Chapter 175 Aoyu's Difficulties

At this time, Aoyu heard the words of the elders of the Demon Sect, and suddenly became furious. He really didn't know these things before, and Aoyu thought: "I said, why did our country become so embarrassed at some point? Those martial arts personnel Didn't make a move? It turned out to be because of this. It seems that the forces of these countries are really dishonest. I will definitely pay back the things these guys have done the most in China. Huh...huh...Ice Emperor? Darkness Parliament? The Holy See? And the Tulip family and the Black Dragon Society don’t even think about running away. I won’t let them have a good time. I will make them look good and make them pay for what they did back then. Be responsible. I'm really sorry for myself." "I'll make them look good, don't worry, everyone, of course there are those righteous bastards who don't know the general idea." Aoyu said to everyone, although this sentence was light, but Everyone knew that the young master was angry at this time, and the words the young master said showed the young master's intentions to do something to these guys, which made all the disciples of the demons extremely happy. You must know that Aoyu's return Although it made them fulfill their long-cherished wish for thousands of years, it also made them lose their spiritual support, which made them unconsciously confused. Aoyu's words at this time undoubtedly set a new goal for everyone A goal for them to strive for, for which they would give anything.

At this time, they discovered that they had other goals besides waiting. They believed that under the leadership of the young master, they would definitely be able to fulfill the young master's ambition. These subordinates are doing a good job, let those guys who fought against the Demon Sect a hundred years ago experience the horror of the Demon Sect again, and let them know how powerful the Demon Sect is.After chatting and writing with those elders of the Demon Sect, Aoyu had dinner with those elders of the Demon Sect, and after encouraging everyone to continue to struggle at the banquet, Aoyu returned to his room. He didn't bother with the girls, he had his own things to think about at the moment.Originally, after Aoyu came back, he was going to take revenge on those bastards from the Qing Gang and the Luo family, to let them know how powerful he was and the consequences of offending him.There are also those worldwide organizations, the Black Dragon Society of the island country, the Tulip family and the Dark Parliament in Europe, the Ice Emperor, and the sanctimonious Holy See. The actions of these guys are unacceptable to Aoyu. It's as simple as offending Aoyu, but also touched the bottom line of Aoyu's heart.

You must know that Aoyu is not a nosy person. Years of indifference and understanding of the society have made Aoyu the kind of person who "has nothing to do with himself and hangs himself high". In Aoyu's words, "I am a devil, not those gods and living Buddhas who are sympathetic all the time. I don't have so much time to care about others. What do I care about other people's lives?" Aoyu seems that Aoyu only cares about his lover, his subordinates, and himself.But this matter is different from other things. You must know that although Aoyu doesn't like to meddle in other people's affairs, it is a major issue for the entire nation. In Aoyu's view, China is so weak now that it is far behind those developed countries. The country is inseparable from what happened a hundred years ago, because the personal actions of those guys have caused such a huge loss to their motherland, losing countless treasures, and being weak for a hundred years is unacceptable to Aoyu. Teach them a good lesson and let them pay for what happened a hundred years ago.

You must know that although Aoyu is not too cold towards those in power, and he is not so kind to other people, but deep in Aoyu's heart, he has always been happy that he is a Chinese, a descendant of the dragon, so for those people who have once harmed Aoyu, who is a member of China, will never forgive him. Aoyu will make them pay for his actions, and the price will be painful.There are also those decent guys who attack the Demon Gate when the Demon Gate is defending against foreign enemies. This appearance made Aoyu completely unacceptable, Aoyu must teach them a lesson, to know the identity of the young master of Aoyu Demon Sect, Aoyu's care for the Demon Sect, he should be responsible for the affairs of the Demon Sect, even if he glanced at Aoyu As the young master of the Demon Sect, these second-five cubs, Aoyu, are also hated from the bottom of their hearts, so it would be surprising not to trouble them.

