Chapter 317 Longjing Military Police Conflict ([-])

More than a minute after Aoyu left, Longjiu also walked out of the teacher and followed behind Aoyu. Aoyu asked her to go and have a look just now. In the future, Yu will not speak ill of those countries in front of him, so he will come out with Aoyu. Of course, the more important purpose is because he is afraid that Aoyu will get angry, so things will be difficult to handle.

Although Long Jiu was fully prepared to reveal her identity at the very moment, and use her privileges to make those policemen give in and release Aoyu, but she had a good idea, but she forgot about Aoyu , is Aoyu such a law-abiding person?The answer is obviously not. Aoyu here pretended to be an honest man and went to the East District Police Station with those policemen in peace. He had already started contacting Ren Changkong with his spiritual thoughts, and asked him to send someone over. Mingming intends to make this matter bigger, of course, his main purpose is not to make trouble, but to let Long Jiu see how dark the society is.

Aoyu walked into the East District Police Station with the policeman, and those policemen pointed to Aoyu at the last dilapidated dark room in the yard without any nonsense, and said: "If you see it, you can go in there first. "

Aoyu just smiled at this, and walked in without any extra words. The furnishings inside were very simple, only a few chairs and a table. As soon as Aoyu came in, the door was closed, and the room was dark Can't see anything, but with Aoyu's perverted body, night vision is only a small problem, so Aoyu finds a chair and sits down.

Aoyu's side is not in a hurry, but Ren Changkong is busy firing. At this time, Ren Changkong was still reading documents in his headquarters, and suddenly felt a terrifying divine sense sending a message to him. After the initial panic, Ren Changkong found that the divine sense was a little familiar. Hearing the divine sense speak to him, Ren Changkong immediately recognized that the divine sense belonged to his young master. When he heard that Aoyu was taken to the police station At that time, I was suddenly angry, and I was about to call them to reprimand them, but then I thought that there must be a reason for the young master to let me go, so I didn't hesitate any more, and immediately shouted to the guards outside: "Xiao Zhang, why don't you go?" I'm going to fly to Longjing, and by the way, notify the special brigade of the Southern Military Region to bring me all the guys to go with me."

The guard was stunned when he heard Ren Changkong's words. Although he didn't understand what the commander was going to do, it was a serious crime to bring troops into Beijing privately, but as an excellent soldier and a loyal subordinate, the guard Xiao Zhang hesitated. Still executed the order immediately.

More than 600 elite special forces from the Special Brigade of the Southern Military Region assembled within 15 minutes, and headed for Longjing with Ren Changkong by helicopter as quickly as possible.

Ren Changkong was very busy here, but Aoyu was very chic. Aoyu was humming a little song while smoking a cigarette, waiting quietly in the small dark room.

"Did you just ask me to listen to the music with you?" Long Jiu said to Aoyu with some dissatisfaction at this time.

"Hehe, of course not. I asked you to come to the theater. Don't make a move for a while. I will show you how dark this society is and how these policemen work." Aoyu smiled at Long Jiu on the roof Said.

Two hours later, the door of the small black room opened again, and several people in police uniform came in, took a bunch of documents, put them on the table and said to Aoyu: "Name"

"Long Aoyu." Aoyu replied lightly.

"Gender" asked a leading policeman coldly, obviously this person is Ma Jun's best friend, or he would not have been sent to interrogate Aoyu.

"Don't you know how to watch it yourself? You are an idiot." Aoyu said to him disdainfully.

The policeman obviously didn't expect Aoyu to be so arrogant when he got here, and immediately got angry, took out a gun and pointed at Aoyu's head and said: "Boy, I know you can fight, but do you know where you are?" Tell you this is the police station, you better answer me honestly, otherwise I can blow your head off at any time, if you don’t believe me, give it a try, I want to see if it’s your fist or my gun that’s faster. "

Aoyu smiled noncommittally, and said to him: "You are breaking the law, what will you do if you kill me?"

"Hahahaha... boy, you are so cute and silly. I will kill you and charge you with an attempted attack and be counterattacked. At that time, I will be commended not only for nothing, you know?" Not only did the policeman not feel scared because of Aoyu's words, but instead he said to Aoyu with a smile.

At this time, Aoyu found that Long Jiu on the roof had become a little short of breath, apparently very excited, Aoyu pretended to be afraid and said to the policeman in a trembling voice: "That...then what do you want me to do. "

"Hey, there's nothing to do, take it, here is your crime, as long as you admit that you used to be a member of the underworld and did a lot of illegal things, and because you couldn't extort 50 yuan from Ma Tianliang, you ordered your subordinates to beat Ma Tianliang and punish him. It's fine if he insulted him personally." Seeing Aoyu's appearance, the policeman laughed happily.

