Chapter 283
With Tu Jiu's death, the Hongqing Gang is also finished. Those big brothers in Zhetian really lived up to Jason's expectations, and wiped out the once prosperous Hongqing Gang in just 24 hours, although sometimes they were attacking Sometimes it was all the way to kill, without any stop at all, but the places behind them were a mess, and none of them were actually controlled by them, but this is not a problem. For God's sake, these things are pretty easy to handle.Zhetian's action this time did not encounter any big shocks. After all, this is what everyone expected. Everyone knows that Zhetian will not divide his territory into two parts. The destruction of the Hongqing Gang is inevitable. The only thing that is surprising is the speed of the destruction of the Red and Green Gang, but then again, it is nothing if you think about the situation where the five major families of the American Mafia are wiped out.At this moment, Aoyu is at home looking at his maids serving him carefreely. For Aoyu, life is boring. After all, it is not easy for him to find something to do at this stage. Cultivating in Tianmo Palace, it's really boring to stay by yourself. Of course, now Aoyu has a little fun to appreciate the face of his new personal secretary, Long Jiu.

Since what happened last time, Long Jiu immediately started to turn red every time she saw Aoyu staring at her face, and she didn't regain her reputation as an iceberg beauty at the beginning, but she didn't blame Long Jiu. Who would look like this, even Bei Mingbing, who is colder than her, would not look better than her if she did such a thing, last time Long Jiu heard what Aoyu said and immediately went to call her , and the reply he got was not to have any ideas, to meet any request of Aoyu.When Long Jiu heard this, he couldn't believe it. There was no special purpose in sending him here, it was just to let him meet any requirements of that bastard?Of course, there is a deeper meaning in it, which Long Jiu would not understand with his closed mind. Long Jiu, who has always taken missions as his bounden duty and loyalty to the country as his motivation, began to carry out orders without any hesitation. It was Aoyu who made her She will not object to anything she does, which makes Aoyu very happy and takes a lot of advantage. Of course, Aoyu did not make excessive demands. Although Long Jiu is very attractive, it is at best a temptation now. A human machine doesn't want to do anything to Long Jiu Aoyu like this. If she has to do something to her, wait until she really becomes a person in front of Aoyu.At the moment Aoyu is enjoying Long Jiu's massage. To be honest, Long Jiu's skills are really not very good. It is not a level worse than Yamaguchi Yuri and the others, but Aoyu just likes Long Jiu to massage herself. Looking at her Yu felt happy.

But at this time, Aoyu hadn't enjoyed it for a while, and the maid outside came in and said to Aoyu: "Master, the old man is calling you." "What's the matter?" Aoyu said to this beautiful blood maid. "Well, I don't know, the old man didn't say anything, he just let you go." At this time, the maid replied gently.After thinking about it for a while, Aoyu got up helplessly and went to his grandfather's place. Although he was very nostalgic for this place, there were some things he had to do, especially when his grandfather called him, so he had to go.Aoyu stood up lazily, the weather had turned cold just now in October, but at this time Aoyu still didn’t change much, at home he was only wearing a pair of beach shorts and had no clothes on his upper body, so he got off the deck chair and walked to The dragon is in the main hall where the sky is.One must know that Tianlongzhuang is very big, not to mention the thousands of antique buildings, there are several modern villas, the place where Aoyu is located is not close to Long Zaitian, Aoyu walked for a while To the place where the dragon is in the sky.As soon as he entered the room, before Aoyu could speak, he heard Long Zaitian say: "Xiaoyu, you really are still like this in the cold weather, and don't wear more clothes." "Hey, grandpa, you are not I don't know, it would be amazing if this thing could make me sick, by the way, what do you want me to do?" Aoyu said to Long Zaitian at this time. "It's nothing, I want to chat with you." At this time, Long Zaitian said to Aoyu with a smile.

