chinese boy. In Kim Jong-su's view, this Chinese is so calm that it is impossible to find any breakthrough from him. , so he had no choice but to turn to the woman next to him, Kim Jong-su doesn't believe that if his woman really loves him, she won't care if he wins or loses?That's impossible... unless that woman doesn't love him at all.Of course, this kind of problem has been ruled out by Jin Zhengxu when Susan and Aoyu entered the house. There is no such possibility. You must know that although Jin Zhengxu is not a pervert, he is also experienced. Is that woman's eyes full of love? Maybe it's a fake, if she can also fake this look, Kim Jong-su can guarantee that this woman is definitely better than those movie queens, and movie stars are better at acting. She can go to Hollywood to develop, and she will definitely become famous in one fell swoop.So with the woman's loving eyes, Kim Jong-su can guarantee that the two of them really love each other, at least the woman loves this man, but when he looked at Susan, his self-confidence was once again affected. It was a blow, because Susan didn't show any uneasiness because Aoyu lost more than a billion dollars. In her opinion, the money was won anyway, even if she lost, it's okay, not to mention the most important thing is that she believes in Aoyu. Yu, Aoyu will definitely win.

Seeing Susan's expression in Kim Jong-su's eyes, he had to doubt his self-confidence. For the first time in his life, he was shaken. He couldn't see through the two people in front of him, couldn't see through each other's background, and couldn't see through himself. Kim Jong-soo never provokes someone like him, because that doesn't mean he will get into any trouble.Soon Kim Jong-su withdrew from the gambling game. In his opinion, since the Chinese man said tonight that he had ruined Mitsubishi's husband, there must be some basis for it, and he didn't need to get involved.After a few bets, the remaining two also withdrew from the game. Although they had money, they could not lose any more, otherwise they would not be able to explain to the family.In this way, only Mitsubishi Xiufu and Aoyu are left on the gambling table. Mitsubishi Xiufu has won more than 600 billion US dollars at this moment, so he is naturally very happy, touching and chewing on the popular star beside him, it seems He was so happy that he said confidently: "Haha, Chinaman, today I will let you lose your fortune and send the little beauty by your side, haha." Aoyu listened to Mitsubishi's husband , a cold light flashed in his eyes, Aoyu was obviously murderous when he heard the other party's words, but he quickly disappeared, and said jokingly: "Really? Just you? Although I lost more than 200 billion US dollars, I But throwing my money can kill you, you can't win in this life, let's continue.

"Aoyu's words attracted the attention of several people around. God, if he dared to say such a thing, then his assets could be imagined. They didn't think the other party was bragging, because it was impossible for the VIP of the Kuoke family to be like this, so the only one The conclusion is that this mysterious Chinese youth is indeed very rich, and it is a terrifying number, which makes them have to wonder if this Chinese youth is the heir of an ancient family in the East. You must know that there are several successors in the ancient East. Families that have existed for thousands of years, the wealth and power of these families are unimaginable. Their power has surpassed many famous upper groups. Naturally, their horror is not self-evident... At this time, the eyes of several people looking at Aoyu Everything has changed... From a little disdain at the beginning to respect, real respect, not complicated at all. Aoyu is very funny when he looks at the confident Japanese opposite him. Help him, he has been laid off a long time ago, there is nothing to play at all, this guy's level and his stinky luck make me help him cheat almost every game, this time it's okay, don't worry about this idiot, it should be It's time to end. So Aoyu said to Mitsubishi Xiufu: "Then, little Japan, let's start... Win or lose. "Speaking, Aoyu took out the check book, signed it, tore it off and put it on the table and said: "Swiss bank cashier's check, 2000 billion US dollars, you can take it for verification at any time, and if I lose, it's all yours. All the money I have on you is mine, and then... you go out naked.

"Aoyu uttered harsh words all of a sudden, expressing his thoughts, and let Mr. Mitsubishi choose. At this moment, Mr. Mitsubishi was already attracted by the check on the table. If you verify it yourself, then the other party must have so much money. You know, more than 2000 billion U.S. dollars. This figure is about to catch up with all the properties of Mitsubishi Group. The total assets are this amount, but it does not mean that there is so much cash, not to mention that there is a younger brother in my family, and my father is still more inclined to the younger brother. Whether the family assets can fall into my hands is still a problem, which makes the Mitsubishi embroidery husband How can we not be crazy. Mitsubishi Shifu thinks the opponent's conditions are too generous. If he loses, he will run naked, plus the company of more than 600 billion US dollars. If he wins, he will develop himself. In the face of huge benefits, Mitsubishi Xiufu succumbed , he agreed to Aoyu's request, and asked several people present and the casino side to be witnesses.

In this way, the life-and-death round began. Mitsubishi Shifu is still very confident in himself. After all, he has won so many games in a row. He believes that Amaterasu will bless him, and the goddess of luck will patronize him again and let him win. this gamble.But the poor Mitsubishi embroiderer obviously didn't expect that the so-called goddess of luck turned out to be the Chinese who was against him on the opposite side. Tens of billions of dollars to lose.In this way, the professionals in the casino began to deal the cards, and the cards were sent to the two people one by one. The lady who dealt the cards was also terrified. After all, she had never encountered such a big game in her life. Is she nervous?So her hands that dealt the cards were already trembling slightly.

Soon the cards were sent to the hands of the two of them. Mitsubishi Xiufu's head was already sweating, obviously his cards were not satisfactory, which made him very nervous, but Aoyu was still so tepid, As if this gamble has nothing to do with him, the $2000 billion is not his.Soon the result of the bet came out, Mitsubishi embroiderer fell on the chair with a face ashen, he never thought that the goddess of luck would not patronize him, making him go bankrupt not only lost the tens of billions of dollars he had won, but also And even the 200 billion US dollars that the company came to the United States to develop this time was also lost. He had already imagined the scene after he went back, and his father would definitely not let him go.But at this moment there is still one thing he has to face, Aoyu has already helped him to speak, "Okay, people in the casino, you can figure it out... send this gentleman out according to the request just now." Several staff members rushed up, dragged Mr. Mitsubishi outside and tore his clothes to make sure that he walked to the street naked. Mr. Mitsubishi was still naked and left the casino, dragged away the next day. Major newspapers in Las Vegas competed to report that the news of "Japanese madman running naked in Las Vegas" made the Japanese government lose face, and the involved Mitsubishi embroidered husband was secretly executed by his family after returning, even if he was as strong as the Japanese People can't afford to lose this face.

(End of this chapter)

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