Chapter 176 Worship

After thinking about these things, Aoyu really has quite a headache. Frankly speaking, these guys are really difficult to deal with. It is really not easy to eliminate them. In the past, these guys were not able to show their full potential in the American hegemony Strength, so I always let the sky take advantage, but it will never be so simple in the future. These guys are definitely not so easy to deal with. Aoyu knows that his subordinates are currently very strong, but they are definitely not capable of facing attacks from several aspects. What's more, although he said that he controls the entire America, the territory is not so stable. It is unrealistic to want to develop outward. Now Aoyu can only develop slowly in the country. How many people are transferred there, because the stability there cannot be achieved without a large number of personnel.What Zhetian now needs is nothing else but time, a stable development time, and this time needs one year, two years, or even three to five years. Of course, after this time, Aoyu believes that Zhetian's sharpness is infinite Humans can be enemies, and they are absolutely capable of facing any enemy.

But this also means that I will not be able to get any help from here, and I can only recruit a small group of people. If Aoyu wants to develop in China, it is like starting from scratch. Of course, it will not be as difficult as before. Yu has reason to believe that as long as [-] iron-blooded elites can run across the country.Domestic gangs are no different from foreign countries. Firearms are rare items. The country’s ban is not a joke. In China, no matter how big the gang is, they generally dare not take this risk, so in China, it can be said that it is completely In the era of cold weapons, cold weapons are the king here. Fights between gangsters usually use knives. This is really good news for Aoyu. Covering the sky is a big advantage. The power is much stronger than these gangsters, but after all, when using firearms, the proportion of people who cover the sky will definitely be injured, and that will not be able to train their own men at all, and will only make them more dependent on firearms. This is not arrogant. Yu wants to see.

However, Aoyu likes this kind of fighting in China so much. They just use knives. Aoyu’s subordinates are not masters in hand-to-hand combat. Besides, these guys have abnormal bodies and super fast reflexes. The blood-licking combat training will be of great benefit to their cultivation and combat. In the future, when they face those martial arts masters and foreign organizations, their survival will be even greater.After thinking a lot, Aoyu sighed, now is not the time to think about these things, it seems that I have to go to practice sometime, and there are Xia Xue and the others, although there are people protecting them, but after all Everyone makes mistakes. If you don't have the strength, you can't do it. It's better to find an opportunity for them to practice too.After thinking about all the problems, Aoyu lost his breath and stopped thinking about these things that upset him, because Aoyu knew that if he really wanted to think about these things so straightforwardly, then he could only Worrying helplessly, with gray hair coming out of worry, but what's the point of that? It just makes myself infinitely depressed, and it has no practical use. It just adds trouble and burden to myself, so Aoyu lay on the sofa mountain and lost After taking a breath, I decided not to think about these things anymore. As the saying goes, "When the boat reaches the bridge, it will naturally go straight." At that time, I naturally had a way to deal with it. Why bother to think about so many meaningless things at this time.

Being unrestrained every day is what I should do most now. In the past, I couldn’t do what I wanted due to various reasons, but this is obviously different now. I don’t have so many worries. At this time, I want money and people. If I don't feel free and unrestrained, I will be too sorry for myself. I don't hold so much money for good looks. The money is for spending, and I can earn it after spending it. What's more, I want to spend so much money. It is no better than destroying the world. It's easy for a few big organizations.When Aoyu was thinking, the sky had already dawned unknowingly, and when Aoyu was still thinking about something, there was a knock on the door. "Who?" Aoyu asked. At this time, Aoyu really couldn't think of who would come to him. You must know that I told a few girls yesterday that I would not go back, and based on Aoyu's understanding of Xia Xue and the others, They definitely didn't get up at this time, because in Xia Xue's words: "Insufficient sleep is the natural enemy of women." Although they don't need that at all at this time, with Aoyu's nourishment, it is difficult for them to grow old at this time. With their current level, everyone has the level of Jindan stage. If they don't know how to use them, they are also a group of rare masters. Of course, Aoyu will not let them help him fight. I am afraid that the time to cover the sky is already over. "It's me, my lord.

