Chapter 238

After more than an hour of busy work, those members of the Doomsday Fleet finally moved all the treasures of the Black Wind Pirates to the main ship where Aoyu and the others were located, and then set sail.However, the first operation of the Doomsday Fleet is not destined to be so ordinary. When they returned to Hawaii with a full load, the enemy appeared. "Captain, our radar shows that there are five warships in front of us. We are not sure of the models. We have already sent a signal to them, but the other party has not responded. According to the analysis, those five ships are likely to belong to the Black Wind Pirates. Pirate Fleet" one of his subordinates came up to report. "What? Black Wind Pirate? Hehe, that's great. It just happened to let me see the results of the Doomsday Fleet's training in the past few months. This time, I will take this Black Wind Pirate to give you a test." Aoyu heard the news. Quite happy, said with a smile. "Godfather, don't worry, if so many of us can't even deal with a few of their little pirates, then we should die. You must know that the Doomsday Fleet was built to plunder all pirates. We originally conceived But at the level of being able to fight with several large groups at the same time, if a small black wind bandit stumps us, you can take my head away." Essen said proudly and confidently at this time. "Well, it's good if you have confidence, I don't say much, you go to direct." Aoyu looked at Eisen's thin and resolute face at this time and said with a smile.

Eisen saluted Aoyu, then immediately turned around and said to the sailors next to him: "Order the fleet to approach slowly and spread out in a line, and the submarines under him to approach slowly, so that all the guided missile destroyers can be aimed at the opponent's anti-submarine reconnaissance destroyers. Destroy him first." It was "The messenger received the order and immediately began to notify all the ships by radio. After more than ten seconds, "Sou, Sou, Sou" several missiles were launched in response, and then there was a loud noise on the sea, Obviously Essen's intention has been achieved. The pirates over there originally wanted to attack, but the opponent's target was too far away, and their firepower couldn't reach the range at all. When they advanced quickly, such a thing happened, making They were startled and frightened, and they wanted to turn around and escape, but it was too late. There were several loud noises, and the pirate fleet had been hit by an underwater submarine and the engine was damaged, and they were no longer able to escape.

At this time, a powerful voice came from the other party's radio and said: "Pirates on the opposite side, pirates on the other side, listen to that you are surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender immediately, otherwise we will carry out a devastating blow to you, now at least There are more than a dozen guided missile destroyers and 6 submarines targeting you, I hope you will think about it carefully, otherwise we will show no mercy." The pirate leader Sara sat down on the chair at this time, he knew that what the other party said was true, although he hadn't Saw enemy submarines.But the attack just now has proved the existence of the submarine, coupled with the dense origin shown on the radar, Sarah knows that the enemy is absolutely not lying. Decades, but today is still down, you are really powerful, can you tell me which navy you are from?" "Hey, we are not a navy, we are a doomsday fleet, don't worry, we will not kill you." At this time, proud Yu grabbed the radio and said.

"Doomsday Fleet, hehe, what a joke, I have never heard of it, could it be the secret force of that country's navy? Hehe, your equipment should be American, and they are the only ones so advanced. I, Sarah, lost in The U.S. Secret Fleet is not ashamed. Today I am resigned. Hmph, I will never surrender. I will be in prison for the rest of my life if I go back with you. I would rather die here." At this time, Sara seemed to have seen through life and death. Said resolutely.Aoyu was instantly pissed off by this smart old guy, and said: "You old bastard, I told you, no, no, what the hell are you, we are not a navy, I'm a raiding team, specialized Robbers, now stand up and put your hands against the wall, take out all your money and put it in the ground, wait for us to get it, do a good job and let you survive.” Sara heard Aoyu’s words and immediately My head is dizzy, what is this about? The other party turned out to be a robber, and it was the first time that grandma was robbed by someone after being a pirate for so many years, and the robbing was so imposing. What's the matter, but these things don't matter, as long as the other party doesn't kill me or arrest me and go to jail, I can say anything, just keep all these pirate ships. Anyway, I still have a lot of money in my old den, enough to buy more than a dozen more That's right, this little loss is nothing, as long as you save your life, you will have everything.

So after hesitating for a moment, Sarah said to the radio: "Okay, we surrender, come on, as long as you don't hurt our lives, you can take whatever you want." Although Sarah said this, the anger in Sarah's heart, these things Usually only others say this to me, but today it has changed and I said it to others, but I have no choice but to control my own life in the hands of others, and I can’t listen to it. La felt uncomfortable for a while.Aoyu and the others arrived quickly, quickly looting all the money from those pirates, confiscating all their weapons and ammunition, and returning the boat to them to let them leave.

Sara was relieved to see that the other party kept her promise and let her and her men leave. Although she lost a lot of property, those things were not brought with her if she lived or died. Sarah looked at her boat slowly moving, and the boulder in her heart was finally put down, exhaled, and returned to the cabin.But when he just sat down, a word from Aoyu came over the radio, causing Sara to fall to the ground completely, Aoyu said: "Dear Sara, thank you, I will come here often in the future, we welcome you anytime. I will find you to cooperate with me if I have a chance. By the way, remember to advertise for us and introduce more customers." What is this? I robbed myself once and wanted to rob me a second time, and even asked myself to help He introduced clients, which made Sarah so angry. If he hadn't considered his own strength, he would have gone back to seek revenge on that bastard. He thought he was shameless enough, but he didn't expect this guy to be even more shameless.

(End of this chapter)

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