Chapter 296 The Abused Beimang Mountain Ghost King

Aoyu didn't care about anything, and walked up step by step, those Yin soldiers under the ghost king of Beimang Mountain killed one by one, but without exception, they were all stunned by Aoyu. A few minutes later, when Aoyu's footsteps reached the mountainside of Beiman Mountain, there were no more Yin soldiers around him.They had already hid from a distance and looked at Aoyu with fear in their eyes, and they didn't dare to take half a step forward. "Who dares to forcibly break into Beiman Mountain?" At this time, a huge aura descended from the sky, but although this aura was powerful, it contained some gloomy and cold taste, but this was not seen by Aoyu. After a short fight, Aoyu has figured out the roots of these guys. These souls are not threatening at all when they are not condensed into entities. When they become the lowest level of Yin soldiers, they have entities again. Of course not The ones that are too strong have attack power at this time, but they can be killed at this time. Of course, it depends on what attack you use. At least those modern weapons are useless. These dark soldiers should It is the power that fears the devouring darkness and light and fire. "Hehe, you are the ghost king of Beiman Mountain, right? I'm here to look for you." At this time, Aoyu said with a smile. The smile has become Aoyu's signature. To be honest, Aoyu is rarely angry now, but Those who are close to him know that the brighter Aoyu's smile is on anyone, the harder he will attack, except of course his friends and relatives.

"Oh? You came to look for me? Young man, since you came to me, you should show courtesy. How could you come up the mountain? Could it be that you put my Beiman Mountain in your eyes?" At this time, the Beiman Mountain Ghost King had already paid attention Putting the force on Aoyu's body, he was surprised to find that the young man's strength in the distance couldn't be clearly seen by him, he looked like an ordinary person, but he was able to beat his subordinates so hard that he was very upset I was shocked, so although I didn't give in when I spoke, I was more polite. Anyone who knows the ghost king of Beiman Mountain knows that this old ghost is notoriously hot-tempered and vicious. He has never been so polite to others Pass.But sometimes things are not as simple as people think. His words are more polite, but Aoyu doesn't want to show his face, and said to him with disdain: "Hmph, why do you just look down on you? To be honest, this Beiman Shan, I really didn’t see it in my eyes. I told you that I came to you today because I have something to ask you to help. Don’t be shameless. If you can do it well, I will let you go. Mountain.

"Aoyu is not a reckless person. When the ghost king of Beimang Mountain appeared, he began to observe the opponent. Aoyu judged the strength level of the opponent at a glance, and he knew that the opponent was a cunning person by looking at the eyes that kept turning. So at this time, Aoyu first gave him a warning, let him know how powerful he is, so that he can avoid pushing or deceiving himself, and that will harm his subordinates. Beiman Mountain Ghost King Hearing this, he immediately became angry, and he shot his natal magic weapon, ghost soul orb, at Aoyu. It can also cut mountains and cut rivers. It is powerful and insightful. Usually, he himself does not use it. You must know that this is a double cultivation of life and death with him. Although it is powerful, he will not show it until the last moment. Angry, he lost his mind in anger, and he couldn't see Aoyu's strength clearly, so he used his unique move from the beginning.

He was completely dumbfounded by what happened next. He saw Aoyu not only didn't dodge the ghost pearl that was flying at high speed, but smiled wisely. He stretched out his hands in front of him, just a blink of an eye. Then he caught the ghost soul bead with his hand, and didn't even change his expression at all, which made the ghost king's eyeballs almost fall off when he saw it, with a frightened expression on his face, and said to Aoyu in a trembling voice : "You... you... who the hell are you?" With your intelligence, you should know what to do." At this moment, Aoyu laughed, quite happily, and said to the Ghost King of Beiman Mountain. "Yes, I know, if you have anything to ask, I will definitely do it for you." At this time, the Beiman Mountain Ghost King scolded Aoyu tens of thousands of times in his heart, but he dared not say anything. The language of objection, because he knows that if he has any dissatisfaction with the other party, the other party is absolutely capable of killing himself in an instant, making him lose his soul, so for his old life, the Beiman Mountain Ghost King still answered honestly. Aoyu's words. "Well, that's good. It's like this. Yesterday a group of my subordinates were calculated and killed. I hope you can hand over your cultivation methods and help them practice. Can you do this?" At this time, Aoyu said to the ghost king of Beiman Mountain calmly.