"Come on, grandpa, I don't know you yet. When you want to chat with me and eat, you can't say anything. Why did you call me over? Tell me, what's the matter with you?" Aoyu said to Long Zaitian at this time Sneering, his grandfather Aoyu couldn't understand it well, and Aoyu didn't believe what he said. "Hehe, you are indeed my grandson of Long Zaitian. Hehe, you really understand me. That's how Nangong Wuwei, the head of the Nangong family, called just now and mentioned your marriage with their girl, so I asked you to discuss it." "Long Zaitian took a sip of tea at this time and said to Aoyu. "Marriage? What's going on? At this time Aoyu asked Long Zaitian, obviously he didn't know much about what Long Zaitian said. "Oh, it's like this, I forgot to tell you, you My father and I arranged several marriages for you when you were just born, but you disappeared for more than ten years, not to mention your father died, so we all forgot about it, but now you reappeared, so you Those dolls came to the door again. "Long Zaitian looked at Aoyu and smiled at this time." What?Doll pro?How many more?I said Grandpa, are you making a mistake?In what age is this still popular?And there are several marriages, which are illegal. How can such a pure boy like me do illegal things?So don't mention this matter again. "After speaking, Aoyu turned around and wanted to leave.

Long Zaitian didn't reflect what Aoyu said for a while, but only when he saw Aoyu was about to leave, he reflected and said to Aoyu: "You boy, stop for me, don't play tricks with me, you are pure? If you are pure, you won’t find dozens of wives. Don’t think that my old man doesn’t know anything when he’s old. Although they sent you to the Demon Gate, the secret agents of my Long family are not vegetarians. Still can't hide it from me." Aoyu saw that his plan was seen through by Long Zaitian, so he had no choice but to walk back and stand in front of Long Zaitian again, since he can't escape, then let's get to the point, Aoyu asked He asked the most direct, most important, and simplest question; "Grandpa, how are they doing?" At this time, Long Zaitian wanted to clear the way for Aoyu. Without choking Long Zaitian to death who was drinking tea, Long Zaitian said to Aoyu after coughing dryly, "You boy, my old man will be pissed off by you sooner or later, really, let me tell you earlier. I knew that you kid is not a good thing, but this is the way to go, thinking about your grandpa and me..." Before Long Zaitian finished speaking, Aoyu interrupted him and said: "Okay, grandpa, don't think about the past , I know that you are quite young and powerful, and everyone loves you, let the flowers bloom, let's talk about the key points.

"There is really nothing to do about Aoyu Long Zaitian. At this time, Long Zaitian replied depressedly: "You boy, will your grandpa find ugly ones for you?Those girls are all beauties with thousands of choices, not the kind of trash, you can't find it outside, and they have never had a boyfriend, your grandfather and I have been letting people for so many years Watching secretly, Grandpa will help you deal with it if there is such a sign. After all, although you disappeared at that time, as long as the engagement is not canceled anyway, they will be the prospective daughter-in-law of my Long family. How can they be nice to others. "Grandpa, you are so insidious." At this time, Aoyu praised Long Zaitian. "Hey, where, where, it's a compliment." "Long Zaitian said with a smile without any embarrassment. If outsiders saw that he would die of depression, the majestic Patriarch of the Long Family would be like this. I'm afraid it would make everyone's eyes shatter.

Just when Long Zaitian was happy, Aoyu said again: "But Grandpa, I'm afraid you're not that good. Tell me, apart from the young lady of the Nangong family, who else is there that the Patriarch of the Long family attaches so much importance to?" "Hehe In addition to Nangong Rui'er from the Nangong family, Beimingbing from the Beiming family, Dongfangqing from the Dongfang family, and Murong Piaoxue from the Murong family." At this time, Long Zaitian said slowly .After listening to Long Zaitian's words, Aoyu fell into deep thought, and after a while he said again: "Grandpa, I don't like the Oriental love of the Dongfang family very much. My woman knows her and takes herself too seriously. I have never seen Nangong Rui'er from the Nangong family and Bei Mingbing from the Beiming family. I don't know what they look like. By the way, there is also Murong Piaoxue from the Murong family. It is normal for you to marry them with the first three families. After all, the four great families The power is not small, but what about the Murong family? What happened to the Murong family?" Aoyu asked Long Zaitian. "Hey, it's my grandson who thought of all this for you. Yes, it doesn't matter if I tell you. The first three families are indeed married, and the Murong family is not of much use, but the century home project in their hands. Home is bound to be won, and our Longshi Group will be even more remarkable after this thing is produced.

