Chapter 156 The Terrible Economic Offensive ([-])

Under Lin Yan's operation, hundreds of millions of funds were collected from all over the world through Huanyu. In just one week, all parts of the world were concentrated in Lin Yan's hands. Of course, it is impossible to hide such a big move from those who are interested. After all, such a move is too big, and it is difficult for them to care about such a large amount of funds. After all, Huanyu mobilized such a huge amount of funds and also affected them. The withdrawal of such a huge amount of funds has caused prices around the world to rise. This country has to send a lot of manpower and material resources, as well as spend a lot of money to stabilize people's hearts and avoid unnecessary panic.At the same time, they also sent a large number of people to investigate the movement of Huanyu to mobilize this batch of funds. You must know that such a huge amount of funds even exceeds the treasury of a big country. It will be troublesome if the funds are used against themselves. No country is confident that it can withstand such a huge financial offensive alone, so they are afraid. They start to try their best to understand the real purpose and trend of the universe, and expect to get something from it news so that you can get something out of it or keep yourself safe.

Of course, there are also quite a few guys who have bad intentions. It would be a lie to say that they are not interested in such a huge amount of funds. Countless gangs and terrorist organizations are controlling the movement of the funds. They want to wait for the owner of the funds to arrive. Take away all the money together, so that they can live a life of superiority in this life, but when they learn that this money of theirs is controlled by Huanyu, most of them give up this tempting idea, after all Nothing is more important than your own life, if your life is gone, what do you need money for?Everyone knows that behind Huanyu is Zhetian, and if you move Huanyu, you will move Zhetian. Want to survive under Zhetian's pursuit?Unless you are a god.However, there are still many people who are not afraid of death have made up their minds and wanted to do something, but the news that came later made them completely give up, because Zhetian released the news. Confidence was about to kidnap the head of the household, and then the people who got the information from him gave up completely. They didn't have the courage to directly face those miraculous elites from the underground world. In the hands of a mysterious godfather, they didn't have the confidence to dare to challenge the authority of the legendary god-like person, so they had no choice but to give up.

After the mobilization of funds was completed, the operation to cover the sky was launched under Lin Yan's control. The first thing those South American countries faced was a large number of cargo ships that prohibited importing materials to them, which caused a huge impact on their domestic shipping industry. Prices also began to rise partially. Of course, such things have happened before. It may be caused by some reasons, so they don't really care about it. They just send people to investigate and send funds to stabilize prices.But then the next day, 3% of the domestic transportation industry announced a suspension of operations. Airplanes flying to various parts of the world in several countries were attacked to varying degrees, and some were even blown up. The country was in panic, and at this time there were 40 Several fleets announced that they would not conduct any business with several countries. They absolutely transported the exports and all imports of these countries. For a while, the economies of several countries suddenly became tense, and the national mood was extremely unstable.Then misfortunes never come singly. When several countries failed to handle the affairs here, countless media began to report the inside story of the country, parliamentarians took bribes, the dark system of the police station, the president took care of women, and the ICAC was corrupted by these media one by one. report out.

