Chapter 303 Makino Sakurako
"Human?" At this time, Aoyu's tone has changed a little, he no longer has the previous tenderness, and his expression has also changed.

Makino Yingzi, who had just recovered and was a little happy, suddenly lowered her head again, her face was a little pale, obviously she probably understood what Aoyu meant, and she also knew some of the reasons behind it, many people in Huaxia University didn't quite understand it. She likes people, of course, although there are not many of them, most of them are students of Hari Ha Han, from the look on Ao Yu's face, she knows that Ao Yu is probably the same kind of person.

Makino Yingzi is also very helpless. Today, she was depressed because of the news that her family was going to marry her, so she came here alone and wanted to be alone, but unexpectedly, such a thing happened to her, just when she was about to despair Aoyu suddenly appeared. At this time, Makino Yingzi's heart beat a few times instantly. Although she grew up in fairy tales, she had heard a lot about heroes saving beauty, but she had never seen it before, and now she suddenly appeared in the In front of her, she was so excited that she was dying, imagining a beautiful love with joy, although it was a love with no results, at first Makino Yingzi hoped that her first night could be given to someone she liked, and Aoyu's handsome appearance , The confident temperament immediately made her sink. Although it is not love yet, there must be a lot of good feelings, but I didn't expect the hero just now to change his face because of his identity.

Makino Yingzi knows the hearts of these Japanese haters, but she is also very helpless. The affairs of her own country don't care about her own affairs. Why do they want to target their hatred at themselves?In fact, in detail, Makino Yingzi and his parents are loyal admirers of Chinese civilization. They like Chinese civilization and China very much. They are a model of Sino-Japanese friendship. They have been working hard for the friendship between the two sides. However, there are still many contributions, and Makino Yingzi has been influenced by her parents since she was a child, so she admires Huaxia very much, which is why she chose Huaxia University.

Seeing Aoyu's appearance, she lowered her head, not knowing what to say, although Makino Yingzi is human, but it is undeniable that Aoyu really liked her just now, and what happened just now made Aoyu immediately He really can't turn his face around. Besides, although Aoyu doesn't like those little devils and has a deep hatred, he doesn't hate the common people. Not everyone is a bad person. Although there are many bad people among them, they are good people. After all, there are, just like Huaxia has many good people, but who dares to say that there are no black sheep?I'm afraid there are many scum.

So at this moment, Aoyu is not like the cynical youth that Makino Yingzi thinks in her heart. , Both of them had their own thoughts on the road, and did not have too many conversations.

"I'm leaving." Aoyu said to Makino Yingzi seeing that the place had arrived.

"Well, thank you, Dragon Lord, I really don't know what to do today if you weren't here, please accept my thanks." At this time, Makino Yingzi bowed to Aoyu.

"Hehe, you're being polite." At this time Aoyu laughed again, Aoyu had already thought about it at this time, he didn't mind so much at the beginning, Aoyu still understands the truth that there are good people everywhere, and at this time Aoyu At the same time, I thought of another aspect, that is, I and this Makino Sakurako seemed to have just met each other, and we only got together for a short while, but there was nothing between the two of us. I didn't know why my nerves had such a big reaction. Yu's heart was suddenly enlightened, and he showed his signature smile again.

Seeing Aoyu's smile, Makino Yingzi's disappointed and painful heart jumped up again, maybe for Aoyu, the heroic rescue just now was nothing, judging by Aoyu's character, even if she was just a He will also save the pig head, after all, that is his code of conduct, but it will be a big difference if this matter falls on Makino Yingzi, after all, Aoyu saved her life, and for living in the fairy tale world since childhood For Makino Sakurako, who fantasized about the appearance of Prince Charming, Aoyu's appearance at that time, coupled with Aoyu's appearance, conversation and temperament, was undoubtedly a fatal attraction for her. Although there is no emotion, the attraction is definitely Greatly.

After Aoyu finished speaking, he left without turning his head and continued to look up at the sky. Now he has to go out and relax.

On the other side, Makino Sakurako looked at the direction Aoyu was going away and began to laugh, smiling like a hundred flowers, and then turned back to her dormitory with a beautiful and charming smile on her face. At this time, he saw Looking at the direction of Aoyu's departure, I have made a decision in my heart. Although the family is going to arrange a marriage for me, I can resist. With the open-mindedness of my parents, I will definitely not object to my behavior. What's more, even if I object, she will definitely be fine. To fall in love with each other vigorously so as not to regret later, of course this idea is only her own, Aoyu doesn't have such an idea, her future is quite bleak.

