Chapter 157 Helpless Compromise

With Lin Yan's huge economic pressure, under many factors, those American economic powers finally succumbed to Zhetian's feet. This is beyond their control. In fact, they are also very helpless. This time they played too much, so they had to succumb.Because of Huanyu's economic suppression, the entire South American economy has shrunk. In particular, the economies of these economically powerful countries have almost collapsed under the double blow of Huanyu and international home raids. All walks of life have been hit to varying degrees. There was turmoil, and people took to the streets to protest every day.If they don't agree to Zhetian's request, the heads of state of these countries believe that Huanyu and those international raids will collapse their entire country in just one time, not to mention anything else, just those angry people will be enough to tear them to pieces , So they reluctantly lowered their noble heads to Shatian and Huanyu, in order to ask for forgiveness from the other party, so that they can continue to rule.Of course, although they are already in great danger at this moment, their surrender is still conditional. Zhetian can only account for [-]% of the government's share and no more. This is their only bottom line. As for those public security issues, there are many They don't have time to think about the restrictions on Zhetian at this moment, and they don't have the courage to raise it, because they are afraid that if they mess with Zhetian, they will really be over.

The reason why they dare to make such a request is to let Zhetian only take [-]% of the government's share, because they know that what Zhetian wants is a stable South America, not a South America without a government that is in turmoil, and they They just had this trump card in their hands, so they dared to make such a request. Moreover, such a request is not high. The Skull and Bones in the United States also made such an overwhelming agreement. They also heard about this, so they made it. They believed that Zhetian would not refuse to agree to such a condition, and doing so would benefit everyone, so they made such a request.Sure enough, what they wanted to cover the sky was the same as what they had guessed. What the cover-up wanted was a complete and rich South America, not a barren South America like Africa that was in turmoil. Meaning, and Aoyu really has no plans to enter the political arena, otherwise he would not have concluded such a peace agreement with the Skull and Bones. In Aoyu's eyes, the political arena has nothing to do with it. The rise is simply too simple, just like the current Zhetian can bump into a person as the president of the country anytime and anywhere, it has no meaning at all, and everything is without strength.

And the reason why some government officials are controlled in each place is that politicians make it easier for Zhetian to open the way and provide a protective umbrella for Zhetian's black industry. Although Zhetian does not need such a protective umbrella, it is better than nothing Well, and there are a lot of things that are inconvenient to be done by the underworld. It is more practical and efficient to leave it to those government officials not to do it. That's why Aoyu let Zhetian control a large number of government officials, and these countries in South America The proposed condition of [-]% officials can already meet Zhetian's needs, so Aoyu didn't refute, and very readily sent Senge to agree on his behalf.The secret treaty between the two parties was signed in this way, signed at a secret place and at a secret time, and signed this peace treaty that has affected South America for a hundred years.

On the day when the peace treaty was signed, Lin Yan led Huanyu and those South American economic powers to stop those international confiscators to help them get out of their current predicament, and in the name of Huanyu, they used the fleet under Huanyu to transport a large amount of food to help The people of these countries survived the difficulties. Of course, these things were widely reported by the media under Huanyu. For a while, Huanyu’s authority in these countries in South America even surpassed the government. People are grateful to Huanyu, and even Lin Yan has also become the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in the hearts of the people of South American countries, and the most respected woman in these countries, and the unsmiling chairman of Huanyu has become a figure of the "Tathagata" level. The prestige among the people of the country has reached its peak, and even the people of these countries have abandoned the previous brands when buying products. They only buy things from Huanyu, which has allowed the subsidiaries of Huanyu to develop rapidly in South America. Originally here Huanyu, whose economic strength is not very strong, suddenly became the strongest company in South America, and quickly occupied all walks of life in South America in the next year.On the other hand, after receiving the news that Lin Yan helped them to start a counterattack against international home raids, those South American countries began to notify the elite troops of those countries along the Panama route to return to defense, and announced that they would withdraw from this campaign for various reasons. The alliance, just a few days ago, the South American multinational alliance exercise that was booming a few days ago, only left more than 4 people from the dozen or so poor and small countries, which seemed quite deserted.

The behavior of these countries in South America is obviously anticlimactic. The international media has disclosed their behavior in large quantities, all with a sense of ridicule in their tone, but they have no choice but to withdraw their troops regardless of what the outside world says. More than a dozen countries asked for consultations, so they pulled their troops back to the country in a hurry.At this time, no matter how stupid the remaining heads of state are, they will know that there must be a problem. Thinking of the economic crisis and food crisis that have suddenly appeared in these countries these days, no matter how stupid they are, they will know that there must be something wrong with it. Because of the tricks, from their point of view, the economic strength of these countries is placed there. Even if Shatian and Huanyu want to exert pressure on several countries in an economic way, it is not certain who will win, and even if it works Well, that's not possible for a while, but they didn't expect that Huanyu under Zhetian, a group known as the world's number one enterprise, has reached this point in economic strength, reaching the point where it can compete with several countries, and has defeated them.

