Chapter 205 Am I so scary?

After a simple breakfast, Aoyu came to the school with his schoolbag and began to study for a day. Although he said that he didn’t learn anything, Aoyu would still insist on coming every day, because the life on campus is really difficult. It's so interesting, after all, what Aoyu is facing here is a group of people of the same age, which is much better than those outside. Outside, whoever is not in his teens, the youngest is in his 20s, and they have nothing in common with them, and When those guys saw me, it was like seeing their own father. It was not interesting. It was fun at school. Although these students said that they were respectful when they said that they were big brothers, they still regarded themselves as classmates most of the time. Looking at it is naturally a lot more fun.All morning, Aoyu was surrounded by girls from those schools. These girls came to Aoyu at this moment, but they had a fair reason. They claimed to be members of the Qilin Club, and came to consult the information of the boss organization. It was natural for this Aoyu I can't refuse, but these girls didn't mean to ask about gang affairs at all when they came to the front, they stared at Aoyu's handsome face one by one, and said while watching: "Wow, boss, you are so handsome, if I It would be nice to be your girlfriend.

"As for the question of Aoyu's girlfriend, many of them got some information from Wang Xiaosen on the sidelines, that is, Aoyu doesn't have a girlfriend and is currently living alone. Regarding this point, those girls from the Qilin Club They were naturally excited, a few bold ones even asked Aoyu: "Boss, aren't you lonely living alone?Do you want me to accompany you, little sister? "Aoyu always reluctantly chooses to avoid these issues, he doesn't want to talk about these issues with these girls, because he knows that if he talks about this, he will definitely pester them endlessly.

The situation on the other side of the teacher was just the opposite. Although Wang Xiaosen was also surrounded by a group of people, the difference from Aoyu was that he was surrounded by a group of boys, and the surrounding was tight, most of them were asking for news about Aoyu, but The smell of so many big men really made Wang Xiaosen suffocate, but seeing these people yelling one after another, Wang Xiaosen felt so satisfied at the moment, everything was not so important, he finally experienced it The feeling of being a big brother, so I took the trouble to tell those little brothers about Aoyu's great deeds," said Aoyu was a big brother outside, how could he kill one person and watch hundreds of people die when he was abroad? The old boss, how did he get tired of the underworld life and returned to the domestic school, how did he ignite the flame of struggle again under his encouragement, and how did he want to regain his prestige again. "It made those little brothers dizzy, yes Aoyu worshiped to the extreme again, and even Wang Xiaosen, who once again aroused the ambition of the boss, also worshiped. Aoyu was also dumbfounded when he heard it, when did he tell him these questions, but Fortunately, this guy's ability to fool people is not bad, and he helped himself to attract the attention of the girls around him, so Aoyu didn't go into it anymore, but Aoyu didn't know that because of this, those girls became more crazy about him from now on. Handsome, super able to fight, and once had such a glorious history, this is simply the prince charming in the minds of those girls, how can they not be crazy.

In this way, the whole flight spent the morning in Wang Xiaosen's story. Aoyu was carrying his schoolbag and took a group of younger brothers to go out for dinner. When they just walked to the school gate, they were blocked by hundreds of people. Of course this time The one who took the lead was not the idiot with the bald head, but Chen Xiaodao, his subordinates, and Glasses and his subordinates. Neither of them were at school yesterday. After hearing the reports from his subordinates, although they were very impressed with Aoyu's ability to fight Surprised, but they still think that their subordinates are exaggerating too much, so they don't take it seriously, and it's also their fault that their subordinates didn't explain things clearly.They just told their boss that this new student founded a unicorn club and beat up the bald head and his gang, but they didn't say how Aoyu did it, nor did they say that the bald head and the others went there More than 100 people with guys, otherwise, no matter how crazy they are, they will not provoke Aoyu. They still have this bit of IQ, and they know that they can't afford to provoke such a person.When they blocked the entrance of the school, Aoyu knew what they wanted to do, but Aoyu didn't see it in his eyes. In his eyes, such a guy was with ants, and he was not worth his care at all. , Let alone hundreds, even if there are tens of thousands more, he can easily send them to see God.As the strongest of the two gangs, Xiaodao naturally has the right to speak, so he first spoke to Aoyu and the others: "Which one of you is Aoyu? Stand up and talk to me, I am the boss of Xiaodao League.

