Chapter 204 Skinheads

Although the skinheads were terrified by Aoyu's actions, the baldheads have always wanted to save face since childhood. Although they were afraid, they did not give in, because he knew that once he surrendered, he would have no chance to stand up in the future, so he Still biting the bullet and said: "Don't be afraid, do it to me, do it to me... My uncle is the head of the Ax Gang, I will take responsibility for what happens, don't be afraid, hack him to death." Hearing the bald head's words, the little brother was reassured, so he stopped guessing, picked up the guy and charged forward, trying to cut down Aoyu. In their opinion, they still have a chance to win with so many of them. chance.But obviously the situation was completely opposite to what they thought. After 1 minute, they all lay down on the ground, including of course that damned bald head, who was lying on the ground crying and shouting "5555555555555555, wait for me, I will go back and tell me Uncle, you actually broke my leg 555555555, you wait.

"The whole imagination is like a child who has just been robbed of a lollipop, crying and shouting, causing everyone present to faint. They never imagined that the usually arrogant bald head would be such a virtue, really It surprised them, but fortunately Aoyu surprised them even more. They didn't realize that he was a mistake before such a handsome and capable person. After Aoyu defeated the skinheads, the other two gangs naturally Not daring to provoke the Qilin Club again, they ran away immediately with people. The rest of the audience saw this scene completely boiling, and they all cried and shouted to join the Qilin Club, and worshiped Aoyu as the boss, Wang Xiaosen and the others The registration site, which was still very deserted just now, is surrounded by water, and there are many girls among them. Of course, most of the reasons for these girls to join are because they want to get close to Xia Aoyu and seek protection by the way. According to Wang Xiaosen Of course, his thinking is that no one will be rejected. In just one afternoon, he recruited more than 800 juniors, but he was very angry with Aoyu. This guy really dared to accept any kind of people, 800 people It was quite a lot, but at least 500 girls came, and the entire Qilin Club became a concentration camp for girls. This guy really didn't know what to say about him.

Fortunately, these members are all students, and they don't need gangs to guarantee their lives. If they were all like the gang of Zhetian, Aoyu would have been pissed off by them long ago.Aoyu, the leader of the Qilin Club, did not even think about it, so he directly moved the way of covering the sky, so he didn't have time to think about it.Aoyu spent his first day of high school in China like this, he really said he studied hard, he made it like this on the first day, if a few girls found out, they would definitely despise him, Aoyu let go After finishing school, he didn't go home, but went directly to the small house he rented, which is actually not far from Aoyu's current residence, only one street away. Aoyu originally wanted to live in front of the school, but was forced to The girl refused for various reasons.

After returning home, Aoyu lay down on the sofa and turned on the TV. Although Aoyu’s room is not big, the design is quite good and everything is available inside. Aoyu asked the guys from the Demon Gate to help find it. , They naturally dare not neglect, although Aoyu repeatedly asked to be ordinary and to learn from, but they did not lack any of the things that should be there. Those who really understand will be surprised when they see it, because everything in the room is specially customized by Momen, and the value of the whole room is definitely more than 150 million US dollars, which is definitely not worse than those luxury villas in China.Aoyu lay there, doing nothing, so naturally someone would cook for him, Lily Yamaguchi, this slave of Aoyu, a half-time, half-day girl, has been doing this since Aoyu took over her in the United States. Following Aoyu, serving him, even this time when Aoyu came out to live, she has been following him all the time, but with her superb ninjutsu and the five-element escaping technique specially taught by Aoyu, it is natural to want to find her not easy.

But when I got home, I didn't have so many guesses. Yuri Yamaguchi immediately dedicated herself to cooking for Aoyu. You must know that these female ninjas not only want to protect their masters and become their slaves, but also cook well. It is an essential course, so of course Yuri Yamaguchi is responsible for Aoyu's meals.Soon Lily prepared the food for Aoyu. Although it was Japanese food, Aoyu still liked it very much. In Aoyu's words: "I don't despise everything in the island country, but I despise the men in the island country." Aoyu Yu was quite satisfied with Lily's craftsmanship. After devouring a plate of food, he started to watch TV again. Lily waited until Aoyu had eaten before starting to eat by herself. Dressed in a homely Japanese kimono, he brought a pot of food to Aoyu, knelt down beside Aoyu to watch TV with Aoyu, and gave Aoyu his legs while watching.Aoyu, on the other hand, was enjoying Lily's service while watching TV, and his hands were wandering around Lily's body inappropriately.

Not long after, Lily fell limply beside Aoyu, leaned on him, and showed her charming skills to Aoyu, Aoyu couldn't bear it anymore, and walked towards the house after calling Lily, feeling agitated The battle started, and Lily's sweet voice was very charming and loud, if it wasn't for the good sound insulation of this house, the whole street might have heard it.On the second day, Aoyu looked at Lily who was sleeping soundly, kissed her on the face, got out of bed and got ready to go to school, Lily probably had a hard time getting up, after all, she was too kind, even if she tolerated her He doesn't have the ability to get out of bed after dealing with Aoyu's 8-hour struggle, and Aoyu understands this quite well.Lily can be said to be my best female slave. I can’t find a female slave like her even with a lantern. I don’t know how those islanders trained them. Those people are really perverted. Things like this As long as they have the ability to do it, it is really impossible to train those female slaves by themselves. I guess Lily must have suffered a lot when she was there, but if you help the little devils, you will not be able to enjoy them yourself. Such a good female slave, really, these little devils are really talented in doing this, when will I go to the little devils to grab a few virgin ninjas?But at this time Aoyu didn't have the heart to think about anything else, because it was time to go to school.

(End of this chapter)

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