"Then am I still going to die? If I don't sign, I don't plead guilty. You can't do this, but I don't." Aoyu continued to play pigs and tigers and said to the policeman in a trembling and excited tone.

"Hehe, that's up to you. If you don't sign today, you will be arrested. Otherwise, you will never get out of this room. Think about it. If you sign, you will die. If you don't sign, you will die now. Think about it for yourself." , we'll wait to find you." The policeman said to Aoyu with a stern face, and he was about to close the door with a few of his subordinates and go out.

"Wait, can you tell me why? What crime did I commit? Do you still have the law?" Aoyu continued, he asked this question just for Long Jiu to listen to.

"Wang Fa? Hehe, let me tell you, I am Wang Fa here. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being ignorant. Whoever you offend, don't just offend our chief's son. If you don't die, who will die?" The policeman said arrogantly, saying After finishing, he closed the door and left here, leaving Aoyu here alone.

After those policemen had left, Aoyu said to Long Jiu on the roof: "Hehe, how is it? Now you can see clearly how your people's police do things?"

"Hmph, I don't believe it. This is just an isolated phenomenon. Just wait for me and let them let you out now." At this time, although Long Jiu was a little unhappy and disappointed with those policemen, he still argued forcefully, But how could a simple dragon be Aoyu's opponent?It's not that there are no good people in the police, it's just that Long Jiu met a bad person by chance, and after Aoyu's guidance, the guy who was obviously not too high just now said everything he should and shouldn't say. It affected Long Jiu.

After finishing speaking, Long Jiu stepped outside and went outside, ready to go to the bureau chief to reveal his identity and let him bow his head to recognize him. Aoyu obviously had no intention of organizing Long Jiu's behavior. In Aoyu's view, although Long Jiu The skills are good, but in terms of scheming, compared to those who have been in the officialdom for many years, they are too young. Without thinking too much, Aoyu can be sure that Long Jiu will definitely fall into the hands of Ma Jun.

Sure enough, as Aoyu thought, Long Jiu found Ma Jun directly after he came out, went upstairs and kicked open the door of Ma Jun's deputy office. She was about to reprimand her, but she found a beautiful woman with a face full of frost standing at the door, and she found a lot of anger in her heart, and her lustful heart was so moved that she said to Long Jiu: "Miss, what do you want? Knowing that this is a police station, I hope you behave in a more civilized manner, otherwise I can arrest you at any time."

Long Jiu was taken aback by the stern words of the police chief, and immediately classified the chief into the ranks of those who defy power and uprightness, but he didn't realize that it was because she hadn't revealed her identity at all. Based on her own identity, the bureau chief immediately confessed to her as her grandmother.

Long Jiu didn't talk nonsense, took out his ID and threw it to the deputy director, and said to him: "I am Long Jiu from the Huaxia Dragon Team. I have a task for you today. I want you to arrest your director Ma Jun immediately, and release a man named Ma Jun." Long Aoyu's people, as for the reason, you don't have to worry about it."

The director almost didn't get down when he heard the identity of Long Jiu. He knew the status of the Dragon Group. He could say that there was nothing he didn't know about the officials of the Dragon Group Huaxia, but he had never seen it. Everyone in the Dragon Group was not only The masters flying around are the ones who hold the power of life and death. You must know that the dragon group is a senior official, and only obeys the president. It has the right to kill officials below the ministerial level. It can be said that the entire The department with the largest power in China.

If Long Jiu wanted to deal with others, the deputy director would definitely stand by Long Jiu's side and help her without hesitation. After all, Long Jiu's identity was too terrifying, and a fool would know which side to take, but what she had to deal with was Ma Jun The deputy director can't help even if he is killed.

It doesn't matter how powerful Ma Jun is, it's not difficult to overthrow him, not to mention that there is a dragon behind him. The key problem is that Ma Jun has been running the Eastern District Police Station for so many years, and almost everyone is like him. I have a close relationship, including the deputy director of course. They are inextricably linked. If Ma Jun falls, I am afraid that the deputy director will not survive.

So after pondering for a while, the deputy director pretended to be selfless and said to Long Jiu: "Okay, I'll go with you, I don't know how many people you brought this time, and whether it's enough to deal with Ma Jun, If it’s not enough, I think you’d better drop some people.”

(End of this chapter)

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