Chapter 284 No Challenge

Aoyu was kicked out by Long Zaitian, he smiled helplessly, he hadn't asked what was going on, he just said that he was asked to go to that Huaxia University to study, and he had to arrive tomorrow, what and what, really Yes, I'm so depressed, I haven't even asked those girls what they look like, the real old man has a very bad temper, and I don't have anything to do with him, isn't it just a small blow to him, and it takes me so fast to drive myself away go?In fact, how did Aoyu Aoyu know that his little blows made Long Zaitian very depressed every time, Long Zaitian, who had been rampant for decades, was old and old, and he was so angry that he beat his grandson every day. At first, he didn't Another way, this time it's okay, just get this kid away.Helpless, Aoyu returned to his home in Shanghai and began to pack his things, and arranged things that covered the sky here. Aoyu didn't care about the looks of those ladies from aristocratic families. There was nothing to be concerned about. For Aoyu These are all trivial matters, as long as you say hello to your subordinates, Aoyu will know all the information of these ladies, their photos, hobbies, taste, height, and measurements, but Aoyu did not do this, It's not challenging to always do things that have been prepared. At this time, Aoyu is already a little bored. It's just that grandpa can let me go there to have fun.

Aoyu didn’t take anyone with him when he left this time. Sister Long Jiu and Catherine were in charge of packing up and preparing to move there. Although Longjing is not far from Tianlongzhuang, the location of Tianlongzhuang is too remote, so we can’t Let Aoyu fly around in a helicopter every day, so Aoyu went back to his residence in Shanghai first, and greeted the Huanyu branch in Longjing, everything was ready, Catherine and the others just need to pack their things Just go to the renovated house over there politely. As for Lily, she can be treated as a person or not exist. She is definitely the best special ninja and the best girl. When you don’t need her, she will She will never appear in front of you, but when you need her, she will definitely appear by your side within two seconds to meet any of your requirements. Aoyu is very happy about this, after all, who doesn't like such a female slave?After Aoyu explained to Long Jiu and the others by himself, he reluctantly took the air ticket given by his grandfather and set off. Long Zaitian knew very well about his grandson and knew that he would go back to lie down in Shanghai first. So the air tickets are all from Shanghai Airport, and Aoyu has no reluctance to Long Zaitian's arrangement. After all, several aristocratic families are still helpful to the Long family in his career. Although he doesn't need it, of course all of this is not Aoyu. The main reason why Yu cooperates so much, the real reason is that Aoyu is really boring, boring to the extreme, Zhetian and Huanyu who are already in orbit have no important things to do by themselves, let alone Doomsday Fleet and Iron Blood Even though the enemies they faced were a bit tough, they had to be trained even though there were some casualties, but they were getting stronger gradually, and Aoyu didn't interfere with them first, so Aoyu had nothing to do with such a huge force. It makes people vomit blood, and Aoyu is so happy for those busy bosses who are enjoying themselves. Of course, this is mainly because Aoyu's subordinates are too loyal.Soon Aoyu arrived at the airport alone, at this moment Aoyu had already changed his clothes, a pair of white jeans, a pink shirt, the shirt was only buttoned two times to reveal his materialistic tattoo, his hands were in the pockets of his trousers As soon as he inserted it, he turned around and walked into an extended Lincoln that had been waiting for a long time at the door, and drove towards the airport.This guy Aoyu has never been on a passenger plane before, and he has never been in an airport. Entering the airport is like grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. I am very curious. Speaking of it, I can’t blame Aoyu. I was poor since I was a child, let alone I have never even sat in a car a few times since I became an airplane, let alone a passenger plane?AIRPORT?What is that?Aoyu has never used it before, and there are quite a few private jets, so of course he is curious at this time.Aoyu wandered around for a long time before he found the boarding gate. At this time, Aoyu became a sight. His handsome appearance, handsome shape, and the big dragon on his chest all attract everyone, especially when everyone else is big. The bag is small, but Aoyu is more eye-catching when his hands are empty. Everyone looks at Aoyu, making him quite embarrassed.But Aoyu's face is not covered, it has been practiced a long time ago. Although he was a little embarrassed in his heart, he still had a charming smile on his face. At this time, it was finally Aoyu's turn, and there was no need for any inspections, Aoyu's certificate There is no unity, it is really embarrassing at this time, my grandfather only gave me a plane ticket, nothing else, at this time Aoyu is feeling depressed, there are still people queuing up behind him, Aoyu without documents He really didn't know what to