Chapter 302 The Legendary Hero Saves Beauty
Aoyu and Jiang Yuzhu came back to the school together and sent them to the dormitory. It was already past 11 o'clock in the evening. Originally, the school should be closed at this time, and others are not allowed to go out, but who is Aoyu? , he didn't want to go back to the dormitory, looked at Wang Xiaosen's old cucumber face, thought for a while, and the bored Aoyu walked out alone, wanting to go outside to play, anyway, there is nothing to do, Aoyu has recently become obsessed with playing games online Of course, the main purpose is to find something to do for himself. After all, Aoyu is the kind of super boring person. Aoyu really has nothing to do, so he comes to a large Internet cafe near the school to play.

But to get to that Internet cafe, you need to pass through a small park near the school. Of course, it’s not that there is no other way, but because it’s the closest, but it’s past 11 o’clock in the middle of the night, and the weather has turned cold in October. In the usually lively small park There was no one there, and it was terrifyingly quiet, except for people like Aoyu who were full and supporting themselves, no one would come here.

Aoyu walked slowly on the tree-lined road in the small park alone, lit a cigarette with one hand and smoked, put the other hand in his pocket and looked up at the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" At this time, a terrified female voice came over. Obviously the owner of the voice was quite surprised when he said this, but one thing is certain is that this voice is really sweet, which makes Aoyu Shocked, he was unconsciously attracted to it.

"Who are we? What do we want to do? Hey, what do you think, there is no one around here in the dead of night, what do you think we want to do? Hey, don't worry, little beauty, don't be afraid that we will take good care of you and make you feel comfortable, hey .” At this time, a boy who was extremely cheap rang.

"That's right, that's right, don't worry, our technology is very good." Another voice that was more cheap said.

"You guys, don't come here, don't you know this is against the law?" The female voice was quite frightened, and said to the two men.

"Haha, breaking the law? Let me tell you, no one here knows that we killed you after we killed you." The cheap man who spoke first said arrogantly.

"Hey, if you want to scream, you can scream, and no one will pay attention to you if you scream." At this time, another cheap man opened his mouth to cooperate.

"Enen, so you have to take good care of us. Hehe, if I'm in a good mood, I might let you go." The cheap man who spoke first at this time said with a smile, the two cooperated perfectly, obviously not the first time I have done this kind of thing once, and I know how to intimidate first and then deceive, although their lines are a bit old-fashioned.

When they said this, Aoyu had already arrived near them without them knowing. Seeing that the girl was wearing snow-white clothes at the moment, the clothes were ordinary but elegant, giving people a special feeling, and she was also quite pure. And it gives people a gentle atmosphere, coupled with the weak eyes, the skin that drips water, makes people unconsciously want to conquer her, and the two guys opposite her are not good things at first sight, One with green hair and one with purple hair, both of them are shawl-shaped, and their clothes are so casual that they are similar to Ao Yuman, but the difference between them lies in their faces. To be honest, their looks are quite good, but their appearance It was really horrible to see. When Aoyu saw their faces, he suddenly understood why these two came out to rape. It is not easy to go out and find a lady when they look like them. Someone willing to serve them.

Aoyu didn't expect that the legendary hero saving the beauty could happen to him, so Aoyu smiled helplessly, touched his face, really helpless, no matter where he went, it was not peaceful, this Let Aoyu sometimes wonder if he is a born broom star, and people will be unlucky wherever he goes.

As for that girl, Aoyu must be saved, not to mention that girl is so beautiful, even Aoyu at the level of a dinosaur would do it, it is not because Aoyu is so kind, what kind of a good guy can a big brother in the underworld be?But Aoyu also has his own code of conduct, and rape is one of his taboos. Those bastards, with brain problems and perverted minds, don't know what good rape is. I found a crime for myself and went to live in the classroom for a few years. Really, if I have the time to rape, it’s better to go to a lady and spend 100 yuan to do it once. You don’t have to be responsible and you don’t need to live in the classroom. You can do whatever you want .

For such people, Aoyu has always caught one and killed the other. Of course, if he is in a bad mood, he may let you join the great ranks of eunuchs at any time, making your life worse than death.