"Sakura, what's the matter with you, it seems that you are so happy, why did you meet a handsome guy? At this time, a beautiful girl came up, patted Makino Sakura and said carelessly, this girl is quite beautiful and has a good figure, At the moment, she is wearing a taekwondo training suit and practicing in the dormitory. This is the dormitory of Makino Sakurako, a dormitory for 6 people, and the person who is talking to her at the moment is her classmate and friend, the one who wants to be violent all day long. Looking for a master, Miss Ouyang Peipei.

As for why Yingzi and Ouyang Peipei live in such a dormitory, the reason is actually very simple. They need friends. After all, their previous life was too monotonous, and friends are too far away for these young ladies. That's why they think of living in such a dormitory when they are in college. After all, they may have a few more good friends, and the fact is that their dormitory staff is quite good, although there is one thing that makes them uncomfortable. The person I like, the gold digger named Wang Hong.

At this moment, the other three were discussing the matter of Wang Hong together.

"Wow, what you said is true. That Wang Hong is also true. It's like this. I used to like money and let it go. I didn't expect her to be so shameless. How could someone really live in the same dormitory with her? I'd better stay away from her in the future." At this time, a lively girl in this pajamas who was not very old was yelling there.

"Well, yes, I didn't even think about it, it's really annoying, and I will ignore her in the future, but after all, that Aoyu is really handsome, when he said that at that time, he was really handsome." At this time The voice next to him said, if Aoyu was here, he would definitely hear it. The person who spoke was not just Zhang Li who had not been separated for a long time, but she was there just now with Wu Qing, the girl who was screaming in her pajamas. Li seems to be very peaceful, and she is indeed like this, but girls gossip is not regardless of character. At this time, Zhang Li is obviously talking about what happened at the food stall today.

"What's the matter? Tell me too." At this time, Ouyang Peipei had just finished exercising and pulled Makino Yingzi who had just returned, to come over.

"It's like this, today I went to eat with Yu Zhu, and met Yu Zhu's friend, we had dinner together, wow, that boy Zhang is so handsome, to be honest, I lost all my advantages, and then Wang Hong came, and we had dinner together. Her new boyfriend, that playboy Ximen Wuqiu, actually wanted to take Yuzhu to join their unscrupulous party, and even introduce her boyfriend to Yuzhu, saying what kind of son, really thought we were all Stupid? I don’t even know this, hmph, really, she only loved money before, I didn’t expect her to be such a person, really.” At this time, Zhang Li recounted what happened at night again, with a pretty expression on her face. angry.

"Huh, really, she is too annoying. We will let her move out tomorrow. I will go to the principal and tell me that I don't want to live with such a person." Ouyang Peipei said angrily at this time, obviously Wang Hong Ouyang Peipei's behavior made Ouyang Peipei quite dissatisfied.

"Yes, Aoyu scolded her later, the scolding was quite miserable, but after all, Aoyu's mouth is really poisonous, if Wang Hong had listened to what he said, I would have gone to kill her. "At this time Zhang Li said with a smile.

"Aoyu? Is it called Long Aoyu?" At this time, Makino Yingzi asked immediately.

"Yeah, Yingzi, how do you know?" Zhang Li asked curiously at this moment.

"It's really him. Just now I was wandering in a small park not far from the school. I ran into two hooligans and it was Dragon Lord who rescued me." Makino Yingko said shyly at this time.

"Ah. It turns out that this is the case, our cherry blossoms, the hero saves the beauty haha, this kind of thing has happened to you, are you going to have a body promise?" At this time, he was careless Ouyang Peipei teased Makino Yingzi.

But what is surprising is that Makino Sakurako did not express any dissatisfaction with this, nor did she fight with Ouyang Peipei, but lowered her head with a reddish face. Her action undoubtedly showed her arrogance. Yu's interesting fact, which made no one think of it. After all, they were just joking. How could they have thought that Makino Sakurako would really have such an idea.

Jiang Yuzhu saw Makino Sakurako's expression, and knew what she was thinking in her heart, and her face changed, and finally bit her lower lip, as if she was making a decision in her heart, but none of these were humane.

(End of this chapter)

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