do, and his super thick skin was turning red at this moment.With an idea, Aoyu suddenly remembered that he had never used the certificate that Long Yi sent him before, so he quietly took it out from the Qiankun Ring, threw it in front of the staff inside, and said: "I have something to do when I go out." The staff didn't see anything else but saw the red letter Huaxia Dragon Group and a special seal of the Big Dragon Group on the certificate thrown by Aoyu, and immediately returned the certificate. Such certificates were specially trained for them. For those who are particularly familiar with it, the staff can tell the authenticity just by looking at it. Fortunately, he didn't open it and he would have been scared to death after opening it, because Aoyu's certificate says the rank of general.If there is no extra words, the staff immediately let Aoyu go, not to mention the enthusiasm shown, which made everyone around him look sideways, and they all began to guess Aoyu's identity in their hearts.Under the guidance of the staff, Aoyu finally arrived at the Ru gate of the plane, and after dismissing the staff, he walked up alone.Looking at the location of his ticket, Aoyu found his seat No. 66, and at first glance, Aoyu felt depressed, it turned out to be an ordinary economy class! "Grandpa is really stingy." Aoyu muttered with a laugh.Although the helpless Aoyu feels that Long Zaitian is stingy, he is still helpless. He has already come up, so why not go down?Anyway, it's a bit bad that I haven't done economic warehouse, but it doesn't matter if I'm just experiencing life anyway.Just when Aoyu was thinking about it, a sweet voice interrupted Aoyu's train of thought, "I'm sorry, can you let me go?" At this time, a beautiful and pure girl in plain clothes appeared in front of Aoyu and said to him. "??? Give way? What are you doing?" Aoyu said with some puzzlement. "I'm number 65, I'm inside." The girl pointed to the place next to Aoyu. "Oh, oh, I'm like this, I'm sorry." Only then did Aoyu think that he just stood near the corridor and blocked others. This is also because of Aoyu's inexperience, he directly regarded the passenger plane as his own. airplane.The girl smiled at Aoyu's appearance, then walked in and sat next to Aoyu.Soon the plane started to take off. It would take a long time to fly from here to Longjing, and the two of them were also bored. Aoyu was originally mentally empty and had nothing to do. The only love names were beauties and novels. Today, the surroundings are different. She hadn't been too busy and flustered for a long time, doing nothing to look at and look at, and the girl was also looking out of the window in a daze and didn't know what she was thinking.At this time, the bored Aoyu first said: "Hello, my name is Aoyu, what's your name?" After thinking about the innocent beauty who took the initiative to talk to Aoyu, she said to Aoyu: "Hello, my name is Jiang Yuzhu." "What are you doing in Longjing? Looking for someone? Looking for relatives? Shopping? Going to school?" At this moment, Aoyu began to talk non-stop. In fact, Aoyu is usually not such a casual person. It's just this time. I'm just bored, so I asked more. "Hehe, I'm going to school, why are you talking so much, don't you look like I'm going shopping?" the girl laughed amused by Aoyu, pointed to her clothes and said.At this time, Aoyu thought that although the girl's clothes were well-dressed, they looked very old, and they were not made of good materials. At this time, Aoyu probably understood that the other party was not too rich, but Aoyu did not Speaking out, it doesn't make any difference to Aoyu whether he is rich or not, all the rich people in this world are poor in Aoyu's eyes.Aoyu asked again: "Then you went to school?"Which school do you go to? ""Huaxia University" At this time, Jiang Yuzhu said to Aoyu with a smile, probably because Aoyu looked at him without contempt because of his clothes, he had a lot of affection for Aoyu, so he replied to Aoyu Dao." Hehe, what a surprise, I am also Huaxia University, but Huaxia University seems to have started military training for a month, why did you come here? "At this time, Aoyu smiled and said to Jiang Yuzhu. Hearing what Aoyu said, Jiang Yuzhu felt heavy and lowered his head, and said: "My father died a long time ago, and my mother was also sick, so I took care of her at home, but now she When I got better, I rushed me to school. I wanted to take a car, but the time was too tight and the formal class would start tomorrow, so my mother rushed me here, and I didn't know if the school would still want me. ""Okay, don't be sad. Anyway, there is still me, so you can rest assured that I will accompany you. I am also going to Longjing Huaxia University. Look, I am also going so late. I think the boss There will be a way, maybe the principal will be lenient to us. "At this time, Aoyu comforted Jiang Yuzhu." Really?I hope, otherwise I really can't face my father under Jiuquan. It has always been his dream to let me be admitted to Huaxia University. If I can't go to school because of this, I will really feel sorry for him. "At this time Jiang Yuzhu said in a low voice, her voice was already a little hoarse.

(End of this chapter)

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