"Ah, this... this..." At this time, the ghost king of Beimang Mountain was hesitating and fumbling, but he couldn't speak.Aoyu got angry when he saw him like this, and kicked him when he went up, and there was a little devilish energy mixed in it, which made Beiman Mountain Ghost King scream in pain, and then Aoyu said to him coldly: "Say , Whether it is successful or not, let me handle the achievement, if not, you can wait to die." "No, no, it is like this, you don't know, after this person dies, not everyone's soul Those who can stay in the human world, even if they can stay, only a small part and they can't stay for long. They must die when they see light, and the requirements for cultivating ghosts are extremely strict. Not every surviving soul can do it. They must first be stronger before they are alive. , Secondly, they must have a lot of spiritual power, and more importantly, there must be a place for them to live for a long time, it is best to be a magic weapon, otherwise the chances are slim." After expressing all his thoughts, he quietly opened his mouth and waited for Aoyu's order.After thinking for a while, Aoyu opened his mouth again and said to Beiman Mountain Ghost King: "Well, don't worry, my subordinates dare not say they are too strong, but they are all masters, and their mental power is not weak, and the place where they are is yesterday. There should be no problem with too many dead people lingering. As for treasures, I also have them, so you can rest assured.

"After listening to Aoyu's words, the Beiman Mountain Ghost King lost his breath. He was also afraid that if the person in front of him was unhappy, he would kill himself and be buried with his subordinates. Now that the other party said so, he felt relieved. Follow Aoyu to yesterday's battlefield. The Beimang Mountain Ghost King was caught by Aoyu and teleported to yesterday's battlefield. Seeing this scene, the Beimang Mountain Ghost King was frightened. He had never seen the battlefield before. He has seen more of these dead people, the key is that those corpses looked so miserable, the 7 people who covered the sky, plus the 15 horses of the three major gangs and the organizations above them were all killed by Aoyu and his Those thousand blood clans were dismembered alive, not to mention how pitiful they looked. Aoyu didn't think anything of it, these guys deserved to die, who let them kill their own men? In fact, he didn't know about the three major gangsters and The forces behind them are now regretting to death. Zhetian killed [-] people from several organizations and thousands of experts in two days. Their hearts are bleeding. He is so vicious, if he had known that they would kill them, he would not have provoked them. Aoyu looked at the battlefield and said to Beiman Mountain Ghost King: "Hurry up and act. ""action? "Beimang Mountain Ghost King was taken aback by Aoyu's words." He slapped him on the head again, and Aoyu said angrily to Beiman Mountain Ghost King: "The action is to let you save them, you are Pig. "After that, I gave him another slap.

The grievance in the Beimang Mountain Ghost King's heart, but the helpless form is better than others, who told me that he can't beat others, so although he was not convinced in his heart, there was nothing he could do. The Beimang Mountain Ghost King's grievance tears came out. Yu said: "You don't know, you can't let them show up during the day, you can only wait until night, and I didn't do it, as long as you use your power to let their souls enter the prepared treasure." After listening to Bei At the words of the Mangshan Ghost King, Aoyu nodded his head to express his understanding, but then, as if thinking of something, he kicked the Beimangshan Ghost King again, and said cursingly: "Then what are you bastard doing? I want Didn't you ask for it for nothing? It's so simple and it caused me to run so far, I'll beat you to death, you bastard.

"After finishing talking, Aoyu beat the Beimang Mountain Ghost King again, the Beimang Mountain Ghost King felt grievances, and thought in his heart, "You think I want to come, but I was not caught by you. "Of course, he didn't dare to say such words even if he was killed. He also saw that the master in front of him was clearly unreasonable, and what he said was in vain. Maybe he would beat him harder. At this time, Beiman While enduring the pain and screaming, the Mountain Ghost King was thinking about how to calm down Aoyu's anger. After thinking for a long time, he finally remembered and said to Aoyu: "Master, sir, stop beating. Of course you are the one who takes away the soul, but the teacher I'm the one who's doing it, and I'm going to help you pass the message, they won't be able to hear your words before they become a real entity. "After hearing what the ghost king said, Aoyu kicked him again, and then let him stand up and said to him: "You are still useful, remember to speak early next time, or you will suffer. "

(End of this chapter)

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