"What's so great, it's not that my Huanyu is on your head, even if you build ten aristocratic families and homes, it's useless." At this time, Aoyu murmured in a low voice after hearing Long Zaitian's words. "What did you say? You bastard, you look down on me, don't you?" Long Zaitian was choked to death by Aoyu's words, but Aoyu's words made his pain worse. It's really embarrassing for grandpa to say it worse than grandson Things, not to mention the fact that I have inherited a family business for thousands of years, it is not as good as my grandson who has struggled for several years. Speaking of the dragon in the sky, his face is dull. But the problem is that Aoyu is too strong, too strong, which makes Long Zaitian a little depressed. "Hey, no, no, I'm just talking, but Grandpa, your appetite is really big. The Century Homeland cost trillions of dollars. Would you like my Huanyu to help? At this time, Aoyu said shamelessly . "Huanyu?help?No need, I don't know what your kid is thinking?Tell you there is no way, my Long family can still take out this little money, you boy, don't underestimate your grandpa, our Long family has a lot of savings after standing for thousands of years. "At this time, Long Zaitian rejected Aoyu's "good intentions" without any reason, and directly rejected him.

"Forget it, by the way, grandpa, why did you leave the Ximen family alone among the four great families?" Seeing that grandpa disagreed, Aoyu stopped talking and began to change the subject. "Actually speaking, the Ximen family originally belonged to Ximen Yuyang, the younger brother of Ximen Fengfeng, his daughter, and the heir of the Ximen family. Speaking of Ximen Yuyang, he is an unworldly genius of the Ximen family. He broke through when he was 16 years old. He became the rank of super masters. He was originally called Ximen Yuyang, but because of his amazing talent, he was considered by the family elders to be the second ancestor Ximen Chuuxue. However, Ximen Yuyang more than ten years ago Ximen Yuyang was killed by Ximen Fengfeng in the family dispute. His wife was raped by Ximen Fengfeng and killed. Only his daughter, who was a few years old at that time, ran out and did not know where he went. Speaking of which, Ximen Fengfeng is really not One thing, if your father hadn't just died at that time, and our Long family was busy dealing with the Black Dragon Society, Ximen Yuyang wouldn't have died so miserably. By the time we knew it, it was already too late, seeing that Ximen Fengfeng had already taken charge of the Ximen family. Power, so we can only let him go for the sake of domestic stability." At this time, Long Zaitian explained those old things clearly to Aoyu in one breath. "Oh that's right, ah Ximen Hairy is really not a thing, no wonder his two sons are such bastards, really." At this time Aoyu said depressed.

"Well, yes, but these things are not what you want to think about now, you should think about how to get those girls back to me, after all, they are very important to our Long family, although I know You kid don't care about their strength, but it's not a bad thing if you take them in." At this time, Long Zaitian said to Aoyu. "Enen, but Grandpa, you should know that I am very shy, don't rush me so fast, you have to think about how to chase after me." At this time, Aoyu said to Long Zaitian unhurriedly. "I knew you kid would say that, here it is for you." Said Long Zaitian took out a plane ticket from his pocket. "What is this?" At this time Aoyu looked at Long Zaitian with doubts all over his face. "Flying to Longjing, the air ticket to Huaxia College, you boy, we have already prepared it for you. The school has just started there, and it happens to send you all there to go to college. You can go honestly and don't embarrass me." At this time, Long Zaitian said to Aoyu. "But, grandpa, I don't want to go to school. Look at what happened to me in high school. I found that I am not suitable for school." Aoyu said with a depressed face. "It doesn't matter. You are asked to pick up girls, not to go to school. You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't embarrass my Long family. Go quickly. They just finished their military training, so you can go to class tomorrow." At this time, Long Zaitian didn't ask Ao Yutong if he agreed or not, he just pushed him out and let him go to Longjing.So Aoyu, who was full of gloom, could only go back and tidy up, and started his own act of picking up girls.

(End of this chapter)

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