Chapter 207 The Assassination of Blood Slaughter Building
Xueshalou, the myth of Wulin in the Central Plains, is known as the first floor of martial arts. It is powerful. The entire Xueshalou belongs to the evil faction. Founded in the Tang Dynasty, at the beginning it was created by An Lushan, the governor of the three formations. He collected evil and heretic killers who were feared by everyone in the rivers and lakes, and formed the Blood Killing Tower to help him assassinate those political enemies. Because of An Lu Because of the mountain, Xueshalou developed rapidly in the past ten years and became the first floor of martial arts killers. Later, An Lushan's rebellion and the reason why Tang was able to break into Chang'an so quickly and Xueshalou assassinated a large number of lieutenant generals are inseparable. .However, Anlu Mountain failed because Xueshalou was besieged by the righteous way of martial arts in the Central Plains and was unable to support Anlushan. However, Xueshalou defeated this martial arts alliance with strong strength. At that time, after more than [-] years of development in the Xuesha Building, their assassination techniques had reached a near-perfect point. At that time, their sect lived in blood and was a top-notch saint-level master. Under his leadership, those people Master Zhengdao died under his assassination one by one. Although Zhengdao, which lost its leadership, has killed countless Xueshalou disciples, there is no way to completely wipe them out, and can only let them develop.

Although the vitality was seriously injured, the heel of the Xueshalou was finally saved, and the cultivation and vitality of the Xueshalou began to flourish again. They had appeared one after another, Zhongyuan Dianhong and other top killers, Megatron martial arts, but because they acted too crazy , who dare to kill anyone, as long as they can afford the money, they will do things for others, so they have been attacked by both good and evil, and even the magic door has opinions on them, but fortunately, Xueshalou is not an idiot, offended If you want to offend so many people, if you want to offend the powerful Demon Sect, then they really have nowhere to survive, so there has been such a strange rule since the first generation of Xueshalouzhu, anyone can To kill is to not touch the person of the magic door.After thousands of years of development, the Blood Killing Building has still maintained his reputation as the first floor of the martial arts. Every time there is an assassination operation, they are always involved. After a thousand years of development, the Blood Killing Building has not only been limited to China. Within a short period of time, their hands spread all over the world. They have a huge killer organization all over the world. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the number one in the world. The entire blood killing building is divided into two floors, the inner building is responsible for them These are trained martial arts masters inside the Xueshalou, while those outside the building are those who have not been trained in the Xueshalou, but are working in the Xueshalou.

The people in the inner building are relatively simple, they are all disciples who have been trained in the blood killing building since childhood, while the outer building is not so simple. They have complex personnel, everyone has them. In fact, there are many people with supernatural powers. Famous blood killing building accounted for 6, of which blood killing building Xue Wuhen ranked first.The killers in the entire blood killing building are divided into several levels, platinum killers, gold medal killers, silver medal killers, bronze killers, black iron killers, and ordinary killers, and the organization is quite strict.Xueshalou sent two platinum killers to assassinate Aoyu this time. You must know that there are not many platinum killers in Xueshalou, no more than 10 at most, and this time they spent a lot of money to kill Aoyu. Not for anything else because Du Hu called Xuesha Louzhu before he died.Originally, the rules of Xueshalou would not do things that are not beneficial, but because Du Hu had saved the life of Xueshalou Lou Xue Wuhen when he was young, Xue Wuhen had been dispatching Xueshalou all the time as a reward. The masters in Du Hu's side protected him, and because of the increasingly close relationship between the two organizations, Xueshalou sent a lot of people to protect Du's family members.

Before Du Hu died, he called and told the host of Xuesha about Xue Wuhen being killed here. He hoped that Fang Wang could help him avenge him because of his love back then. Although Xue Wuhen is a killer, he still has a lot of affection. After getting this news, he dispatched two platinum assassins without hesitation to carry out this assassination operation.The reason why Xueshalou knew Aoyu's whereabouts was because of the two people from Xueshalou who killed Luo Fei when Aoyu just came out of the mountain. These two guys were later transferred back to Xueshalou. When Du Hu died and told Xue Wuhen that his enemy was the person who killed his grandson, Xue Wuhen immediately found two people and asked them to draw Aoyu's appearance. After looking for them, it is natural to find Aoyu.So in the middle of the night, the two platinum killers of the blood killing tower launched their actions. To be honest, the stealth skills of these two people are absolutely top-notch. If they change their targets, it is absolutely possible to kill them silently. Kill each other, but the sad thing is that their target this time is Aoyu, a person they can't provoke, when they entered the room, Aoyu found them, but Aoyu didn't pay attention to the two of them , because Aoyu knew that someone would solve them.

