Chapter 239 Dragon Group's Request

Aoyu came back here in a good mood, he was really happy today, not only did he rob so many things, he also taught the Black Wind Pirates a good lesson, gained the reputation of Doomsday, and experienced the fleet, which made Aoyu quite happy I was so happy, after going back, I had a whole night of carnival with Lily, which made Lily, a Shinobi, unable to get out of bed and walk the next day.In the early morning, Aoyu was lying on Lily's chest, reminiscing about the aftertaste of last night. At this time, the phone rang. You must know that not many people know Aoyu's number, and there are even fewer people who can call him now. So Aoyu was still a little puzzled. "Hey, who is it?" Aoyu answered the phone and said. "Master, I'm Catherine." Aoyu's beloved maid Catherine's voice came from the other end of the phone. "Oh, Catherine, what's the matter?" Aoyu asked, he knew that his well-behaved maid would not call himself if there was nothing to do, especially in such a beautiful morning, eh, it should be night over there . "Young Master like this, there are a few people outside looking for someone from the Dragon Group that you said came to ask for an enshrinement, that person said he was the leader of the Dragon Group, and Long Yi said that he had something important to see you, I told you that you were not here , but they are still waiting there, saying that this matter is related to the nation and hopes that you can come back quickly, otherwise the country will be in danger." Catherine said anxiously.

"What? So serious? Impossible, what made these guys so nervous? Coup? Rebellion? War? Impossible, these things are impossible in China." Catherine's words made Ao Yudun a little bit Confused, but at this moment, although Aoyu's mind was a little confused, he answered without hesitation: "Catherine, tell them first that I will go back immediately, and let them wait first." After speaking, he pulled Lily Yamaguchi After getting dressed, he teleported back directly.Walking into the hall, Aoyu saw that there were more than a dozen people seated in the hall of the central villa of the manor at the moment. It seemed that they were members of the Dragon Group. Although he didn't know much about these guys, Aoyu still had a little understanding of them. I like it, if the only clean place in Huaxia officialdom is probably only their dragon group, a place where everything depends on strength.Since they have a good impression, Aoyu didn't treat them with the same tone of talking to Liu Cheng, Aoyu walked in with a smile and said: "Is there something going on here today?" Long Yi and the others heard Aoyu's words The voice immediately stood up and said: "Well, worship, we really have something very important to do this time, except for worshiping you, we really can't find anyone who can solve this problem.

"To be honest, Long Yi was still beating in his heart when he came here. This godfather who overshadows the sky, one of the four great priests of his dragon group, is notoriously difficult to get along with, and doesn't give face to anyone. This is my Even if he wanted to ask him, he didn't know if he would be willing to help, but when he heard Aoyu's words, he couldn't feel at ease immediately, because Long Yi knew that as long as this uncle speaks softly to you, he has a good impression of you, and everything is easy to handle." Oh, tell me, let me listen, if you really need me, I will help, but if you come here for those so-called high-ranking officials, then shut up as soon as possible, I don't have time to pay attention to them, they are dead or not It's not my business. "Aoyu said disdainfully at this time, obviously he looks down on those officials." Hmph, what did you say?How dare you speak like this, as a member of the Dragon Group, you must be loyal to the country. Everything is based on the national interest, and everything must be sacrificed for the country, and give up all personal interests in front of the national interest. What is the purpose of enshrining, but since you are a member of the Dragon Group, you should devote yourself to the country after death, how can you say such a thing?Weren't you still in America just now?Why did you come back so soon?I think you don’t want to see us at all. Hmph, you are so ungrateful that the country cultivated you. You are not worthy of this offering, and you will be punished by the country.

"At this time, a girl with long hair who looks very beautiful but exudes a cold aura all over her body said. It doesn't matter what Long Jiu said, but Long Yi and his group were shocked into a cold sweat. Okay, I have to say this, and it's so exaggerated, Long Yi knows that what this person in front of him hates to hear most is the words of sacrificing everything for the country, but Long Jiu just wants to say these things, I don't know what this person in front of him is going to say Aoyu looked at this beautiful girl, and suddenly his eyes lit up. This Long Jiu, with pink and greasy skin, icy muscles and fine bones, exquisite facial features, peach blossom face, round and jade-like figure, and a tall and slender figure. With a cold temperament, she is definitely a rare beauty, but the only shortcoming is that she is a standard brainwashed woman, a country and people who keep her mouth shut, and Aoyu will have a headache when she hears it. As for what Long Jiu said, Aoyu Yu said disdainfully: "Country?people?Listen to what you say, I just won’t help you, I’ll just see how those high-ranking officials deal with me, hey, okay, go and tell them to let them come to me, I want to see who dares to Come, sacrifice for the country?Give up everything for the country?I'm stupid, I said beauty, you have a good posture, but why is your head abnormal?

