Chapter 218 Eight Great Universities Battle Volcano
Hearing Aoyu's words, at this time he almost had the urge to beat this guy to death. The glorious image he had finally created made this guy ruined, and Aoyu really didn't know what to say.But as the saying goes, you don’t hit a smiling person with your hand. This guy’s current state really makes it difficult for Aoyu to deal with him. Aoyu had no choice but to endure it, and walked to Tiebei High School with these guys. It’s not that they don’t want to take the car , according to Wang Xiaosen's words, "The organization's funds are tight, so bear with it if you can." Many people wanted to refute the words of Wang Xiaosen, the nominal deputy boss, but they couldn't find an excuse. Where is the money?Especially after Aoyu banned those illegal trading rampant in the campus, it can be said that the Qilin Society's income is very tight, and the protection fee alone is really not enough to maintain their huge consumption, so they have no choice but to choose to go on foot.Fortunately, Tiebei High School is not far from here, otherwise they would have started calling, and when they reached the entrance of Tiebei High School, Wang Xiaosen and the others directly blocked the middle of the gate, showing off their power there, calling for the boss of Tiebei by name. Iron Wolf said to teach them a lesson.

At this time, Tie Bei was also after school. Seeing that he and the eight high schools had taught him a lesson yesterday, Huo Huan came again. Of course, he was not excited, so he immediately called people. More than 1000 people came out, and Wang Xiaosen and the others were stunned. They had never seen so many people in Tiebei before. It seems that the appeal of the boss is different after he comes back. This is why they miscalculated for a while. I don't know what to do, but fortunately they are not afraid of Aoyu.Looking at the iron wolf in the crowd, Wang Xiaosen walked up and said, "Iron wolf, my boss is back today, and we are here to crush your iron wolf. If you have the guts, bring your men with you. We are next door!" See you at the construction site on the street. Seeing that there are so many people on his side, the iron wolf of course refused to show weakness, so he walked out and led the people to the place Wang Xiaosen said first. The people from Huoshan followed closely behind, but the two Not long after helping people in, Aoyu brought Wang Xiaosen and the others out with a smile, looked back at those Tiebei high school students who were lying on the ground, and left satisfied, and their boss Tielang was the most tragic one by Aoyu He ordered Wang Xiaosen and the others to hang their bare clothes at the gate of the construction site, looking miserable.

With Tie Bei's victory, Aoyu led his men to sweep the eight major high schools again. Those schools taught him a lesson without exception, and without exception, they humiliated their boss enough.Of course, this angered the bosses of the eight major high schools. How could they bear the humiliation of Aoyu and the others, so a week later, they took the same method as last time and led a total of 2000 of the best hitters in several schools. How many, let's go to the volcano to find the place together.They have to teach those bastards of Huoshan a good lesson, especially that bastard named Aoyu, the guy who stripped them of their clothes.But obviously this time it won't be as smooth as the last time. Last time, because of Aoyu's absence, these gangsters beat Wang Xiaosen and the others. It is obviously unrealistic to get any cheap from the volcano.But this time, the eighth high school also played a ruthless hand, bringing guys here, holding weapons one by one, looking very majestic.

But at this time, Aoyu didn't want to do something demeaning like street fights with these guys, so he agreed with them to fight on a large football field nearby. There are usually no people here, only a few big football fields, Only a few students were playing here, seeing such a scene, they naturally knew that it was the nearby school rushing again, this was not the first time that such a thing happened, they immediately took their things and left here with great experience, so as not to hurt themselves cause unnecessary trouble.Soon the entire football field became deserted, and there were no people left. At this time, Aoyu is not talking nonsense. There are so many people on the other side. If I don’t make a move, I’m afraid that all my subordinates will be lying here today. The strength here should be higher than that of the other side, but the other side is obviously here to fight for their lives this time. They have all the guys, and if there are so many people, they will definitely suffer losses. This is something Aoyu can't accept.

So Aoyu didn't talk nonsense with these guys, he just rushed up to the boss of Yeyu High School who was walking in front, and immediately knocked that guy to the ground, the boss of Yeyu High School twitched there After two strokes, he started to foam at the mouth and fell to the ground. The people next to him were shocked when they saw this scene. Although these guys knew that the boss of the volcano was very powerful, they didn't expect it to be so powerful. Knowing that Ye Yu's boss is also the boss of one of the top eight high schools, he was able to get to this point by himself, and his fighting power is quite strong, but how can he be dealt with by someone like this? Let them not be afraid, the way they look at Aoyu has changed a little now, full of fear, obviously they don't want to provoke such a person.

But now that they are on the opposite side, Aoyu obviously won't let these guys go. No matter how scared or regretful they are at the moment, it's too late. He rushed up and staged a classic action from the classic movie "The Matrix" decades ago, knocking them down one by one, unable to get up again.At this time, Wang Xiaosen and the others also rushed in after Aoyu, like a tiger joining a herd of sheep. These guys were beaten by them and ran away, each of them was wounded. Those people from the eighth high school obviously lost the courage to resist, because At this moment their boss has been knocked down by Aoyu, they have lost their spiritual leader, how can they not be afraid?I don't know who took the lead and shouted: "I surrender, don't beat me anymore, I will hang out with Huoshan High School and Qilin Club in the future." Since someone spoke up, there were a lot of people who responded, and those individuals no longer had the courage to resist. Like the wind, everyone shouted "I surrender, don't beat me, I will hang out with Huohan High School and Qilin Club in the future." Aoyu looked at these guys and knew that they would not be able to resist any more, and said to Wang Xiaosen: "I'm leaving, you take care of these guys." After finishing speaking, he left without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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