Chapter 219 General Appointment

After Aoyu finished dealing with the school affairs, he was startled by a call from home when he returned home. It turned out that the commissioner of the Central Committee was also the intelligence minister who came last time. Liu Cheng came to his manor in Shanghai again at this moment. Aoyu was very surprised by the news that he wanted to come to see himself. You must know that I made it very clear to him last time that I don’t want to fight against the country, but there is no way for me to be used by those so-called leaders.Aoyu once said to his subordinates like this, "Let's not talk about these little leaders, even the president of the United States will be humbled when he sees me, and even wants me to work for them in a wishful thinking? Really, I can't control myself. They give me The shoes don’t even match.” Obviously, Aoyu doesn’t care about those guys. Although this is in China, Aoyu is not afraid. Aoyu’s thinking is “I’ve annoyed Lao Tzu, I will kill you all and go back to the United States directly. What can you do to me?" So this time, Aoyu was very puzzled about the purpose of the minister of intelligence. Could it be that this guy didn't understand himself enough last time?With that guy's intelligence and understanding of Zhetian, he shouldn't be stupid to come to the second round. He should know the consequences of angering himself, so what is his purpose for coming?Aoyu was thinking.However, although this side was thinking, Aoyu was not slow in his mouth, and directly replied to the subordinates over there: "Let them wait, I will go back immediately." After finishing speaking, Aoyu rushed home. Instead of teleporting, he walked back slowly, thinking about the purpose of the other party's coming.

But after thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure it out and had to give up. Anyway, what should come will always come, and I am not afraid of him. I will know when I go back and have a look. To see what tricks he plays.At this time, Liu Cheng had been waiting there for a long time and fell into memory. Since he went up and returned, he explained the views of the godfather, Zhetian, to those grandparents in those countries, and clearly told them the other party's thoughts. Obviously the other party I don't want to be against the country, but I don't like those officials, so it's very difficult for him to help me.The president and the others also fell into deep thought about Liu Cheng's words. After thinking for a long time, the president said: "So, you mean that the other party doesn't like us? Then it's impossible for us to ask him to help us?" "Yes. , I don’t think it’s possible. We investigated the life experience of the godfather. He was an orphan and was adopted since he was a child. I have a bad impression, and it is difficult for him to help us." Liu Cheng replied after a moment of hesitation. "Oh? Have you found out who he is? Then tell everyone about him." One of the Central Committee members said at this time.

"This... I'm sorry everyone, the Godfather of Shading Heaven already knows the news that we are investigating him, and he has sent people to kill all the agents investigating his home, and I can't say, because the Godfather of Shading Heaven has strictly ordered me not to disclose any information Give it to everyone, otherwise all my family members will die, and Zhetian will immediately launch an attack on the country." Liu Cheng said helplessly. "I said, Lao Liu, what are you afraid of? We just send the dragon group to protect your family, and here are all our high-level officials. Are you afraid that he will know what you said to us? No matter how powerful he is, I'm afraid he doesn't have this It’s up to you.” The one who spoke was the commander of the Northern Military Region, Ma Deshan, a well-known titan.His words immediately caused a chain reaction from the senior officials around him. It was the person here who was not at the ministerial level or above or had three stars. He was too powerful to know the situation here. He asked Liu Cheng to speak out.

"I'm very sorry, everyone. I can still say that according to our latest information, one of the big families and powerful forces in the country has a great relationship with this godfather. If I say it here, I'm afraid it will be known the next day, and Long The group may not be able to protect my family. I hope everyone can understand me." Liu Cheng is not letting go at this time. At worst, the minister quits. That's better than having a family ruined. But nothing could be clearer.His words changed everyone's face. Is there a big force in the country that has a very close relationship with Zhe Tian?This has aroused their vigilance. You must know that although they all serve the country, they have different factions. Naturally, they began to suspect each other. Zhetian is a powerful foreign aid. If anyone withdraws from them, the factions will fight in the future. But it took a big advantage, so they all started to guess each other, and the atmosphere of the meeting changed. "What? Even the dragon team can't protect you? Grandma, I said Lao Liu, what you said is too amazing. I, Lao Ma, also know the people in the dragon team. Their abilities are as good as heaven and earth. A dragon team is better than one of my subordinates." The aces are all powerful, and you actually say that they can't protect you? I don't believe it.

"Admiral Ma Deshan spoke up. Although Ma Deshan is a general who doesn't like this faction struggle, he also knows that this cannot be avoided. However, he personally doesn't like this kind of atmosphere very much, so he opened his mouth to divert everyone's attention." No, This, I can testify for Minister Liu, what he said is absolutely true, if Zhetian wants to take action against Minister Liu, our dragon group really has no ability to protect him. Last year we cooperated with the American Superman to deal with jihadist organizations. From them, we also got a general understanding of Xiazhetian's situation. Frankly speaking, if the words of the Superman spy team are true, then our dragon team has no chance of winning against Shangzhetian. "The leader of the dragon group, Long Yi, who has been silent all this time, spoke at this time." What?How can it be?You team leader Long, can you be sure that those American bosses from the Superman spy team are not telling lies?Is Zhetian really so powerful? "At this time, the president couldn't sit still and began to ask. After all, this matter is too serious. If Zhetian has this strength, it will directly threaten the lives of the leaders of the country. How can he not be frightened? Although Zhetian is now Tian's attitude is that he doesn't want to be an enemy of the country, but who can guarantee that in the future, he can't be blamed for thinking too much, after all, as a leader, of course people have to think more.

(End of this chapter)

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