Chapter 188 Luo Shi Group
At this time, Aoyu is mobilizing people to prepare to attack his enemy, the Qing Gang, and at the same time, he has already begun to prepare to attack the Luo family, which is connected with the Qing Gang. , but it is nothing in front of Aoyu, a branch company under Huanyu has the ability to deal with them, if Huanyu wants to deal with them, even with the help of Lao Tzu from the Luo family center, they will definitely die, and it is basically impossible to turn over Unless they, because Aoyu believes that although there are many factions within the Huaxia government, they will not deal with him for one person. Maybe their attack on the Luo family will become an excuse for the Luo family's opponents to suppress them.

Aoyu doesn't have the slightest estimate of this point. In Aoyu's view, even if Luo's Lao Tzu is really powerful enough to control national policies in the central government, he doesn't care. He is not one of those useless things in the country. The big deal is to send someone to kill him. Although there must be a lot of people with supernatural powers in the country, Aoyu believes that if he sends a few blood princes to them, they will be helpless. He has no ability to fight against the two blood princes. Unless he has a few old ghosts who live in seclusion in the mountains all the year round, they can't survive the attack of the blood clan.

Of course, this is the last resort. For the enemy Aoyu doesn't like to kill them once, for those who he hates more, the more he has to play slowly. It’s as simple as killing them, I’ve gone there long ago, I don’t need to pinch Cove and the others will do it properly, I don’t have to worry about it myself, my subordinates will give me a satisfactory answer , but what Aoyu needs is not these. What Aoyu wants is to see their family ruined and lose everything. Although some people may say that Aoyu is cruel, but in Aoyu's own words, "I have nothing to do with other people's affairs." ?” Aoyu only does what he wants to do, what he thinks is right, as for what others think, it is not within the scope of Aoyu’s consideration, because Aoyu will not have the slightest influence on what others say, even if they So what if it's unfair?Could it be that he still came to look for Aoyu?If they are really like this, I'm afraid it's too late for Aoyu to be happy. To be honest, I really don't have any goals in life after being at Aoyu's level. I live a boring life all day long. Aoyu doesn't have grand goals like others "Soak all the beauties in the world".

Although Aoyu is not a good person, as long as the woman Aoyu meets is a virgin, he will be responsible, because this is Aoyu's personal principle of dealing with things, although few people care about this in this day and age, but Aoyu is like this One of the few people, the woman with Aoyu must be a virgin.However, it was precisely this that made Aoyu reluctantly give up on this great ambition. Of course Aoyu knew the burden of feelings and the heavy responsibility. Aoyu already felt a little heavy now. After having so many wives, Aoyu's body can still bear it, but I'm afraid he can't bear it mentally. Of course, Aoyu doesn't object to things like one-night stands. After all, it's a man who doesn't need to be in charge. I like them all, not to mention Aoyu's body is so good.The movement of the universe is no better than those of the Predator who have to travel long distances. Their movements are much faster. After all, in this digital and information age, everything is so convenient, only a keyboard and a mouse are needed. With one click, countless funds will be mobilized at an unimaginable speed.

Lin Yan, who is far away in the United States, will inevitably act as the commander-in-chief of the economic strategy against Luo Shi. Although it is said that the Luo family's economic strength is universal, as long as a department manager is capable of destroying them, Lin Yan feels that the Luo family She has no skills, but she still goes to battle in person, because Aoyu pays special attention to this matter, and Lin Yan also understands it. Although she doesn't know where the other party offended her brother, the chairman of the board, but since her brother is so concerned, she must of course I went into battle myself.After a rough look at the information of the Luoshi Group, the Luo family actually started from ocean shipping. Now the Luoshi Group has 3 ocean-going fleets and 2 import and export trading companies, specializing in reselling foreign goods, and according to According to the news reported by the intelligence network that covers the sky, although Luo Shi's ocean-going trade is very profitable, the real reason that makes it one of the top ten groups in China is their smuggling business. The leader of the power, but also a very powerful figure of the centrist faction, the people of the Luo family started to smuggle and make huge profits through the relationship of the old man of the Luo family.

Naturally, those lower-level customs officials would not dare to take care of these matters. If it was someone else, they would still have the guts to check it out, but the Luo family is considered powerful in the country, and Luo Feng’s father is still in the central government. Don't talk about them from the real power faction, even people who are a few levels older than them don't dare to provoke this living king. The World Group gradually expanded its smuggling group to a terrifying level.

Those central leaders are also very chaotic and full of factions, so they inevitably win over those central power factions, so although everyone knows about Luo Feng, no one cares about him, and no one wants to do it for a A small smuggling incident offended a powerful person, so the central government formed a very strange phenomenon for Luo Shi's smuggling behavior. .Therefore, under such a strange atmosphere, the Luo family's Luo Shi Group developed rapidly and became one of the top ten groups in China in just a dozen years, and almost controlled 60% of the smuggling share in the underground world of China. It has become a huge smuggling group, and even got on the line of the Shanghai underworld boss Qing Gang. It has become more rampant since then, and it is also unscrupulous in doing things. That's why Luo Feng raised a son like Luo Fei. It can be said that he also indirectly caused It caused Luo Fei's death, and at the same time caused the huge Luo family to have no successors. This has to be said to be the tragedy of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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