Although Aoyu has already made up his mind to teach these ignorant guys a lesson, but this still requires a complete plan. According to Aoyu's rough understanding, the power of these sects and those major forces should not be underestimated , the combined power of these guys definitely surpasses the combination of Zhetian and Demon Sect. If they don't make a move themselves, the combination of these people can completely make Demon Sect including Tianmozong completely disappear from the earth, even if they do it themselves. I can't guarantee a complete victory. You must know that although I can be said to be invincible on the current earth, who knows if there is any hidden guy in this world that I haven't discovered by myself?I don't know the strength of these guys, but one thing is that if these guys really exist so that they can hide from my own consciousness, then the power of these guys is definitely not inferior to me.

This kind of power can never be ignored. According to Aoyu's understanding, the power of these world organizations must not be underestimated. Each of these guys has huge power. In the battle, every battle must be defeated, but who knows how much power they hide?This is what Aoyu can't know, but Aoyu definitely knows that the hidden power of these guys is absolutely terrifying, and it is only because of mutual constraints that Zhetian allows Aoyu to rise so quickly, otherwise Zhetian wants to get The price paid for such a huge site is definitely heavy.

According to Aoyu's guess, there is some kind of power behind these guys, and the power behind these guys should be no worse than him. Let's not talk about those guys from the Japanese island country, let's say that the guys from the Dark Council are absolutely There is hidden power, even if this power is not even known to their council leader, but Aoyu absolutely believes that there is, those pre-medieval vampires have all disappeared?Aoyu doesn't believe it at all, you must know that even if they all evacuate in a planned way, there will definitely be people left behind, not to mention that they left in such a hurry, there are no people left behind, so Aoyu doesn't believe it, these guys are definitely Extremely terrifying characters, these individuals may not have shown up for some reason, you must know that the power of the blood race should not be underestimated, those three generations of blood races claim to be able to compete with God, from this we can imagine how terrifying their power is .

There is also the Holy See, they were not wiped out by the Dark Parliament in the Middle Ages, and they developed, which shows their strength, and they launched an attack immediately after the dark creature masters withdrew. Their strength has been reduced, and according to the introduction of Prince Hawke, the Holy See once sacrificed the lives of a large number of priests when dealing with the dark world, and collectively used angels to descend and summon hundreds of angels from the heavens to fight for them. Putting an end to the power of those angels introduced by Prince Hawke, Aoyu estimates that it is around the Dacheng period, and there are hundreds of such terrifying masters. This shows how powerful the Holy See is. Fortunately, large-scale angels do not come all the time. If it can be used, it needs to pay a considerable price, and the pope must gather the three holy vessels of the Holy See, and after sacrificing [-] monks, he can summon the angelic army with the permission of God. One of the artifacts, the Holy Grail, has been lost and is nowhere to be found, and the Holy See has spent countless efforts to find it.

It is precisely for this reason that the authority of the Pope was questioned within the Holy See, and those guys dared to stand up against the Pope, which also caused the huge Christianity at that time to be divided into two major systems, the Catholic sect and the Protestant sect, and also split into These new sects of the Orthodox Church were eliminated, which triggered countless sectarian conflicts.Fortunately, otherwise, relying on the arrival of a huge angel, I am afraid that the glory of the Holy See would have enveloped the entire world long ago.There are also those Russian ice emperors. According to the report of the blood clan, those individuals have a close relationship with the Odin protoss who sank in the twilight thousands of years ago. I am afraid that those who slipped through the net or the priests of the Odin protoss supported them behind the scenes. They, according to Aoyu's own guess, these Western protoss are probably the protoss that split after the Eastern War. Although these guys claim to be protoss, their strength is almost the same as those of the fairy world, and their strength is increased. It doesn't sound like there are many people in the Eastern Immortal Realm.For these guys, Aoyu knows that although he is currently strong, it is unrealistic to destroy them all at once. He can only advance step by step, and use his own means and wisdom to eliminate them one by one. Fortunately, these guys The guy itself is not harmonious, otherwise it would be a headache.Even so, it is difficult for Aoyu, after all, this matter is really difficult to handle, and it is not an easy task to speculate among these individuals
(End of this chapter)

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