Chapter 297 Ghost Legion
The anger in the ghost king's heart, it has been thousands of years, and I have been practicing for thousands of years, how have I ever been so angry, even when I was a little ghost, but the person in front of me today treats me like this, making the ghost king angry Incomparably, he swore that one day he would make the guy in front of him called Aoyu pay the price, making his life worse than death, but before he finished thinking, Aoyu kicked him from behind and said: "You are a pig Why are you in a daze, wait here for me, and tell me about your exercises by the way, so that I can teach my subordinates to use them in the future." The ghost king of Beimang Mountain told Aoyu his own exercises obediently, but he didn't dare to If there is something to hide, who knows if the other party has any reference skills or something, even if there is no, it is not easy for the other party to find him, unless he has the power of ghosts, it is too easy for the other party to kill him.

The two chatted without saying a word, and soon it was night. Of course, Aoyu abused the poor ghost king a lot during the period. In fact, there was a reason why Aoyu treated him like this. Everyone knew that Beiman The Mountain Ghost King is extremely vicious, I don't know how many people have been harmed, and there are many innocent people among them. Although Aoyu is a gangster who doesn't pay attention to benevolence, righteousness and morality, but Aoyu is the kind of gangster who wants to be worthy of his conscience. The kind of guy who does harm to the good people, and this Beimanshan ghost king can be said to be the best among the people Aoyu hates, it's no wonder that Aoyu doesn't abuse him.Soon on the branches of the moon, the silent wilderness looked extraordinarily quiet. Aoyu performed the psychic art he had just snatched from the ghost king, and saw the unjust souls all over the mountains and plains. His subordinates were leading the next All of them looked at themselves in unison, and knelt down to pay homage to themselves, but they didn't know what they were talking about.

Aoyu's eyes turned red when he saw this situation, what a good subordinate, looking at them, although Aoyu didn't know what they were going to say, but he guessed it pretty well. At this time, Aoyu was almost excited. Tears flowed, but Aoyu held back the principle of a man who bleeds but not tears, grabbed the ghost king who was smiling wickedly and gave him a hand, then said to him: "Say, what did they say?" "They said, they are sorry Godfather, tens of thousands of people were wiped out by others. They let you down. I’m sorry for your trust. They have no chance to serve you in this life. I hope you can remember them in the future. I hope you can take them in at that time." At this time, the Ghost King of Beimang Mountain told Aoyu what Shangguan Chen and the others had said without revealing a single word. "Okay, okay, okay, tell you, I'm very happy to have men like them, they don't have to be sad, I don't blame them, it's not their fault, and I tell them that they don't have to die, and I will help them take back their souls soon "At this time Aoyu was very moved and said hello three times, and then said to the ghost king next to him, asking him to translate for him.After the ghost king of Beimang Mountain, Wu Ulala, said a lot of things, the group of people headed by Shangguanchen jumped up happily one by one.

Aoyu is not talking nonsense at this time, he also knew what to do during the chat with the ghost king of Beiman Mountain just now, at this time Aoyu took out his treasured Qibao Linglong Umbrella, opened it, and collected those souls one by one , this Seven Treasures Exquisite Umbrella is the treasure of Su Daji, the ancient demon queen. After the sacrificial training, it naturally became his. In fact, he originally wanted to use the Heaven and Earth Sovereign Fan, which was better, but he didn't dare because it contained the souls of ten ancient monsters and ten ancient dragons. Once inside, it might be difficult to figure it out. You must know that although this Heaven and Earth Sovereign Fan recognizes you as the master, you haven't completely subdued the soul inside, otherwise its power is definitely more than that.If it is like this, the ghost king of Beiman Mountain next to him will drool with envy. You must know that the Qibao Linglong Umbrella is a top-level demon weapon. If you can practice in it and want to become a ghost fairy, it is definitely not a dream. At least it is better to practice inside than outside. A hundred times faster.Seeing the ghost king staring at him eagerly, Aoyu thought for a while and then smiled at him and said: "Do you want to go in?" "Yes.

"At this time, the Ghost King of Beimang Mountain didn't hide his desire at all, because the temptation in front of him was too great, he couldn't miss it, and he knew that once he missed such an opportunity, he might not have it in the future." Hehe, hello Very honest, I like it, since you want to go in, I can promise you. "At this moment, Aoyu said with satisfaction. Hearing Aoyu's words, the ghost king of Beiman Mountain immediately became happy, and danced like a child, but after a while, he calmed down again and lived for thousands of years." There is no white in the world. Eat lunch" He still understands this sentence, the ghost king who calmed down said to Aoyu: "I don't know what you want, just say it. "" Haha, I like how smart you are. It's good to talk to smart people. It's not tiring, but it's really nothing. It's just that you recognize me and serve me. "At this time, Aoyu smiled naturally and said to the ghost king of Beimang Mountain. After listening to Aoyu's words, the ghost king of Beimang Mountain pondered for a moment and replied: "Okay, I promise you.

