Chapter 316 Aoyu Entered the Police Station
The two on this side are chic, but Ma Tianliang and the others on the other side will suffer. The boys under Wang Xiaosen's gang really did not take it lightly. They made Ma Tianliang and the others miserable one by one. There was not a single intact place, they stripped all their clothes, and there was nothing left. It can be said that Wang Xiaosen's order was completely carried out, but there was one thing that could be said to be overfulfilled. They stripped Ma Tianliang and the others. Hang it up and hang it on the gate of the school, and it took a lot of effort to do it.

Of course it's not that the school's security guards didn't want to stop them, but they shut their mouths honestly when they saw the other party's hundred or so people, and returned to the duty room at the door. Trouble, maybe even I got involved, after all, there are too few people who give selflessly in this world.

Ma Tianliang is so depressed at the moment, he hates Aoyu and Wang Xiaosen to death, and the image of himself torturing Aoyu keeps flashing in his mind, in fact, Ma Tianliang is a bit wronged, and he is also pitiful for Zhu Zimei Things come to trouble Aoyu, but there are eight thousand people who pursue Zhu Zimei in Huaxia University, they are much stronger than Ma Tianliang, it's just that those people are smart, they don't provoke Aoyu, but let Ma Tianliang, a somewhat powerful cannon fodder, came to test Aoyu's reality.

To be honest, Zhu Zimei has really changed a lot in the past few days. Although her clothes are still so sexy, they are not. Although her appearance is still so charming, she is not slutty. The smile that can be seen everywhere now only blooms for Aoyu. The guy whose relationship was a little unclear in the past has broken contact. It seems like a completely different person. No matter who asks her out, she will be rejected by her for different reasons. Of course, she did not keep her words dead. But she can't put all her hopes on Aoyu alone. After all, she doesn't know everything about Aoyu, especially his family background and power, so she also needs to leave a way out for herself, in case of emergency.

Ma Tianliang was hung up like this all morning.I don't know who notified his father later, and his father rushed over immediately. When his father, Ma Jun, saw his son and his friends being stripped naked and hanging at the school gate, he immediately Dumbfounded, he froze there for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"Dad, come and help me quickly, let me down quickly." At this moment, Ma Tianliang saw his father approaching, and his eyes that were already lifeless immediately lit up, and he called to his father.

It was only after he called his father that he came to his senses, and immediately ordered his subordinates to turn Ma Tianliang and his gang of cronies down. The few people who followed his father held back their smiles, their faces flushed. He walked up and put down the dozen of them one by one.

Putting it down, Ma Tianliang and the dozen of them grabbed the clothes thrown under them by Wang Xiaosen's younger brothers at the fastest speed in their lives, and rushed into the police car to change clothes, but they were There are too many cars to accommodate them, so a strange phenomenon appeared at the gate of Huaxia University. A group of naked men were trying their best to squeeze into a police car. Those who knew knew that they wanted to get in and get dressed. I don't know what kind of body art activity it was, some curious people even took out the DV and camera and started shooting, planning to take it back and observe it.

Helplessly, they scrambled for a while and only 5 or 6 people went in. The rest of them saw that something was wrong, so they had to put on their clothes in a hurry outside. To be honest, what happened to them this time was really embarrassing.

After getting dressed, Ma Tianliang's younger brothers were taken back to the police station by a few cars called by Ma Tianliang's father, who were going to let them go home.But after Ma Tianliang got dressed, he told his father what had happened, so his little brothers were taken back to make notes. Of course, their roles changed completely. Aoyu and the others became gangsters. Blackmailing Ma Tianliang and beating others caused Ma Tianliang's heart to be greatly traumatized.

"Dad, you must avenge me." Ma Tianliang, who was sitting in the car, said to his father Ma Jun.

"Well, don't worry about this, you boy, I don't know how to say hello, I told you to learn well, but you don't listen, you are being bullied now, and you are going to fight with others for a woman, how can I, Ma Jun, have you Such a son, I will help you avenge this matter, but you will be more honest with me in the future, and I will definitely not help you if this kind of thing happens again." At this time, Ma Jun said to Ma Tianliang, with some words in his words Hate the taste of iron not steel.

"Dad, don't worry, I will definitely improve it. If you don't believe me, just wait and see." Ma Tianliang immediately assured his father.

"You, you say that every time, but when did you change it? If I didn't have only you as my son, I would have ignored you." Obviously, this is not the first time Ma Tianliang said this, and Ma Jun already didn't believe him. words.