"" I am, do you have any comments? "Aoyu said disdainfully." Are you so annoying that you dare to talk to me like this, you are kind, I heard that you founded a unicorn club?So want a piece of the action here?Don't you know Volcano High is our place, huh?Have you got my approval? "At this moment Aoyu smiled, he smiled happily and said: "I don't know, I, Aoyu, are not allowed to need others to talk too much, after your approval?who do you think You Are?I don't know what it means to say such a thing to me. "After finishing speaking, I ignored Xiao Dao and the crowd on their side, and walked straight forward, passed by Xiao Dao without looking at him, and deliberately bumped into him, and the younger brothers behind him saw that their boss was so tugging. , also got up with the cow, and watched them walk straight behind Aoyu with a disdainful expression. At this time, Xiaodao and the others could no longer bear Aoyu's unreasonableness. Such things were unacceptable to them, so Xiaodao took a machete from his subordinates, and rushed out together with the other side with very disproportionate glasses, only chasing Aoyu, they want to let this arrogant guy know how powerful they are, let him know Knowing that one's reputation is not something to be blown out of, so as not to be looked down upon by others.

As soon as they moved, the younger brothers behind them were naturally not to be outdone, and they chased after them aggressively. It was very spectacular. Those younger brothers who followed Aoyu turned pale with fright, and started to run with their legs open. The two girls screamed and hid aside, while Wang Xiaosen shouted from the side, "Brother, brother...they are coming, let's run, run." Aoyu watched them rushing over, smiled and shook hands The upper joints and bones made a crisp sound, and said: "It's been a long time since I've been active, and you guys come to your door, so don't blame me, hey, I'm so happy to play with you.

"Speaking of Aoyu's figure, he rushed up like lightning, facing the rushing crowd like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. He went in and started fighting. Although Xiaodao and the others could fight, they were not there after all compared with Aoyu. On one level, even if Aoyu doesn't need a little strength, he can easily deal with them with his body alone. When these guys are hit by Aoyu, they immediately fall to their knees and foam at the mouth, and then climb up again. Can't get up, and the blades, steel pipes, and baseball bats wielded by hundreds of them can't even hit Aoyu's side, and their people fall every second. Xiaodao and the others are also in a hurry at this time, but they still don't In a way, he and the glasses looked at each other, took out their unique moves, and began to attack Aoyu up and down. You must know that although these two guys are not compatible now, they had a tacit understanding in the past, and they were always together Fighting against those students from other schools who came to Huoshan High School to clean up the scene, the long-term cooperation made the two of them have an incomparable understanding. If it wasn't because Xiao Dao joined the Xiao Dao Club and Glasses joined the Eagle Gang, the two of them would not have such a fight Tiandi, but under the current situation, watching his subordinates fall one by one, the two of them were forced to come up with a unique move. They used this to defeat many masters from other schools. It is said that they are small knives that have been good at fighting since childhood Get it from an old bookstall.

Whenever the two of them use these moves, their strength will always double, and they will be handy when dealing with the enemy, but this time they obviously have no way to defeat Aoyu with this combined attack. Aoyu understands this by watching their movements It should be some kind of martial arts move, which these two guys got unintentionally. For such a thing, it is impossible to exert the ultimate strength without proper internal strength cooperation. Aoyu is simply lazy to pay attention to the two of them. With one punch, the bones of the two men broke and fell to the ground.Seeing this scene, the subordinates of the two guys who still wanted to continue to fight were immediately blinded. They dared not do any more. Seeing Aoyu who was approaching them step by step, they just waited for step by step to retreat and did not dare. Aoyu faced These individuals spread his trademark smile.This smile may seem so innocent and sunny to others, but to the members of the Little Knife League and the Glasses Gang, this smile is not intended to be a devil, and it is quite terrifying.They couldn't even stand still when they saw this expression, Aoyu saw the expressions of these individuals, consciously waved his fist at them, and walked over, those individuals couldn't hold on anymore at this moment, dropped their things and opened He just ran away, even ignoring the two elder brothers who were lying on the ground with Aoyu's broken hands and those brothers who were knocked down.Seeing the group of people running away in a panic, Aoyu touched his face with his hands unconsciously." He said to himself, am I that scary? What are you doing so fast? I don't eat people. "

(End of this chapter)

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