For some reason, those media who were originally buying the country’s account all changed their direction overnight and started attacking the government. They also reported the news of rising prices in the country and the backlog of goods that could not be exported. This caused chaos in the country, and people began to hoard some daily necessities in large quantities. And food, the country is tense, and some people have even begun to march and demonstrate against the incompetence of the government.The helpless few economically strong have no choice but to spend a lot of money to import food from nearby poor countries at high prices. You must know that these developed countries basically do not produce food, and all their food depends on imports, so sea transportation cannot be normal and The closure of the general freight company has left them with a lot of toppings. If they didn't have some stocks in the country, they would have collapsed long ago.But just like this, the prices of all things in the country, whether it is clothing, food, housing, or transportation, all began to rise, and the country had to use a large amount of funds to start to stabilize prices, but at this time the storm became more violent, hundreds of millions I planned to invade several countries, began to vigorously purchase their currencies, and used various methods to attack several countries economically. At this time, not only the few countries themselves, but also the surrounding countries and even those international copycats are sensitive. The problem was discovered. Someone deliberately targeted several countries, and whoever this person knew without thinking about it must be the world's number one company that mobilized a large amount of funds a few days ago.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows what this is for. It's not that the so-called joint exercise forces of several countries have acted as the way to overshadow the sky, so Zhetian used this method to put pressure on them and teach them a lesson. Everyone can see this very well. clear.No one needs to tell them what's going on.After all, several countries can be regarded as economically developed countries with strong economic power. Although they spent a lot of money in the early stage to stabilize prices and purchase food, this did not hurt their roots after all. Their power is still strong. Undoubtedly, they still united against Zhetian and launched a major economic counterattack against Huanyu. In their view, Huanyu is known as the world's number one company with countless assets, but no matter what, they are still just a company. Maybe there is so much money compared with these big economic countries like myself, Huanyu simply doesn't have the strength to compete with several countries, as long as you raise your hand, you can break Huanyu to pieces.But obviously their thinking is too naive, the current Huanyu is not what it used to be, the current Huanyu is too strong, the funds are too strong, even surpassing the Bill's family back then, their own is smaller than the situation of several countries without any losses Don't worry too much.

It is precisely because of such misjudgment that several countries lost tens of billions in the economic war against Huanyu in the early stage. Originally, tens of billions in such an economic war is just a trivial matter, and it is nothing at all. No matter who loses them, they can I can bear it, but this kind of mistake is indeed fatal. Those international copycats are simply a bunch of wolves, a bunch of wolves who are very good at making trouble. They saw that several economic countries failed in their first confrontation with Huanyu. They knew at that time that the other party's life might not be long, and it was basically impossible for them to defeat Huanyu.

So they cooperated with Huanyu and started attacking several countries together. With the help of these speculators, Huanyu won one after another. Otherwise, Huanyu made a lot of money, and it also made those speculators make a lot of money , Such a situation has attracted countless funds to attack several economic countries, and even those countries that have been condemning malicious economic attacks in the media have secretly mobilized a large amount of funds to take advantage of this opportunity. With the help of these people, Huanyu quickly shattered the economic union of these countries, and the economies of several countries almost collapsed overnight.If Huanyu continues like this, the economic collapse of several countries will happen sooner or later. It is the economy and industry that feeds. If the economic system collapses for the universe, then their country will die sooner or later. This is a scene they don't want to see.

So helpless, they had no choice but to propose a compromise condition to Zhetian. They acquiesced that Zhetian's troops entered South America through the Panama Canal, and withdrew their so-called joint military exercise troops, withdrew from the alliance, and agreed to Zhetian's entry into their territory , but their final condition is that Zhetian cannot infiltrate more than [-]% of the government personnel. This is their final bottom line, otherwise they would rather die than die.After thinking about this, Aoyu still agreed. After all, there is no loss to Zhetian. Zhetian is a gangster and not a political party. Thirty percent of the government personnel are enough, and Aoyu even has too much free time. Such a huge and terrifying economic offensive ended when the two sides reached an agreement.

Even Huanyu, which originally attacked several economic countries, suddenly joined forces with the economic systems of several countries to resist those speculative international property raids after making a lot of money. The money I just got in my hands is gone, and I still have nothing to return. Only a small number of people who are not very greedy escaped this catastrophe. The real economic attack is a loser, and no one gets any benefits. The only party that is proud is Huanyu Yes, they not only got a lot of money, but also successfully helped Zhetian enter the plan, which can be described as a real double harvest, for which Lin Yan was a little happy.After all, she helped Aoyu and won countless benefits for Huanyu in this economic offensive, how could she be unhappy?Such a great achievement is beyond the reach of others in a few lifetimes, but she, Lin Yan, managed to make several countries surrender in just one week. How can she not be proud of her?After all, she once single-handedly created the world's largest economic offensive, which can be recorded in history.

(End of this chapter)

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