Chapter 206

Those little brothers and sisters of Aoyu came back to their senses at this time, and immediately surrounded Aoyu and said to Aoyu, "Wow boss, you are so handsome." "Wow boss, you are really amazing." "Wow boss, I love you so much." Aoyu saw the behavior of these people just now. These guys are really serious, and they are really speechless to them, but they can't be blamed After all, it is unrealistic to want a group of timid guys to change suddenly, so Aoyu didn't investigate further.Of course, Aoyu still wants to talk about them, if he can’t always be like this, then it’s really depressing to be the boss, wouldn’t he become a full-time thug for the younger brothers~~ Then what’s the point of being the boss?So Aoyu said to these guys: "Okay, you guys, really, I don't know what to say about you, where did you go when you were fighting just now? It's okay for girls, how dare you big men You are so young, how can you mess with me in the future? It seems that I will train you well." Hearing Aoyu's words, those younger brothers all lowered their heads in shame, and even those girls' faces were slightly pale. red.

After Aoyu saw it, he stopped attacking them, and said: "You just have to be brave when you mix with me in the future. My little brother doesn't need to be afraid of others. I will fight for you if anything happens." After listening to Aoyu's words, those The younger brother naturally became more courageous. After all, if there is someone who resists, they will not be so afraid. Anyway, the elder brother will resist everything, so they are afraid of nothing.Just like that, Aoyu went to eat with a group of people, and he didn't even look at the people on the ground before leaving.And his little brothers had the courage of their big brothers, so they kicked these guys who usually bullied him a few times to vent their resentment in their hearts.But obviously Aoyu's high school life is destined to be uneasy. When he returned to the gate of his school after lunch, the gate was already full of people. It's neat, all of them are school uniforms, which look much better than the miscellaneous clothes worn by those in Huoshan High School, but these individuals can be seen from other high schools at a glance, and there are not many of them, only more than 20 Bar.

When they saw Aoyu and the others approaching, one of them who looked like a dog-legged person came out and said: "Hey, are you from Huanhuo High School? We are from Tiebei High School. Do you have any money? Lend some To brother." After finishing speaking, he saw a few little girls from the Qilin club following Aoyu, and continued: "Hey, some little girls can also lend us to play, do you have any objections?" He didn't speak at the time, and said to the younger brothers and Wang Xiaosen beside him: "Well, if I don't make a move this time, it depends on your performance, don't let me down, go boldly, everything is up to me, If you can't do it, I will take action." After hearing what the boss said, those younger brothers naturally mustered up their courage. Wang Xiaosen, the nominal vice president, said: "Fuck you, go back and play with your mother, I am a volcano From the Qilin Society." After finishing speaking, he rushed forward and slapped that dog leg, and then the group of people around him also rushed forward. You must know that there are actually quite a few people on their side, more than 30 people without girls. It's just that Huoshan High School is a well-known garbage high school and few of them are bold, so the people from Tiebei High School dare to come here to collect protection fees so arrogantly.

Even if it is a small knife, they will not make enemies with Tie Bei for half of the students. You must know that Tie Bei, Qingcang, Yuye, Lvzhu, Xingqiang, Mingzhu, Jiuhe, Tianhua are not as good as the four high schools. They are so powerful in high school, but they are only next to the gods, and they are known as the Eight Heavenly Kings.The students of these schools are also famously tough. Few people in the student underworld are willing to provoke them, and as the most garbage volcano, of course they have nothing to do and dare not provoke them. Xiao Dao and the others can only fight in front of these high schools. Bow your head, there is nothing else to do.But these guys are not in the eyes of Aoyu, that's why he let his men go down to train, Aoyu means to teach these guys a lesson and use them to train soldiers.These guys in Tie Bei obviously didn't expect that these cowardly members of Huoshan High School dared to provoke them. Not only did they hurt people, but they also started to fight back. You know, these guys often go out Those who fight are naturally not weak. Although they do not have an advantage in numbers, they are still very strong for those boys who have no actual combat experience in Huoshan High School.Wang Xiaosen and the others don't often fight with others, they have always been bullied. Today they dared to make a move under Aoyu's instigation, but although the other party only had about twenty or so people, they were one-half more than the other party, but still Those who were not beaten would retreat one after another, if it wasn't for the presence of the boss, they would have given up a long time ago.

He still knows what his boss is capable of. If he singled out hundreds of others, if the boss attacks these guys on the opposite side, he will definitely die miserably. Now that the boss is training himself, he can't be ashamed.Seeing this posture, Aoyu frowned. Although he knew that Wang Xiaosen and the others were very weak, he never thought that they were so weak. They all looked tall and big, and more than thirty of them were even more than twenty. They can't fight, although Aoyu wants to help them, but Aoyu knows that he can't make a move now, once he makes a move, he will lose the purpose of training them, and it will also leave a shadow on their hearts.After thinking for a moment, Aoyu had an idea, and shot at Wang Xiaosen and the others with an invisible force in his hand. Wang Xiaosen and the others felt their strength multiplied immediately, and started a fierce counterattack.Wang Xiaosen and the others were so happy at this time, they finally found out that they were not trash anymore, but they were just too timid before, after going through such a fight, they also understood that fighting was not as scary as they thought, it turned out that they were As long as they have the courage to face Tiebei High School, one of the top eight high schools, they can overcome it themselves. At this moment, they regained their courage.Aoyu is also happy seeing these guys, after all, these guys have finally overcome the fear in their hearts, so they will still have a lot of progress in the future, such subordinates are what I need, not a bunch of rubbish, Although I don't plan to let their income cover the sky in the future, no one wants to run around the streets with a bunch of trash.

(End of this chapter)

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