Chapter 259
"Forget it, don't let everyone die, don't embarrass them, just find a place to bury them, forget it, let's say that these guys died unjustly, but I can't let people say that I don't keep promises, you can bury them well It's gone." Aoyu said to his subordinates, and left without looking back.After returning home, Aoyu called his subordinates. At this time, there are only Jason and Ma Quan in the country. The others have already returned to the United States. After all, it is more important there, and there are more enemies to face. Aoyu has a few confidantes. I'm really worried, it's also my hometown.

Although it can be said that the current Zhetian is booming all the time, the entire America has basically stabilized, although it is not as strong as the control of the US side, but it is not bad. If you want to be completely stable, at most you need to In just a few months, Iron Blood has secured the number one position among mercenaries, and no one can shake it. Iron Blood mercenaries are active in every dangerous corner of the world, completing tasks that others will never be able to complete. Their daily income is The ones that are transported by truck really make a lot of money. What’s even more exaggerated is the Doomsday Fleet. Don't be in a hurry, but after half a month, Aoyu's investment has been fully recouped. It cannot but be said that it is really a well-deserved money-making machine.

Logically speaking, Aoyu should give priority to a period of time to allow Zhetian to fully recover and stabilize his combat power. At that time, if he makes another attack, he will be unstoppable and will definitely sweep everything, even if he cannot wipe out all major organizations in the world at once. , at least one can be eliminated, but Aoyu is disgusted when he sees those little Japanese, how can he let them stay by his side, hum, other places can be ignored, but Shanghai is his residence, and the sky is at the forefront of China All the troops are here, this guy dares to come here to make trouble, I really don't want to live, it seems that I just gave them too much face and didn't trouble them, so that they don't know who I am, how can I deal with them if I don't move For yourself?How will I mess around in the future?So Aoyu personally led and selected 50 members of the guards and two blood princes, together with 5000 Zhetian members, they came to the Yamaguchi-gumi's residence, and wanted to eliminate these little devils who didn't know how to live or die. not afraid.

But what makes Aoyu feel depressed is that when he arrives, someone has already been fighting with the little devil, and the fight is in full swing. Although he doesn't know the identity of the other party, Aoyu can be sure from their words that the gang of beating devils is Chinese people, since they are Chinese and they beat devils, naturally there is nothing to say, help first, and then help, no matter what the reason is, as long as they fight devils, this is Aoyu's principle of doing things.The fight between the two gangs was in full swing, and bursts of gunshots came from inside, and one could feel the intensity of the battle on both sides.However, the feeling of a large number of people today made people on both sides have to let go of their grudges, keep their legs on both sides, and maintain a tacit understanding not to continue fighting at this time, because at this time the enemy and us are unknown, who knows who is coming to help, in case someone comes Wouldn't it be over if he killed himself?Therefore, the leaders of both sides wisely chose to suspend the conflict, and it was not too late to see the intention of the comer before making a move.Look at the group of people who came here, all of them are covered in military equipment, and they hold all kinds of new weapons in their hands, which is shocking. Many people know something about the guys in their hands. The most advanced guys in the world are absolutely impossible for ordinary people. Looking at the neat steps of each other, coupled with the murderous aura exuding from them, it can be seen that this group of people is definitely not easy to deal with.

For a while, the two groups couldn't guess the identity of Aoyu and the others, because Aoyu and the others had a large number of people. Although they were neatly dressed, their skin colors were different. They were all from various countries, and they looked like Is a mercenary army. "May I ask which mercenary you are from? Who hired you? We belong to Zhanlong." As soon as the attacker stepped out, a person said in English. This person was in his 30s, with short hair and very handsome. But it doesn't affect his mature charm. If he changes clothes and goes out, he will definitely be a heartthrob, and the aura on his body shows that he is a martial artist with quite good skills, and he speaks with full of air , but for some reason, Aoyu felt that the person opposite made him feel close, and his appearance was 30 points similar to him.

Unconsciously, Aoyu also spoke politely, and said: "Hehe, I am Chinese. I came to fight the devils today. I happened to meet you. Are you Zhanlong? The dragon family?" That person only saw it at this time Aoyu, who walked out of the crowd, was stunned for a moment. The person in front of him was so much like his elder brother, almost the same as his elder brother when he was young, except that his wild aura was missing. To put it bluntly, he is really too arrogant, he must show his sharpness, and he doesn't know who the person in front of him is, but if there is a chance, I must remind him to restrain himself, otherwise he will be bad to him. Thinking of this, Long Tianming's heart moved Thinking that this person is so similar to his elder brother, could he be his elder brother's child, his nephew? .

The person who spoke at this time was the second young master of the Long family, Long Tianming actually asked the most depressing words for everyone at this moment, and he kept asking: "Who are you? What is your name? Who is the father? How old is he?" Aoyu asked him, his heart fluttered, but he still answered seriously: "My name is Aoyu, I chose the name myself, I am seventeen this year, and I am an orphan." Long Tianming listened Aoyu hurriedly asked "You..." But he was interrupted before he finished speaking. A Japanese from the Yamaguchi group said: "Baga, who are you? How dare you control our Yamaguchi What about the group? Leave now or I will make you look good. If you leave now, I can let it go. "The Japanese are notoriously arrogant, and all idiots know this, and this Japanese is also trying to scare the other party at this time. Walk away, because although he is arrogant, he also knows that if he doesn't scare away a group of people now, he will die today, so he came up with such a way to hope that the name of the Yamaguchi-gumi can scare away the other party.However, his IQ is so tight that it is impossible to get higher, so it is doomed that his fate will be very miserable, very miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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