This makes your country start to panic. They are afraid. They are afraid that the next target of Zhetian will be them. They are afraid that the universe under the banner of Zhetian will attack them. You must know that they are poor countries, no more than those few economically powerful countries, even those few An economically powerful country was beaten to the ground by others, and finally had to seek peace from others, how could they compete with others with their little economic strength?This is a question that does not need to be considered. The answer is very clear, that is, no, definitely not. They know best how much strength they have. Their current strength does not have the capital to compete with the sky. This is for sure, so they are I was also shaken when I saw several economically powerful countries compromise with Zhetian. They knew what level they were, so they also wanted to compromise with Zhetian. Of course, it is impossible for them not to defend their rights. After all, no one wants to It's nothing to mess with yourself, especially these heads of state who are used to being emperors.Soon the intelligence systems of various countries began to operate crazily, to find out what the conditions of the compromise of several countries are, what is the bottom line that shrouds the sky, what can they do, what kind of demands can they make, These pieces of news are what they desperately want to know.

At this time, the intelligence systems of several countries poured out a lot of money, and used the relationships that are usually hidden and prepared to be used during the war, and those spies who have been hiding for decades, to find out the news, and Huang Tian really paid off. Soon the news came.The conditions for cooperation between Zhetian and several economically powerful countries and the specific situation of the economic war between Zhetian and several countries were passed on to the intelligence agencies of each country, and after sorting out, they were placed on the tables of several heads of state.There are a lot of materials, but after sorting out, they are actually just a few brief sentences, "Huanyu under Zhetian spent 70 trillion US dollars to block several economic powers, and Zhetian's 43 fleets, 120 fleets and 31 subsidiaries The suspension of all cooperation with several economically powerful countries caused their economic turmoil, and a large amount of funds from Jiashanghuanyu hit their markets and international speculation, causing heavy losses to several countries, and their economies almost collapsed. In the end, they were helpless After Geng Zhetian compromised, he was able to get out of the predicament with the help of Huanyu.

"There is another document written like this, which said:" Zhetian was negotiating with several economically powerful countries. Due to the economic offensive in the early stage, the economies of several countries almost collapsed, so they had no choice but to sign with Zhetian under forced circumstances. There is no other content in this peace treaty. Several economic powers did not restrict any behavior of Zhetian, but simply put forward the condition that Zhetian can only control [-]% of the government at most, and Zhetian accepted it. On this condition, the two parties signed the peace treaty at a secret location the day before yesterday. According to the intelligence reality, the news is indeed accurate, and the two parties have no other conditions.

"There is also a report that reads, "Analysis of the bottom line", which was analyzed by the intelligence ministers who are trusted by the presidents of various countries after receiving reports from their subordinates. The content is roughly "according to their 14 intelligence reports. According to the Minister's analysis, Zhe Tian has no intention of invading the political arena, and their main focus is on business and the underworld. As for the government, they have no intention of controlling it. They just want an environment that makes them feel convenient and safe. This can be seen from Zhetian's previous style of work. In their homeland, the United States, they only have a [-]% share of the peace treaty they signed with the Skull and Bones, and they have no intention of expanding to this day. It has been said that the United States is because of Zhetian If there is an agreement with the Skull and Bones Society, and if the Skull and Bones Society is strong but not expanded, then in the land they just occupied in Canada, there is not a strong enough organization to restrict the development of the Sky.However, Zhetian still maintains a [-]% ratio here. The reason why it is said to be [-]% is because most of those guys took refuge here on their own initiative, and Zhetian did not make any wooing at all. For such a phenomenon, Zhetian can't refuse, right? , These individuals are all voluntary, Zhetian is not stupid, in line with the principle of not taking advantage of the bastard, Zhetian of course cannot let it go.