"Lin Tianfeng's voice came from outside the door. At this moment, Lin Tianfeng has been specially sent by those elders to Aoyu's side to follow Aoyu. Those guys from the Tianmo sect in Yu were very relieved. "Come in." Aoyu's voice came from inside the room. "What's the matter with you?Elder Lin? "Just after Lin Tianfeng entered the room, Aoyu asked with his back facing him. "That's it, young master, don't you want to pay homage to Mrs. Zhang after you come back?"We have found the tomb of the old man, and now it has been rebuilt, and the tomb of the old man Zhang was also removed by those individuals. We spent a lot of effort to find the old man's from your former neighbor, young master. The place of burial, today happens to be the anniversary of the old man's death, do you think you want to visit his old man's house? "After Lin Tianfeng explained the situation to Aoyu, he asked Aoyu. Hearing this, Aoyu really wanted to give himself a slap in the face. He should have worshiped his grandfather when he came back yesterday, but because of the secret affairs of the Demon Sect I was so angry and confused, I forgot such an important thing, and today I even forgot the anniversary of my grandfather's death. I am really sorry for my grandfather. But at this time, he didn't think about it anymore. There is nothing more important than going to pay homage to one's grandfather, not to mention that it is not too late at this time and fortunately Lin Tianfeng reminded himself.

Aoyu woke up the sleeping girls, of course the girls didn't want to be disturbed by Aoyu, but when they heard that they were going to pay homage to Grandpa Aoyu, they immediately jumped up from the bed one by one. They don't want Airang to think that he is not filial, so that's a big deal.Although Aoyu didn't say anything to others here, he just called the person in charge of Huanyu in China and asked them to prepare something to pay homage to his grandfather, but the pot was busy over there.Huanyu heard that his big boss, the godfather who overshadows the sky, is going to pay homage to his grandfather, how dare they neglect, other places are too far away, and there is no hurry, but the boss of the domestic branch is just here at the moment In Shanghai, he immediately ordered all of Zhetian's industries to start production, called all the thousands of employees of Zhetian in Shanghai who could be on the stage, began to prepare things, and agreed to distribute brand new black suits, and rushed to Aoyu Grandpa's grave awaits.

The Momen side is much better than them, they are not in such a hurry because Lin Tianfeng explained that these guys have already prepared, and when Lin Tianfeng went to call Aoyu, the Momen side was already ready , these 130 disciples under the Demon Sect were all prepared one by one, wearing black suits with a white paper flower on their chests, waiting there for Aoyu's orders at any time.Under the leadership of Aoyu, the huge convoy began to set off for the grave of Grandpa Aoyu in the suburbs. More than [-] buses and dozens of limousines driving on the streets of Shanghai naturally attracted the attention of countless people. Those policemen and troops naturally also After receiving the notice, they quickly started to clear the field at all the intersections that the convoy would pass in the future. You must know that there are quite a few people in power in the government of Momen, so it is not difficult to do such a small thing.

They just greeted those government leaders and garrison leaders a little bit, and those guys took care of things properly. Those guys are all smart and monkey spirits, although those superiors The leader didn't say why he did it, he just said that he went to visit the grave of an old friend, but there are so many leaders who went to the same place to visit the grave at the same time, and it is forbidden to worship the same person, unless it is the head of state, according to these things The leaders of the Shanghai authorities naturally understood the anchor Ni. Although they didn't know the reason, these guys not only followed the instructions of those demonic government officials, but also sent armed police to protect them closely along the way, even if they couldn't protect those people. The leaders should also stand up for them. They know that as long as those big bosses are happy, it is only a matter of seconds if they want to be promoted.Or don't use them at all, as long as their secretary says a word, although the senior officials in SH City are not low in rank, there is still a big gap with them, so it is absolutely necessary for them to be relieved.After seeing a large number of armed policemen who began to follow him along the way, those people from the Demon Sect roughly understood the reason. Of course, they didn't try to stop it at the moment, because in their opinion, the anniversary of the death of the old man should naturally be grand and important. The more the better, these armed policemen are also good, they can still do a lot of things...

(End of this chapter)

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