Chapter 285 We Are Friends

"Okay, don't be sad, I will help you, you just trust me." At this time, Aoyu said to Jiang Yuzhu, seeing the crying girl in front of him, Aoyu remembered the past again, and he had forgotten the past Grandpa's wish is that he can go to school well and go to a good university in the future. I am really sorry for my dead grandpa.I don't know why although Jiang Yuzhu saw Aoyu for the first time, there was a force in Aoyu that convinced her. Although the dragon on him looked quite scary, she suddenly became confident after hearing Aoyu's words. He nodded and said to Aoyu: "Okay, I believe in you, I believe we will succeed." At this time, Aoyu nodded in satisfaction, and the two started chatting again, and the chat was very happy. From the chat Aoyu knew that Jiang Yuzhu was 18 years old this year, and his father had died in a car accident in his early years.Time passed quickly during the chat between the two, and it didn't take long for them to arrive at their destination, Longjing.Naturally, no one came to pick them up at this time. You must know that the days of picking up freshmen have passed for so long, and no one would foolishly wait for the freshmen in front of the airport in October. Classes should have already started. If it weren't for Huaxia University's special two-month training, the day lily might be cold by the time these two arrived.

When I got off the plane, a strange phenomenon appeared. A handsome guy with a height of 1.8 meters was wearing this pink shirt with his hands in his trouser pockets and walked in front with a handsome face, while a pure beauty was standing behind him in his deep arms. The big and small bags made everyone look sideways. At this time, Aoyu found that everyone was looking at him with weird eyes. A lot of things followed behind him.This made Aoyu extremely embarrassed for a while. It was not because Aoyu had a big name, but because Aoyu didn't have the habit of carrying things at all. He didn't follow hundreds of younger brothers when he went to the street, and he didn't know how to rotate anything. It's up to him to get it, so naturally I forgot about it.Embarrassed, Aoyu walked up and said with a slightly red face: "I'm really sorry, I forgot about this, I didn't pay attention to it just now, let me get it." After speaking, he took the package from Jiang Yuzhu's hand , raised it in her hand, and pulled Jiang Yuzhu out. Jiang Yuzhu took a look at Aoyu, but didn't say anything, just smiled, and walked out with Aoyu. It seems that she didn't blame Aoyu. .

As soon as the two went out, Aoyu and Jiang Yuzhu found hundreds of black-clothed men waiting at the door, and at a glance, they knew it was not a good thing. Jiang Yuzhu leaned towards Aoyu in fear, and Aoyu held her back He smiled at him and said: "It's okay, let's go, they should be waiting for someone, they won't come to trouble us, let's go." In fact, Aoyu saw the clothes on the clothes of the people at the door with sharp eyes. The logo, at a glance, it is known that it is a man and a horse covering the sky.Although Zhetian is not in Longjing, there is no youth power, but in order to protect Huanyu's property and some secret strongholds here, there are still hundreds of permanent subordinates. Aoyu originally wanted to go there, but after a second thought If I really pass by, I am afraid that I will say goodbye to the innocent girls around me in the future. I am afraid that when I hear that I am a gangster like this, I may run faster than a rabbit.So Aoyu sent a collective sound transmission to his subordinates before they found him, telling them to pretend that they didn't know him.Aoyu and Jiang Yuzhu walked out of the airport quickly, hailed a taxi and headed for Huaxia University in the east of Longjing. "Why did you think of applying for Huaxia University?" Jiang Yuzhu asked Aoyu at this time.

"Well, how should I put it, my grandfather asked me to come here. In fact, I don't even know what Huaxia University is. I just heard about what it looks like before. I don't know much about it. I just heard that it is very powerful." He replied that he, a guy who didn't care much about anything, was telling the truth, and he wasn't lying at all. He really didn't know much about Huaxia University. "Really, I really wonder if you are from Huaxia, even Huaxia University doesn't know." At this time, Jiang Yuzhu rolled his eyes at Aoyu and said to him.