When they entered Aoyu's bedroom and were about to strike, a saber aura erupted towards the two of them, and the two of them were caught off guard and immediately rolled to the side and began to fight back. However, the opponent was obviously not weak and his movements were strange. Seeing that the opponent is clearly a master of Japanese ninjutsu, the two unconsciously began to be on guard, and began to search around vigorously, but obviously they underestimated the opponent too much. Japanese bushido pierced the heart of one of them, and the one that fell was also hit by the palm of the man, spit out blood, and fell to the ground.When both of them lost the battle, a beautiful woman appeared in front of them, and said coldly to the man who was still alive: "Say, who asked you to assassinate the master." But as a professional The killer would never reveal any news. The killer who was injured and fell to the ground immediately prepared to understand himself. He wanted to bite the poison sac hidden in his teeth to end his life, but his wish was obviously impossible. It came true, as a first-class ninja, Yuri Yamaguchi knew these measurements very well, so she hit him with the handle of the knife, not only knocked out his poison sac, but also knocked out two teeth.Then he looked at the killer coldly again and said: "Now, you can say it, or I will let you experience our Iga-ryu's torture method. You'd better not make yourself guilty, or I will guarantee your life!" Better to die.

"That killer obviously knows something about Iga-ryu. He knew that these little devils torture people with absolutely vicious methods, so he showed a frightened expression, but he still insisted on saying: "Hmph, although I am a killer, how come? It is said that I am also a Chinese, and I will definitely surrender to you little devils from the island country. Use any tricks you can, and tell you, I am not afraid. I was still wondering why the higher ups asked us to assassinate this guy named Aoyu. It was with the little devil, no wonder, such a guy should have died a long time ago. ""oh?Are you killing me because I have something to do with those guys from the island country?Not necessarily, I am an out-and-out Chinese, and I have killed a lot more of those little devils than you. "A voice suddenly appeared in the room. Of course, the owner of this voice is Aoyu who has not appeared all this time. The assassination target of Xueshalou this time." Hmph, do you think I'm a fool?That woman is obviously a master of Iga-ryu, it doesn't matter that those little devils will give you such a powerful bodyguard?Who are you lying to when you say you are not Japanese?When I am a fool!Those little devils value these beautiful ninjas more than their lives, how could they just give them to a Chinese?What are you kidding. "The killer in the Xueshalou obviously didn't believe Aoyu's words, so he replied like this." Haha, is this? "Aoyu pointed to Lily Yamaguchi.

Then he pulled her into his arms and said to the killer while stroking her: "This is my little slave girl, my spoils of war, what can I do?" Before the killer from the blood killing building opened his mouth again, Aoyu said Then he said: "Now I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Since you refuse to talk, then I just have to use my own method." Aoyu looked at the killer who killed the building with his eyes. The killer screamed, "Ecstasy, you are..." Before he finished speaking, his eyes became chaotic, and he stared blankly ahead. "Who are you? Why do you work for the organization? Who asked you to assassinate me?" Aoyu asked the killer.The gold medal killer replied: "I am the gold medal killer of the blood killing building, my organization is the blood killing building on the first floor of Jianghu, and our landlord asked us to assassinate you.

""Why?I don't seem to have anything to do with your blood killing building, do I? "Aoyu continued to ask." Well, it doesn't matter, but you killed Du Hu, Mr. Du, Mr. Du once saved our host when he was young, so our host asked us to kill you. "The killer is still answering Aoyu's question." But... "" But what? "" But you are a member of the Demon Sect, and our Xueshalou will not kill the members of the Demon Sect. If our host knows that you are a member of the Demon Sect, we will never issue such an order. ""oh?Yes, the devils are not killed?Why? "" I don't know, this is a rule passed down from the second generation landlord. ""Then tell me about the situation of Xueshalou""Our Xueshalou was founded in..." During the question and answer, the killer explained the history of Xueshalou to Aoyu clearly, and let Aoyu has some understanding of Xueshalou and their situation, so he also became very interested in Xueshalou.

(End of this chapter)

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