When the two mean-faced guys were about to attack the girl, a voice that made them feel very annoying and made the girl's face full of excitement appeared: "Hey, I said you can't go to Miss? You do this It's really not level."

Those two guys looked in the direction of the voice, and found that they don't know when a person looks similar to himself, but is more handsome than himself, taller than himself, more gorgeous than himself in clothes, nobler in temperament than himself, and better in behavior than himself An elegant man with a more aggressive expression than himself appeared on their left, leaning against the pillar next to him with smoke in his mouth, talking disdainfully to them.

The appearance of Aoyu immediately hit the two of them hard, but soon their tempers also came out. Seeing Aoyu like this, they were already mad with jealousy. Thinking about their imbalance, they are both biological parents. Why do you raise him to be more handsome than yourself?Seeing that there is no one around Aoyu, the two looked at each other and took out a knife from their arms to kill Aoyu.

But what disappointed them was that Aoyu didn't show any panic when he saw them taking out their weapons. Instead, he smiled at them slightly. It is undeniable that Aoyu's smile is quite pretty, but I don't know what happened, look In the eyes of the two of them, it made the two of them feel the drums in their hearts.

But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, it might be the other party's bluff, so he said to Aoyu fiercely: "Boy, why are you laughing, don't you believe that I will kill you today?"

"Believe it, how can you not believe it, but it depends on whether you have the ability or not, you come here." At this time, Aoyu waved his hand to them to signal them to come over.

At this time, the two little bastards were extremely angry at what Aoyu told them. The two of them were not very intelligent and simple-minded, otherwise they would not have done such a thing, so they immediately ignored Sanqi 21 after hearing what Aoyu said. It was a knife when he rushed up.

The girl next to her screamed and closed her eyes, never daring to open them again.

Immediately after that, there were two screams, but it was not from Aoyu, but from those two hooligans, their knives did not cause any harm to Aoyu, on the contrary, Aoyu continued to carry forward his glorious style , two more glorious eunuchs were born in this world.

To tell you the truth, Aoyu didn't attack lightly at this time, he destroyed the pig's head of the two pig's heads at once, and still in this way, the two of them lay on the ground rolling and screaming, making them People were shocked when they heard this.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now, it's all right." At this time Aoyu walked up to the girl who made him feel good and said to her, his tone as gentle as possible.

At this time, the girl opened her eyes after hearing Aoyu's words, looked at Aoyu with her big watery eyes, and was sure that Aoyu was fine, so she said: "Sir, it's just that you are fine, thank you so much You, I really don’t know what to do without you, by the way, what about those bad guys?”

"There." At this time, Aoyu pointed to the two gangsters who were rolling on the ground a few meters away, and the blood had already flowed all over the ground and said.

"Ah" the girl screamed again, hid behind Aoyu, and then said tremblingly: "Sir, they are fine, should we send them to the hospital?"

After hearing this, Aoyu became depressed, this girl really didn't know what she was thinking, she was molested by those two guys just now, and now she is going to send her to the hospital, which makes Aoyu very depressed, Aoyu is very sorry She said: "It's okay, those two guys won't die, but they can't do bad things in the future."

After hearing Aoyu's words, the girl felt relieved and said to Aoyu: "That's fine, sir, thank you so much today, without you, I really don't know what I should do."

At this time, the girl was already crying when she spoke, and teardrops were falling down.

"Okay, don't cry, isn't there nothing to do now?" Aoyu comforted at this time, because he knew what was going on, and Aoyu would soften his heart when he saw a girl crying. Of course, this is only about beautiful girls or Aoyu looked at the pleasing person.

After hearing Aoyu's words, the girl felt warm in her heart for some reason, and she stopped crying when she felt safe. She nodded her head and said to Aoyu: "Thank you, sir, thank you so much."

"Hehe, don't say Mr. or Mrs., my name is Long Aoyu, what about you?" Aoyu asked the girl at this time.

"Well, yes, Dragon Lord, my name is Makino Yingko, please take care of me." At this time, the girl in white, that is, Makino Yingko said.

Fortunately, she didn't say this out of her mouth. Aoyu's face changed immediately after she said it. You must know that Aoyu is the most annoying person. At this time, hearing the girl's tone, Aoyu had already guessed her identity, and his face suddenly turned a little bit changed.

(End of this chapter)

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