Chapter 307 Little devil's kung fu is rubbish

"What, what are you talking about? Do you think this old boy wants to steal from me?" Coach Zhao, who started talking at this moment, said angrily after hearing what his friend said.

"What, it's called robbing you. Maybe they won't dump you after you go. I'm going to decide on this person." The coach Zhang who spoke later said rudely.

For a moment, both of them felt that their swords were on the verge of breaking out, but obviously they didn't know that Aoyu would not have liked the two of them at all, or else they would not have competed so fiercely.

Although Aoyu left, his perfect movement immediately shocked the audience, making everyone unable to calm down for a long time, and his name spread throughout the school, many people regretted not recording the wonderful moment just now lens.

And Aoyu returned to his dormitory and lay down, suddenly Aoyu found that the passion of exercising was quite good.

Knowing that Wang Xiaosen came back in the afternoon, he excitedly said to Aoyu: "Brother, you were really amazing just now, you were so brave, I saw you from a long distance away, you really deserve to be mine Idol, by the way, the school club is recruiting people now, should we go and see, there are many MMs there."

When he said this, Wang Xiaosen's expression was quite sloppy.

For this guy Aoyu is quite speechless, absolutely hungry and thirsty for transition personnel, thinking that he has nothing to do, he nodded and got up to go with him, for a boring transition person like Aoyu, it is fine to do anything, as long as there is something to do become.

At this time, it has only been a few days since the official start of the school, and the major clubs have set up recruitment offices in the school. After all, there are many freshmen who have hobbies, and they will be satisfied here. There are various clubs, so Aoyu has to Admiring their imagination, the gimmicks of those clubs recruiting personnel are more exciting than the advertisements on TV.

Needless to say, clubs like the Art Club and the Literature Club are all headed by beauties. They don’t need to do anything, as long as they go there, there are countless wolf friends going there. The scene is extremely hot, and the Taekwondo Club found two beauties there In the competition, although I can't see how powerful the movements are, the occasional flashes of spring make people linger. In the Kendo club, a little devil is there with a wooden stick. Although Aoyu can't see anything special, but There are quite a few people applauding for him, and what makes Aoyu even more depressed is that the people from the Guwu Club were punching there, shouting while beating, which made Aoyu lose his mind and almost thought it was a charlatan, Aoyu personally felt that they were It is still a bit more attractive to play with broken boulders on the chest.

"Long Aoyu?" A sweet voice sounded beside Aoyu.

Hearing this voice, Aoyu was stunned, then turned around and looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a girl with short ear-length hair, a pretty face, a curvaceous figure, and wearing taekwondo costumes.

Aoyu, the girl who looked at him, couldn't remember when he knew her, so he asked, "May I ask who you are?"

At this time Aoyu is quite polite, if not because of her beauty, Aoyu would not even pay attention to her.

"I, Ouyang Peipei, I'm from Jiang Yuzhu's dormitory. You're here to join the club. Why don't you come to our taekwondo club? Seeing that you don't have a lot of meat, you should exercise hard, otherwise you will be bullied when you go out Yes." At this time Ouyang Peipei said carelessly.

Aoyu smiled and did not answer. At this time, someone came up from the side, and one person said in blunt Chinese: "What's so good about Taekwondo? It's better to join our Kendo Club. Kendo is an elegant art. People with taste learn things, Long Jun, come to us, I guarantee you will receive the best treatment, I also watched your game yesterday, with your physical fitness and reaction, if you insist on exercising, you will definitely succeed A generation of kendo masters."

"What, don't listen to them talking about Aoyu, you should join the Ancient Martial Arts Club. The origin of Chinese martial arts has been spread, and it is broad and profound. It is definitely the most correct choice." At this time, a young man came up and said to Aoyu.

"You guys, what are you doing? You know all day long that you have no future in fighting. Aoyu is such a talented student. If you continue to play basketball, you will definitely become another Jordan. You are not trying to ruin him by wooing him like this. His whole life?" At this time, a person from the basketball club walked out and said to them.

Obviously, Aoyu has become the most popular target at this moment. After all, his performance in the morning is too outstanding. Many clubs want to invite Aoyu in, and the Taekwondo club even sent their main force, Ouyang Peipei, to show off the beauty Otherwise, with Ouyang Peipei's character, he would never be so polite to Aoyu, so he probably grabbed him and left, but obviously the boss of their taekwondo club didn't think twice, and chose Ouyang Peipei to come here.

At this time, several people began to quarrel continuously because of Aoyu's matter, and there was a tendency to escalate. Several people fought each other and kept beating each other to improve themselves. Obviously Ouyang Peipei is not a good fighter. It didn't take long. Just when Ouyang Peipei had already rolled up his sleeves and was about to make a big move, Aoyu finally spoke
"Okay, stop arguing, I won't join even a club." Aoyu said lightly at this time, and was about to go out after speaking.

"Why?" At this time, Ouyang Peipei and others were obviously very depressed about Aoyu's performance, after all, she couldn't understand Aoyu's performance.

"Haha, no reason, because I don't like it." Aoyu smiled and said lightly.

"What? You don't like it, is that all? No, you have to give me an explanation." At this time, Ouyang Peipei was obviously very dissatisfied with Aoyu's answer, turned around and stopped in front of Aoyu and said to him.

Regarding Ouyang Peipei's unreasonable behavior, although Aoyu was not angry, he frowned unconsciously, and said to her: "Okay, let me tell you the reason, one, the basketball club, I don't like basketball, this morning When the pure number is accidental, it is just a momentary mood. Second, Furubusha, the movements are limp and there is no strength at all except for shouting. I don’t see what they have. If they really like shouting so much, It’s better to go to the street to sell vegetables, as for taekwondo and kendo, I can only say that the kung fu of little devils is rubbish, and I can crush them to death with one finger.”

(End of this chapter)

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