Chapter 187 The Target Green Gang
After occupying the territory of the Blood Gang, Zhetian did not stop wanting them to attack, but he is not yet fully prepared. After all, Zhetian's members grew up abroad. Although they are Chinese, they want to attack. It will take some time to get used to life in China, and there is still a lot of follow-up work to be done. Aoyu will not allow them to reveal their identities before they have the real power to contend for Shanghai hegemony, so they have to put it down for the time being. , Wait a few days before talking about development.Of course, according to the strength of these Zhetian personnel, there is no need to look like this. It is very simple to advance step by step to eliminate those gangster organizations in Shanghai. It just takes a long time, but at this time, Ao Yu couldn't wait any longer, what the Green Gang did made Aoyu completely angry, even after he left, he set fire to the houses in his neighborhood, and burned down the last hope of those lonely and poor old people, if it wasn't for Being discovered by a big leader of the country, those poor Jiefangs probably already slept on the streets, this is something Aoyu cannot tolerate, the combination of new and old hatreds has already made Aoyu lose his patience, Aoyu wants to completely Let them know the consequences of what they do.

So Aoyu has been accepting the territory of the Blood Gang for the past few days while making a plan, and has drawn 1 horses from Iron Blood, which is constantly busy with intense tasks, although this has inevitably caused a lot of damage to the world-renowned Iron Blood. However, after all, Tie Xue, as a member of Zhetian and Aoyu's subordinate, has long been prepared to sacrifice for the organization and Aoyu at any time, so they rushed over non-stop after receiving the order, There was not a moment's hesitation.And Aoyu just wants to wait for their arrival. When they arrive, the people in Aoyu's hands are enough to deal a fatal blow to the Qing Gang. After all, there is no real unification of these areas. Under their rule, there are still countless small gangs living. If I attack them, I believe that those small gangs may turn against the water at any time, regardless of their strength. The same, but the number of people is so large that the real combined number of people is not less than that of the Green Gang, but it lacks a unified command. However, if they have their own frontal attack, it is not impossible for them to turn back.

Although he doesn't have many people, Aoyu has reason to believe that it is not a problem for those subordinates of Zhetian to defeat those who are not popular in the Qing Gang, and although the Qing Gang is said to have 10,000+ subordinates, it is really concentrated in Shanghai There are less than 5 people in their base camp, which is not a lot, two for one?This is too simple for the people who cover the sky, and this is not a problem at all.Therefore, after Aoyu eliminated the blood gang, he did not gradually annex the small forces around him as usual, but directly set his sights on the head of the Shanghai Overlord Qing Gang. Playing cards out of common sense, normal people would not do this, but is Aoyu a normal person?The answer is obviously not, Aoyu is not a normal person, it can be said that he is a person who is crazy to the extreme, a person who dares to challenge everything, a person who despises everything, such a person can no longer be regarded as a person, it is said that he is a god It's not too much, of course, or it can be said to be a demon, I am free, let me be a demon.

The wait is long, although Aoyu has planned a surprise attack on Shanghai, directly attacking the Green Gang's beheading action, mobilizing iron and blood elites and more than 200 of his own guards, but the wait is long, and those men are not like himself They have already mastered the legendary teleportation. It is only a matter of seconds to go where they want to go. It is not easy for them to come here. Foreigners, it is impossible not to attract the attention of the Chinese government, unless the Chinese government is a fool, but obviously this is unrealistic, they want to come to Shanghai without being noticed, they can only pass Only Huanyu's huge transportation industry can.Because the transportation industry under Huanyu is too developed, they control 40.00% of the world's shipping. You must know that there are more than 900 ships from Huanyu to Shanghai, the current trading capital of the East, every day. Such a huge ship Fortunately, it is too easy for them to hide 2 people smuggling in, as long as they want to, they can do it at any time.

So except for those masters of the Aoyu Imperial Guard who took the first step by plane, the rest of the staff arrived later. Of course, the entry of those Aoyu Imperial Guards also attracted the attention of the national security department. After all, these individuals The country still knows a thing or two about the background. Although on the surface it is said that they are here to travel, everyone knows that this is a jerk. Have you heard of more than 200 veteran special forces coming out to travel together after two years in the underworld?Although they joined Zhetian, those individuals in the National Security Bureau don't believe that the welfare of the underworld is so good now?There are so many people covering the sky that you can send hundreds of the world's best soldiers to go abroad for an outing?As long as it is not two hundred and five, people generally will not believe such tricks to deceive children.

But be careful and pay attention to them not daring to mess around. After all, Zhetian is too powerful now. It has become so powerful that all the forces in the world, including major countries, are afraid. Although it cannot be said that the Chinese government is afraid of Zhetian, it cannot I can't bear it, after all, Zhetian's forces have reached the point of terror. There is no need for the people they control to enter China, and there is no need for Zhetian to use his huge influence in the United States. It's a pot, they have nothing to do and they don't want to provoke this insecure tiger. If they don't manage to give him a bite, then it's too late to regret it. I'm afraid they can't even think about it at that time, let alone Huaxia's officialdom The style of those people from the National Security Bureau is clear. If you really offend Zhetian, if you can’t do it, you will be sent out as a scapegoat. Those people from the Huaxia National Security Bureau are not elites among the elites. Naturally, they are very smart. Of course they would not make such low-level mistakes. They know too much about officialdom, so they don't want to die in such a vague way.

(End of this chapter)

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