"This condition is really harsh. Such an oath must be guaranteed, and the contract means that the Beimang Mountain Ghost King will always be his subordinate. However, the Beimang Mountain Ghost King still agreed. In fact, why would he want to? This temptation is too great. Just like humans, ghosts have their own ideals. Humans can give up everything for their ideals, so can ghosts. All ghosts have a common ideal to achieve the way of ghosts and immortals, which is eternal and immortal. So even though he was unwilling, the Beimang Mountain Ghost King agreed after thinking for a moment. After all, he could not refuse this temptation. He knelt down in front of Aoyu and said to the sky: "I, the Beimang Mountain Ghost King, have a dark heart. Wu Mantian ghosts and gods swear to be loyal to the master in front of him with the contract of soul until his soul is scattered. If there is any violation, he will be judged by the fire of hell and reincarnation. "After speaking, a white light shot from him straight to the center of Aoyu's eyebrows. At this time, Aoyu knew that the ghost king of Beimang Mountain, that is, Yin Huaiwu, had become his most loyal servant, and he was able to control everything about him, and even let him He's going to die." You go in too, teach them well after you go in, and help them condense their souls, and I will need you when the time comes. "At this time Aoyu said to Yin Huaiwu." Yes, master. "At this moment, Yin Huaiwu has no initial resentment, and replied respectfully after hearing Aoyu's words. Aoyu saw everything about his performance, nodded in satisfaction, and watched him fly in.

Aoyu sighed for a moment looking at the dead bodies that were all over the place, and then took out the supreme fan of heaven and earth and buried all the corpses. There is no hatred here, no matter who they were or what they did before they were alive , but at the moment they have nothing to do, and all the hatred is understood with their death. After all, the dead are buried for them by Da Aoyu. After all, they are just a bunch of tools, so What you do is also involuntary.Soon Aoyu brought Hu Meier from the Fox tribe to Tianmo Palace, and told Hu Sanniang to abandon the original place of the Fox tribe and move to Kunlun Mountain. With the support of the Demon Gate, everything will be much easier. Those guys who don't know how to live or die will also restrain themselves, and let Hu Sanniang send a message to other races loyal to Chi You that anyone who wants to come can come, and Aoyu is not at all concerned about whether their arrival will cause panic. Worry, there is a secret place under the bright top of Kunlun Mountain, where the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the sun is shining brightly, the aura is abundant, and the place is very vast. It was created by a fairy back then with the great magic of moving mountains and seas, and it has been expanded a lot with the help of Aoyu. It is not a problem for hundreds of thousands of monsters to live here, and the migration of the monsters here will also take care of the Demon Gate, which means that Aoyu's hand-heavy strength has increased by one point.I replied, Tianmo Palace told you this news to a few girls, and expressed my joy at the moment. Don’t mention how happy Aoyu is at this time. Although the bodies of his subordinates are dead, as long as their souls don’t die, what will happen? It's all easy to handle.

Seeing Aoyu's happy appearance, Xia Xue and the others were also very happy, laughing and laughing together with Aoyu, at this time Huoyu said something that benefited Aoyu a lot, Huoyu said: "Aoyu, since the world told you They are so colorful, and have the existence of the underworld and souls, so why do we have to let them return to Yang? Aren’t we going to save the master in the future? Of course, the more power the better at that time, why don’t we let them live well? When I start to cultivate, how about using it to develop the power of the underworld?" Huo Yu is a whimsical girl, but at this time, Aoyu thinks it is feasible after listening to her words. It is true that he needs a lot of strength to rescue the master. It is good to have someone of your own, and in the future, if any subordinate dies, there must be a caretaker. At this time, Aoyu immediately sank his mind into the Qibao Linglong Umbrella, and expressed his thoughts to the subordinates inside.These individuals are all single, (Zhitian fighters are required to be unmarried and have no children.) It is not that important whether the parents have the care of the organization or not. Daye agreed happily one by one, expressing that he would contribute to Aoyu. At this time, Aoyu officially gave them a name that would make the whole underworld tremble in the future: "Ghost Legion". Of course, they are not of much use now, their leader is naturally Shangguan Chen who is extremely loyal to Aoyu, and the deputy leader is Beimanshan Ghost King, Yin Huaiwu, they will become Aoyu's subordinates in the days to come One of the most terrifying forces.

(End of this chapter)

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