"Dad, don't worry, I will do what I said this time, as long as you help me clean up that kid, I will definitely change." Ma Tianliang swore again to Ma Jun.

"I hope, by the way, you and your brothers have to explain that the kid is blackmailing you from the underworld. You couldn't resist, so you were beaten up by them, and that's why you became like this, you know?" Ma Jun pointed at Ma Tianliang sighed and confessed.

"Well, I know this, father, you can rest assured." Ma Tianliang immediately nodded in agreement, obviously he also knew the importance of what his father said.

"Well, that's good. Let's go back to the police station and make preparations. I'll send someone to arrest that kid later, and make sure that he never comes back. The crime of engaging in a mafia gang is enough to shoot him." Ma Jun said at this time, when he said this, there was a glint of coldness in his eyes. Obviously, unlike his useless son, Ma Jun belongs to the kind of person who is really cruel and ruthless, otherwise he would not have grown from an unrelated little policeman in just a dozen years. To get into the position of chief of police in the East District of Longjing, you must know that this position is taken by others. This place is at the foot of the emperor. Longjing is divided into four districts and a general bureau. The deputy director level has more power. One can imagine how powerful Ma Jun is, and how could he be an idler who can hold this position.

Hearing his father's words, Ma Tianliang immediately became happy, and nodded excitedly. He knew that his father would not lie to him. Since he said so, he would definitely avenge himself. When the damn Long Aoyu knelt down in front of him and begged for mercy, Ma Tianliang was extremely excited, and he even started to make up his mind whether to take advantage of this incident to hug Zhu Zimei as a beauty by the way?But after thinking about it, he still gave up this seductive sex method, because he knew that even if Zhu Zimei could sacrifice for Aoyu, the person who sacrificed so much was not himself, and if there were more people who were better than him, they would still be surrounding Zhu Zimei If you tell her like this by yourself, maybe you won't even be able to hold your own grudge.

After returning to the police station and making all preparations, Ma Tianliang and his son sent people to arrest Aoyu, planning to kill Aoyu at once, but obviously their wish is unlikely to come true.

In the afternoon, Aoyu was still at school and didn’t move around. All the things that covered the sky these days had entered a stable period, and there was nothing to do. If there was anything to do, it would be the doomsday fleet that covered the sky. Recently, there was a conflict with the Malacca pirates. Although it is not very big, there is a tendency to upgrade. Of course, these are not currently considered by Aoyu. In two months, the new fleet that will cover the sky will rush to cover the sky. The military shipyards under his banner appeared, and it would not be too late to eliminate them at that time.

Now Aoyu's only fun as a teacher is bickering with Long Jiu. To be honest, Long Jiu is a lovely and beautiful girl, but because she was trained by the state machine since she was a child, the belief in her mind is not so easy to shake. And Aoyu has become obsessed with bickering with her these days, talking about the dark side of the country while hitting the bottom line in her heart, sometimes Long Jiu would be quite silent by what he said, but this has become Aoyu's favorite Fun, Aoyu found that he really liked Long Jiu more and more, not only because they already had a physical relationship, but more importantly, Long Jiu was really cute sometimes.

Just when Aoyu and Long Jiudou were happy, several policemen appeared at the door of Aoyu's classroom and shouted to the inside: "Who is Long Aoyu, come out, you are under arrest."

One sentence immediately quieted the flight, everyone looked at Aoyu, but Aoyu didn't care much, instead he smiled with interest, it seemed that he was having fun again, for Aoyu who had no place to vent his leisure He said that it was his dream to have someone trouble him.

And Long Jiu next to him was sweating at this time, she could understand Aoyu's temper, although in Long Jiu's mind the country was fair, there must be a reason for those policemen who came to Aoyu, but at the same time she was more Knowing Aoyu's temper and Aoyu's power, I'm afraid that those policemen who angered Aoyu and made Aoyu angry would be a big deal.

At this time, she was about to reveal her identity, but Aoyu stopped her, and said to her softly: "Don't reveal your identity, I'll go play and let you see how dark the police are."

Long Jiu was at a loss when he heard Aoyu's words, and for some reason, he listened to Aoyu's words and sat down.

"I am Long Aoyu." Aoyu stood up and said to several policemen.

"It's you? Okay, come out, we won't handcuff you any more to save you face, just follow us back obediently." One of the leading policemen said to Aoyu.

Aoyu nodded with a smile, walked out without saying anything, and came to the police car on the campus with a few policemen, and drove to the East District Police Station.

(End of this chapter)

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