After Jiang Yuzhu's introduction, Aoyu finally got to know about Huaxia University. Huaxia University is located in the former eastern suburb of Longjing, and now in the prosperous area of ​​Longjing. It was established in 2015. This university was jointly built with the four great families and the Long family. Huaxia University covers an area of ​​more than 1 mu and has a huge faculty. It has specially recruited a large number of talents from various famous schools in Huaxia, and hired some famous international students with high salaries. Famous scholars came to sit here, and it took 3 years to build. It can accommodate more than 16 students in total, and has a large number of complete facilities and advanced equipment. It has become one of the most advanced universities in the world. Students from all over the world flock here every year. This has become one of the most popular schools in the world, and those who can come here to study are all talented people, or those whose families are extremely powerful and wealthy, and ordinary people can't get in at all.After more than ten years of development, Huaxia University has become the dream of all Huaxia students. However, the number of people who can enroll each year is not many. After all, the 16 students will get rid of the senior and foreign students, and they will be able to win. There are not many new students in China.

Jiang Yuzhu was able to come in because of her excellent studies. You must know that Jiang Yuzhu's family is not very rich, but her studies are very good. She has never given up on her efforts, so she was admitted to Huaxia University and fulfilled her dream.As for Aoyu, needless to say, he came in through the back door to put it bluntly. Of course, it was the extremely hard back door. Huaxia University didn't dare to say no to it. After all, it is possible to blow it up even if Aoyu is annoyed, although the impact will be great. .Soon Aoyu and Jiang Yuzhu arrived at the destination of Huaxia University. Looking at the majestic and majestic school gate in front of him, Jiang Yuzhu was full of emotions, and excitedly pulled Aoyu and shouted. After all, this is her dream, which she has been looking forward to for a long time. The place.Of course, Aoyu is not in the mood to get excited, Aoyu is quite calm about being able to come to Huaxia University, because it is too simple for him, and he can take out one of his many identities to make Huaxia The allegiance of the university is down to the table. After all, his identity is too scary. Although the principal of Huaxia University also serves as the vice minister of the Ministry of Education, it is obviously nothing in Aoyu's eyes. But looking at Jiang Yuzhu's It looked like he thought it was a little fun.But at this time, an apparently unharmonious voice interrupted their good mood.

"Hey, you haven't given the money yet, I'm waiting for you, hurry up." At this time, the taxi driver said to the two of them. "Money?" Aoyu hasn't used this thing for a long time. When he goes out, he never brings money, at least not now, just a card instead of nothing else, because usually when he goes out, someone will follow him Those who pay the bills behind Aoyu, of course, sometimes forget, but seeing the hundreds of people behind him, those shopkeepers dare not say a word, Aoyu will be able to carry no money if things go on like this habit.Aoyu came over awkwardly and said: "Well, I didn't take the money, how about swiping the card brother?" As soon as Aoyu said this, the taxi driver immediately looked at Aoyu like an idiot, although swiping the card is very popular now , You can swipe your card to buy anything, but this is the first time I heard that a taxi also needs to swipe the card, but the driver didn’t dare to say anything. Looking at Aoyu’s height of 1 meters, his bulging muscles added to his strength. With his full head of blond hair and mosquito body on his chest, the driver immediately classified him as a hooligan. Naturally, he would not dare to provoke such a person. The underworld is too rampant these days, and his life might be in danger. These two money are worthless, so seeing that Aoyu doesn't want to give money, he dare not say more and prepare to mobilize and leave quickly.

At this time, Jiang Yuzhu stood up next to him and took out 100 yuan from his pocket. To be honest, Jiang Yuzhu was still very distressed about the money. After all, her family was not rich, and her mother’s illness was not fully recovered. She was planning to come here by herself. Yes, but Aoyu was forced to get into the car. Seeing that Aoyu has no money at this time, although it hurts a bit, she still took it out without any hesitation. In her opinion, although she didn't know Aoyu for a long time, she took it out. Aoyu regards her as her friend, and of course she will not hesitate to be a friend. "It's a big deal, save yourself some money in the future, and you won't die if you miss two meals." Jiang Yuzhu said to himself in his heart. "Halo, it's true that I didn't take the money, I will pay you back in the future." Aoyu said to Jiang Yuzhu at this time. "Are we friends? If we are friends, don't talk about it." Jiang Yuzhu said to Aoyu with a smile at this time.Hearing Jiang Yuzhu's words, Aoyu was stunned. It's true that Aoyu is so good, he is the godfather of the sky, and the young master of the Long family, but he really doesn't have a friend, except for those women who love him We really don’t have any friends. After hearing Jiang Yuzhu’s words, Aoyu was naturally taken aback, and then he laughed happily and said to Jiang Yuzhu: “Yes, we are friends, forever friends.” Jiang Yuzhu is dreaming by himself She never expected that one sentence of hers would completely change her own destiny, and the fate of her life would be completely rewritten when she said that sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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