Chapter 308 Sweeping You
At this time, Aoyu's words obviously angered everyone present. The basketball club is better, after all, they don't have that interest, but there is no need to talk about the next few clubs. I have to say that Aoyu's mouth is too poisonous. How can people not be angry when they say that they are so useless?

At this time, the kid from the Kendo club spoke, "Mr. Long, you look down on the long-standing culture and kung fu of our Yamato nation, so I formally challenge you."

At this time, when his words came out, everyone was stunned. You must know that although this guy is not very capable, he can be regarded as a master. He is the most powerful person present, and he is known as one of the eight generals of the Kendo Club. At this time, they actually said this to Aoyu, and even Ouyang Peipei, who was still full of anger just now, unconsciously began to worry about Aoyu. After all, they had never seen Aoyu do anything, and they only treated him as an ordinary person .

"Hehe, okay. Then let's start now." At this time, Aoyu said to the little devil.

The little devil obviously didn't expect Aoyu to agree so readily, he was stunned for a moment, and said to Aoyu: "We want to have a fair duel, tomorrow I will wait for you in the gymnasium of the club."

After finishing speaking, he was going to leave, but obviously things did not satisfy him, and his not making a move did not mean that Aoyu would not make a move, I saw Aoyu's big hand lightly resting on his shoulder, and then pressed down hard, that little The devil immediately groaned in pain and knelt down on the ground.

Aoyu didn't go too far with this. After all, this is a school, and that little devil didn't do too much, so Aoyu just took it lightly, temporarily crippling his arm. Of course, it is still necessary to diagnose and treat the problem in time. It's not big, Aoyu said to the sweaty little devil who was already in pain: "Hehe, I don't think I need to go tomorrow, you are really too weak."

After finishing speaking, he left here, but the little devil behind him was obviously not convinced, at this time he yelled at Aoyu in blunt Chinese while enduring the pain: "Long Aoyu, I am not your opponent, our president will naturally If you make a move, you wait, see you at the Kendo club at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Aoyu smiled at this, and then turned around and said to him: "Okay, I will go, call all your trash, and I will deal with you all at once."

One night passed quickly, Aoyu went out to have some breakfast the next day and came to the gymnasium of the Kendo Club alone. Of course, Aoyu, who wanted to come alone, met many acquaintances at the door. Ouyang Peipei, Jiang Yuzhu, Makino Yingzi, stood worriedly at the door and waited for Aoyu early.

Frankly speaking, they were quite worried about Aoyu. After all, Ouyang Peipei, who had a big mouth, told them about Aoyu. Saburo Bian is also ready to teach Aoyu a lesson.

This frightened Jiang Yuzhu and Makino Yingzi, so they had no choice but to come here early and wait for Aoyu to persuade Aoyu not to be impulsive.

Seeing Aoyu coming, Jiang Yuzhu walked over immediately, and said to Aoyu with a worried face: "Aoyu, you should not go, I heard from Ouyang that the president of the Kendo club is very powerful, and the president of the Taekwondo club The president is also going to teach you a lesson, so I don't think you should go."

"Enen, yes, Saburo Dobe, I heard about him when I was in China. He is a top-notch master and has been called a genius in the world of Taekwondo. Dragon Lord, you better not go." Sakurako Makino also came up Said to Aoyu, obviously she also knew a little about Saburo Dubian, and at this moment, she was afraid that Aoyu would be in danger, so her expression was more worried than that of Jiang Yuzhu.

Regarding this, Aoyu just smiled lightly and said: "You can rest assured, I have confidence in myself, I haven't taken those little devils to heart, they can hurt me? You also have to have confidence in me ah."

At this time, seeing Aoyu's confident expression, the two of them couldn't say anything more, they looked at each other and found the worry in each other's eyes, but Aoyu was like this, did they have any other way, so they had to pray silently for Aoyu in their hearts, Hope nothing happens to him.

Of course, it is not that no one has confidence in Aoyu. At this time, Wang Xiaosen has come over and said to Jiang Yuzhu and Makino Yingzi: "You two sisters-in-law, don't worry, my elder brother is amazing. Back then, my elder brother was There is nothing wrong with hitting hundreds of people alone, let alone two little devils."

Wang Xiaosen has great confidence in Aoyu. To know who Aoyu is and his bravery, Wang Xiaosen has seen it with his own eyes. From then on, Aoyu is an invincible existence in Wang Xiaosen's head. People can defeat him, but Jiang Yuzhu and Makino Yingzi obviously don't believe his words, but there is no other way. They are powerless to change what Aoyu has already decided. After all, they and Aoyu can only be regarded as friends now. Maybe they were good friends, but it was Wang Xiaosen's sister-in-law who made the two of them turn slightly red when they said it.

However, although the two were shy, they didn't speak out against it. From this, we can see what the two of them meant to Aoyu, but Aoyu, who was obviously slow to respond, didn't feel anything about it, which made the two girls feel a burst of emotion. disappointment.

Talked to them a few more words, looked at the watch, Aoyu found that it was already 9 o'clock, without a moment's hesitation, Aoyu walked in, at this time the venue was full of people, most of them came to see them For competitions, after all, such things are too rare, so they attract a lot of people.

Of course, it also includes some powerful people, several masters of the ancient martial arts club, as well as the taekwondo club, the kendo club, and other clubs are full of people, and their leader Dubian Saburo is also ready to stand there coldly Looking at Aoyu who walked into the venue, his eyes were full of disdain.