"Long Jiu was furious when he heard Aoyu's words. His face was reddish and he pointed at Aoyu and said, " rascal, how could you do this? If you have the ability, I will fight to the death with you. You know how powerful I am, and I will get rid of you as a scum for the country. "However, at this moment, Long Yi couldn't stand it anymore and yelled at Long Jiu: "Long Jiu, shut up, how could you be so rude to the priest? Hurry up and apologize to me, or you will give me an apology." I get out of the dragon group and go back to your NSA. "Long Jiu saw that Long Yi was so angry that he wanted to drive himself out of the dragon group and immediately jumped down. Frankly speaking, I have been in the dragon group for half a year. Long Yi and the others have always treated Zi as their own sister, so they have never had family warmth. Long Jiu, who grew up under the training of the National Security Bureau, was very moved, so he also cherished this family relationship very much. The remaining brothers and sisters of the Long Group liked that he often took care of themselves, even Long Yi, the leader of the Long Group who was famous for being strict, never She didn't say a word loudly to herself, but today, Long Yi, who cared so much for him in the past, yelled at him because of some kind of enshrinement, which made Long Jiu feel very sad. Her eyes had already started to water, for Long Jiu For so many years, no matter what the situation is, no matter how tired or hard the training is, she has never cried, but now she is really sad, but she still walked up according to Long Yi's words and said to Aoyu: "I'm sorry, I Please forgive me for my mistake.

"Long Yi next to him also said at this time: "I'm really sorry for the offering, Long Jiu is young and doesn't understand anything, I hope you can forgive her for my sake, if you have any dissatisfaction, I can replace her Long Jiu received it. "At this time, there were no tears in Long Jiu's eyes, instead, he was moved, because he knew that Long Yi never begged for help, but this time he actually begged others for himself, and even said that he would take him through. It seems that he really said it. What I shouldn't have said, this unpatriotic man in front of me is someone who both I and Long Yi can offend. Looking at Ao Yu bitterly, Long Jiu said: "Punish me if you have any dissatisfaction, don't embarrass my elder brother. ""Hehe, I said, what do you think of me, the murderer?Hey, don't worry, I'm not in the mood to argue with a little girl, she's just a brainwashing tool, how can I take her words seriously, let's talk about what's going on with you this time, Catherine said it's serious Yes, what is it?Why do you have to find me. "At this time, Aoyu smiled and satirized the Dragon Nine, and then turned to the topic." Well, speaking of this matter, it is true that only the priest can take action. We have already asked the other three priests, and they said that they can do it I'm afraid it won't work either. Without your help, this mission would never be possible. "Long Yi said seriously." Oh?what task?The three elders can't do it and still want to drag me?tell me the story. "Aoyu is a little curious.

"It's like this. The recent changes in the North Sea, there are constant silence of ships, it seems that there is something wrong, we have been on a mission, but we have sent countless people, and none of them came back alive. Later, we turned over the secret codes of various factions collected by the Dragon Group and finally I found the reason in a broken Taoist scripture. It turns out that more than 2000 years ago, an evil dragon that was born out of the sky and was about to ascend to become a dragon once haunted the world and caused harm to the world. The hunters took action, summoned monks from all over the world, and jointly sealed it on the bottom of the North Sea, but the recent changes in the North Sea, we suspect that the seal of the dragon has loosened, and it is estimated that it will be broken in a short time, so we would like to invite you and The enshrinement went to suppress Jiaolong together to prevent him from breaking out.

""You also know that if this dragon is born, I'm afraid there will be no peace in the world. Those mysterious cultivators have disappeared for hundreds of years. We have no way to find them, so we can only rely on you and a few elders. "Long Yi said very seriously. Aoyu was also silent after hearing this. Obviously what Long Yi said was right. This dragon must not be born or there will be no peace in the world. However, Aoyu also had to consider his own ability, frankly speaking Aoyu is not sure that he will win. You must know that the dragon group is inherently powerful. This dragon is about to incarnate, so it will be even more powerful. If other people at the Dacheng stage see him turn around and run away, fortunately, he is the one who cultivated <Chi You The Demon Emperor's Jue is much more powerful than ordinary people, and he wears the Heaven and Earth Sovereign Fan outside, or he will not go if he kills himself, and runs away with Xia Xue and the others directly, so he will not provoke such perverts himself.

(End of this chapter)

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