Chapter 260 Poor little devil

Before he finished speaking, he rushed up to Aoyu, slapped him, vomited blood, and lost a few teeth at the same time, Aoyu looked at the Japanese who fell on the ground and said: "Damn, I'm the most annoying when others are on me You talk too much when you talk, I think you have had enough." The Japanese became angry when they saw Aoyu came up and knocked their leader down, and wanted to teach Aoyu a lesson, but they Surprised to find that his tricks are useless to Aoyu, and he can't even touch the corner of his clothes, Aoyu's movements are really too fast.When they were about to attack Aoyu again, Aoyu's subordinates had already started to show their power. After turning around a few times, the two blood princes instantly killed several people who rushed up to besiege Aoyu. Immediately, they fell to the ground in two places, looking quite miserable.Everyone's expression changed immediately, and even Long Tianming, who was extremely excited just now, came back to pay attention to the scene here. Although they had never seen such a scene before, but in an instant, ten first-class masters turned into mummies. Anyone can get a seat, at least Long Tianming knew he couldn't do it.

At this time, Long Tianming didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore. Although the person opposite was very likely to be his nephew, what if he wasn't?Judging by his method, it is absolutely extraordinary, and the group of people with him are so powerful, if he makes a wrong step, it may destroy the Long family, so he should go back and discuss it with his father first. "By the way, what did you want to ask just now? This idiot interrupted you just now, you can continue to talk now." Aoyu and the others instantly dealt with the 10 masters of the Yamaguchi-gumi so that they would not dare to act rashly again, and they were shocked at once. After seeing them, he turned around and said to Long Tianming.But at this moment, Long Tianming has already made up his mind not to reveal his identity to Aoyu, he has to go home and discuss with the old man first, and ask him what he means first, although he really wants to ask if he is the big brother However, he couldn’t open his mouth. Long Tianming squirmed his mouth a few times and still didn’t say anything. He just sighed helplessly and said, “Hey, forget it. I didn’t really have anything to do just now. I just wanted to ask you, brothers.” Where are you from? I’m here to beat devils today.” “Hehe, these little devils are always scurrying around me. It makes me look old, so I have to teach them a lesson and let them be good. Go back, don't stretch your claws so long in the future." Aoyu looked at those little devils and said with disdain.

"Oh? Then the little brother is a like-minded person. I wonder if the little brother can tell me which organization you belong to. We can help each other when we meet your people in the future." Long Tianming said at this time Aoyu and the others show their friendship, on the one hand, they inquire about Aoyu's background, hoping to learn a thing or two from them.Who is Aoyu?Who would not be able to see through Long Tianming's thoughts, but Aoyu does things according to his own preferences, he can do whatever he likes, and people he likes will naturally not embarrass him, he replied with a smile : "Hehe, big brother, you're being polite, we're shrouding the sky. If you have anything to do in the future, just speak up." Everyone, whether it's the Yamaguchi group or the Long family, was shocked when they heard Aoyu's words. What kind of organization is shrouding the sky? They knew very well in their hearts that it was better not to provoke such a master, otherwise he would not know how he died. Zhe Tian was notoriously crazy, and no one would give him face.But fortunately, this time the other party has released a sign saying that they are going to deal with the little devils, which made the people of the Long family feel relieved. You must know that they don't have the confidence to fight against 5000 well-equipped Zhetian members at this time. You must know their battle Li is notoriously tough, no worse than the elite of the Long family, and I just had a life-and-death fight with the little devil, if I really fight with Zhetian, it will definitely be dead.

Of course, not everyone’s mood is as good as that of the Long family. The members of the Yamaguchi group are almost crying now. Really, what grievances do they have in their hearts? Originally, they were all selected, and the organization told them This is to go to Huaxia to enjoy the blessings. The masters of Huaxia are all dead. They are invincible when they go. They were all happy at the time, so don't mention it, but in a blink of an eye, the situation changed after only a week. The gang that was bought here was wiped out, and then the people from the Chinese Long family just killed me and caught me by surprise. Now it's even better that the king of Hades, the king of hell, is here to trouble me. The members of the Yamaguchi group are so angry. , One by one, all the 1 generations of ancestors in their team leader's family were greeted by all the women.The members of the Yamaguchi group like Zhetian are more aware than the Long family. After working with Zhetian for so long, 18+ brothers died, but the Yamaguchi group has never taken advantage of it once. The members of the Yamaguchi group got weak when they heard the name Zhetian, and they were afraid that they would never come back if they got involved with Zhetian again.

But what is there to be afraid of? I didn’t say that I was afraid of covering the sky, and a team of covering the sky came. At this time, they really wanted to die, but at this time they were pushed to the extreme, and they launched Come on, one by one with red eyes took up weapons and was about to fight desperately with the two gangs, hoping to fight a bloody way. With one person taking the lead, the rest of them naturally followed suit. After all, they are The elite of the Yamaguchi-gumi, although they are very scared at this time, they are not relentless when they really do it.

But when they started, their failure was already doomed, how could they have fought against Zhetian and the Long family, so the result was already doomed when they started, or more precisely, when Zhetian came , as soon as they made a move, those Zhetian personnel started to rob immediately, and even used the rocket launcher. Zhetian is not like them who are afraid of the front and rear and dare not mess with dragon weapons. Zhetian has followed Aoyu for so long. They have never been afraid of anyone, so they are naturally more ruthless than them. After a while, the ground is full of corpses, and they are beaten into hornets' nests. What's worse is that some of them were hit by rockets without leaving any corpses.But they are not the worst. The worst thing is that the masters of the Yamaguchi-gumi were either torn to pieces by Aoyu's guards, or they were sucked into human beings by the two princes of the blood clan, and they died one by one. Seeing such a horrible sight, the children of the Long family next to them also watched with horror, and vowed that they would never provoke the perverted organization of Zhetian in the future. They are too crazy, too powerful, and they are not human at all.The death of those Yamaguchi-gumi was wronged. Although they are gangsters, they really didn’t come to Huaxia to do any bad things, so they let Zhetian and Long’s family be wiped out. There is no way for them to let Aoyu see It's not pleasing to the eye, it can only be considered that they deserve to be unlucky.

(End of this chapter)

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