At this time, the president of the Kendo Club, Yagyu Ichiro, did not change his expression at all. As the kendo school, the successor of Yagyu Xinyinliu, and the genius of the Yagyu family, Yagyu Ichiro did not underestimate Aoyu like Dobe Saburo. At the very least, he found that the guy named Long Aoyu couldn't see it through himself. He had competed with several other so-called geniuses from the Huaxia family. Rubbish, and there is still a certain gap between these two people compared to myself, which is why my Kendo club can survive for such a long time, or else the Kendo club has been trampled by them countless times with the character of those aristocratic sons time.

But what worried him a little was that the guy named Long Aoyu in front of him actually had a feeling that he couldn't see through it, which surprised Ichiro Yagyu. Of course, he still didn't change on the surface, he just waved his hand to give way. Bian Sanlang went to test Aoyu's hand, and he would be at a disadvantage when the time came.

As the most loyal dog of Liusheng Ichiro in the kendo club, Dobe Saburo, saw the gesture of Rusheng Ichiro, and immediately stood up, pointed to Aoyu and said in Chinese: "You, Long Aoyu You, come here, I want to show you the great skills of the Yamato nation."

Aoyu's eyes were full of disdain for this Dubian Saburo. When he first entered the room, Aoyu found a few breaths. According to Aoyu's understanding, it was the breath of an ancient warrior, and the little devil who sat there also It can be said that he is a master, but this Dubian Saburo is absolutely rubbish. At best, he is just a muscular man who can fight. Aoyu hooked his fingers at him, and then imitated his words and said to him: "You, come here Come here, sir, I will teach you a lesson."

Aoyu's words immediately caused the audience to burst into laughter. Of course, most of them were Huaxia students, and those little devils were all pale, and they didn't know what they were thinking. At this time, Saburo Dubian was obviously enraged, and let out a roar He rushed out, punching Aoyu's face directly, but the scene that surprised everyone happened, when Dubian Saburo just rushed in front of Aoyu, he was kicked to the ground by Aoyu, holding his hand My stomach can no longer get up.

Everyone was dumbfounded, they all knew that Saburo Dobe was a well-known master, had won several world taekwondo championships, and came to study in China as a special student, but he was tricked by Aoyu like this Done, how can people not be surprised.

At this time, the audience erupted into cheers, and Wang Xiaosen jumped up happily and shouted: "Long live brother, come on, brother, you are the best."

As for Jiang Yuzhu and Makino Yingzi, although they didn't jump and roar like Wang Xiaosen, their faces were filled with excitement, and they were naturally extremely happy, and their little hands were tightly pulled together.

Ouyang Peipei is the only one who has a complicated mood. Obviously, Aoyu's strength is beyond her expectation. At this time, her eyes on Aoyu are even more complicated.

"Wow, it really is the big brother. I told you that you still don't believe me, but I overheard it from my grandpa. The other day, my grandpa told my father that the big brother would come to us. Hmph, you still don't believe me." , look, I just said he will come." At this time, Nangong Rui'er happily said to several people around him in another corner of the venue.

"Haha, okay, okay, I know Rui'er is the best, it's our fault, don't make trouble, wait until I treat you to dinner." At this time, a gentle voice said to Nangong Rui'er, If Aoyu takes a closer look, he will find that this girl is naturally Murong Piaoxue.

The few of them also heard that there was a freshman named Long Aoyu who challenged the Kendo club and the Taekwondo club, so they came here to have a look with the help of Nangong Rui'er. They didn't expect it to be Aoyu. At this time, they saw Aoyu show off his power The expressions on each face are different, of course, more of them are joy and joy.

At this moment, Aoyu made a movement that made everyone startled again. One of Aoyu's feet stepped on the face of Dubian Saburo who was already crawling on the ground, and then pointed to the faces of those around who had turned pale. The guy who was so young said: "You guys, come together. Brother, I will sweep you today."

When Aoyu said this, his face was full of arrogance, which made people feel shocked. At this time, I don’t know how many boys present were excited by his rhetoric, and how many girls in the audience just got angry because of Aoyu’s words. Star.

Jiang Yuzhu and Makino Yingzi needless to say, at this moment they could not find a better language to express, their faces were flushed with excitement, and their two little hands were clenched even tighter, obviously at this time the two of them were very excited up.

At this time, there was one person who was more exaggerated than them. At this time, Nangong Rui'er had put her arms together and put them under her chin. She jumped up and down excitedly and shouted: "Big brother, you are so handsome, come on!" Come on, kill them."

As for the girls next to her, Murong Piaoxue's face was reddish and excited, while Dongfang Qing glanced at her mouth and muttered: "What's the big deal, isn't it just bullying someone who doesn't know martial arts?"

Bei Mingbing still had the usual cold attitude and refused to say a word, but he looked at Aoyu with a more lively expression, and the corners of his mouth were slightly suspicious, revealing a faint smile.

Those little devils were naturally driven mad by Aoyu's words, the team of hundreds of people, you look at me, I look at you, at this time a guy with a wooden sword rushed out first, and chopped at Aoyu , and the people behind him rushed out shouting and attacking Aoyu after seeing him go out, but obviously their strength was far behind Aoyu, they were not at the same level at all. Aoyu basically flew one with one foot and knocked down another with one punch. In less than a minute, Aoyu completed a series of coherent movements, knocking down those little devils one by one and never getting up again. , There were groans and shouts all over the place.

The scene of the whole venue really echoed Aoyu's words, "Brother, I will sweep you away."

It is true that Aoyu said such a thing, and he did it. Looking at the people lying on the ground, Aoyu smiled disdainfully, and said: "I just said, the kung fu of you little devils is rubbish, you still don't believe it. , Hehe, what about now? Garbage will always be garbage, and you won’t be able to accomplish anything in your life.”

After finishing speaking, Aoyu packed his things and prepared to leave, but at this moment, a loud voice said to him: "What? Do you want to leave after beating someone? Today's business is still over."

(End of this chapter)

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