"As a result, our 14 ministers jointly analyzed that Zhetian did not have any ambitions for the political arena. After reading all these reports, the heads of state of these countries finally breathed a sigh of relief. They felt relieved after seeing this. Since Zhetian If you don't care about politics, then it won't affect your own interests. Although you may not be able to be so arrogant in the future, you usually have to look at the face of the sky, but it doesn't have any real impact, so they are satisfied. For them, as long as it doesn't affect As far as their interests are concerned, other things are rubbish and can be discarded at any time. As for the interests of the common people, they are nothing in their eyes. In their eyes, the common people are just a group of idiots who can oppress and deceive at will. If they get what satisfies them The answer is that they have no intention of continuing to fight against Zhetian. Without the conflict of interests, they suddenly became timid for fear that their actions would anger Zhetian, and the loss would not be worth the loss, so they sent their special envoys to contact Zhetian. I hope that we can compromise with Zhetian according to the plan of several economically powerful countries, and at the same time, the other side calls and orders his army to return to the country to show his sincerity to Zhetian.

In the early morning of the next day, the reporters who were preparing to interview the remaining exercise units outside the joint military exercise base in Panama suddenly found that the barracks, which was still bustling yesterday, became deserted today, with nothing inside. Yesterday, the training was still in full swing. The armies of various countries suddenly disappeared without a trace, without any sound training, and even their weapons, equipment and daily necessities disappeared together. The reporters who got it thought that UFOs had come to the earth and got them all away.If their bosses hadn't called each other 10 minutes later, saying that the remaining dozen or so countries jointly released a news this morning saying that due to domestic reasons, the exercise troops were disbanded and each returned to defense, then today's headlines I'm afraid it will become "UFO reappeared on the earth, tens of thousands of troops mysteriously disappeared." But obviously such news has no chance to appear, and the headlines have become "An anticlimactic military exercise, suspected to be collectively embroidered by South American countries" The news has made all the countries in South America quite embarrassing, and the government has been questioned to varying degrees by the people at the same time, but there is no way to prevent the Lord Zhetian from issuing bids again. They can only be dumb and eat coptis. I couldn't say anything, so I had no choice but to endure it.Moreover, he had to pretend that he was wrong, dare not say anything in front of the media, and could only put on a posture that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

At this time, Aoyu also saw the sincerity of the other party's surrender, and asked Ma Quan to receive those representatives from many countries from South America on his behalf, expressed his own intentions, expressed that Zhetian was willing to accept their conditions, and promised not to Invade political circles so they can rest easy.After getting Zhetian's guarantee, they immediately notified their leader happily, and if they got it, they signed an agreement with Zhetian immediately, so that they can be really happy.So under the auspices of Ma Quan at Zhetian's headquarters, Zhetian signed an agreement with several South American countries, stating that his Hezhetian only accounted for 14% of the political circles in South American countries, and never more.The South American countries also promised to allow Zhetian to enter South American countries without hindrance, and to provide all conveniences to ensure that all interests of Zhetian here can be best guaranteed and will not be violated by anyone.In fact, this is simply nonsense. It was proposed by those South American representatives. Although this is a secret agreement, if it only says that [-] South American countries have signed an agreement with Zhetian, requiring Zhetian not to invade South America for more than More than [-]% of the political arena", if it is just words like this, it will completely embarrass them. Although it is a secret agreement, it can't be written like this, so they will lose face too much.

Although it is true that they are compromising with Zhetian, and it is a begging compromise, they do not want to write it out like this. Although everyone understands what is going on in their hearts, these South American representatives still request to add These few articles say, "They are responsible for protecting Zhetian's interests there and Zhetian's infringement.

"Actually, it's all farting with their pants off. Such words are just words. People who can threaten Zhetian's interests have not yet been born. Even if some organizations have this ability, they dare not do it lightly. Moreover, they can threaten Can the group of guys with Zhetian interests deal with it? No one will believe it if they say it out. If these guys are really capable of protecting Zhetian, if they are really capable of dealing with Zhetian's enemies, then they will not be Zhetian either. The sky is playing so badly, and they will not compromise to Zhetian helplessly. They have already raised their heads and mobilized their troops to start clamoring to eliminate Zhetian, a life-or-death organization, but obviously they don't have the power now. So they had no choice but to stand in front of Zhetian with their heads down and beg for a compromise. They said this just to save themselves the last bit of face. This can be said to be their last fig leaf. Ma Quan also knows this. Obviously, Ma Quan is not a guy like Senge. As a Chinese, Ma Quan has always followed the Chinese tradition of "being a human being and staying on the front line so that we can meet each other in the future". Ma Quan does not like to do things to the extreme. Always save a little face for the opponent. Of course, Ma Quan is not like this when dealing with the enemy. At that time, he was more ruthless than anyone else. In this way, those South American countries finally had no choice Xiang Zhetian began to compromise, and they finally lost the courage to confront Zhetian, so they could only choose to compromise helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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