Chapter 334 Destruction of Simon

With so many terrifying forces joining, it is not too difficult for Aoyu to destroy Ximen's family. Those local forces of Ximen's family have already been transferred away many elite masters, and those left behind are only second-rate, How could it be the opponent of Zhetian, Long Family, Momen, and Wai Family Xueshalou?
You must know that in order to plan this operation, Aoyu must have mobilized 5 people from Tie Xue, and also cooperated with the 6 ordinary brothers from Zhetian, as well as the 6000 elite disciples from the Demon Sect, and the 2000 from the Long Family Zhanlong. Elite fighters, with more than 3 killers in the Blood Killing Building, can be said to be indifferent. The old and weak soldiers of the Ximen family can't resist it. You must know that the Ximen family is a family or a gangster. The combined number of their forces in the country is only 8000. What's more, some time ago, Zhetian and Momen teamed up and wiped out 36 elites. Now the Ximen family has only 25 people. The Ximen family used to spread all over the [-] provinces of China, but they were killed by Momen and Zhetian. After the crackdown, there were only [-] provinces left, and the Northeast Righteous Gang was not in a good match with the four great families, so at this time, taking advantage of the fire to drive the Ximen family out of the three eastern provinces, the Ximen family's power can be said to have shrunk greatly.

At this moment, it is not a big problem for Zhetian to deal with his Ximen family. They were quickly eroded by Zhetian one by one, and those righteous people and the remaining three major families saw that Ximen's family had already returned to Tianfa, so They also launched an offensive against Ximen's family one by one. Firstly, it was natural to show favor to Zhetian, lest Zhetian and Momen would destroy themselves by the way. Secondly, this Ximen family is really rich. The branch can also make a lot of money for the few sects that are not very well-off, so they don't care about morality at the moment, dragging down the disguise of a hypocrite and turning into a real villain. Ximen's family was thrown into trouble by them , almost the entire army was wiped out, and there was no longer the slightest ability to resist. Many members of the Ximen family planned to surrender as soon as the Zhetian troops arrived.

Of course, the main battlefield is not here, but in Ximen's old lair, Hanmei Villa in the Western Regions, the hermitage of a generation of sword god Ximen Chuixue, after passing dozens of Ximen's family's Hanmei Villa, it can no longer be called a villa, it can be said to be the same On that day, Longzhuang was like a fortress, with countless secret passages inside, making it impossible to guard against. Although this Hanmei Villa is not as large as the Tianlongzhuang of the Long family, it is still very spectacular and has a vast area. Considering the huge influence of the Ximen family in China It is not difficult to divide an area, so there are few people within a hundred miles of Hanmei Mountain Villa. It is a beautiful place in the world if you visit it in normal times, but at this moment it has become the best place to kill and rob.

At this moment, Ximen Fengfeng was standing in front of the Hanmei Villa of the Ximen family, leading the five elders of the Ximen family, and the absolute elite of the 8000 Ximen family looked coldly at Aoyu and his party, and said to Aoyu: "Long Aoyu, You come here now, let's make a decision, today either you die or I forget, my Ximen family will kill you all even if we fight to the end."

Ximen Fengfeng spoke with a bit of confidence. Ximen has accumulated thousands of years. All of his eight thousand disciples are masters, and the worst is second-rate level. Among them, there are more than 800 people who have entered the top masters. Ximen There are more than 200 of those super masters in the family, and Ximen Fengfeng has entered the ranks of god-level masters with the help of his ancestors, and the five elders behind him, although they were drugged by him, but All of them are god-level masters, so it's no wonder that he is full of confidence. You must know that god-level masters in China are extremely rare. There are six of them in his Ximen family, so it's no wonder he dares to be so arrogant.

Hearing this, Aoyu burst out laughing, waved his hands, and moved a large chair that can seat two or three people, Aoyu sat on it with Erlang's legs crossed, and hugged Zhu Zimei, he This location happens to be on a relatively high ground, and you can see everything below when you lie there, and you can see everything from the Aoyu Seat, so he smiled at Ximen Fengfeng disdainfully, and said, "You idiot, who do you think you are? Want to fight me hard? Let’s talk if you can defeat my men.”

Ximen Fengfeng was pissed off by his words. Look at the 8000 elites neatly on his side, all in mighty military uniforms, while there are only a few hundred people on Aoyu's side, and many of them are old men over half a century old. Many of them, Ximen Fengfeng, recognize them as masters of the Demon Sect, but Ximen Fengfeng doesn't think that Aoyu can beat his Ximen family just by doing this.

But how could he have imagined that although Aoyu brought a small number of people this time, all of them are masters, Senge, Jason, Niekov, and Hawke, needless to say, all of them are comparable to proto-infant masters. If it weren't for the lack of spiritual energy on the earth, their progress would be almost distracted. Not only did they follow Aoyu, but also the three elders of the Demon Sect, as well as a dozen or so elders, the left and right guardians of the Demon Sect, and the top ten Elders, the Four Great Dharma Kings of the Demon Sect, the Lord of the Five Elements Banner, the Eight Great Vajras, and the 36 envoys, which one is not the best of the best?In addition, Xue Wuhen, the landlord of Xuesha, and his top ten killing gods, the 108 Tianlongwei in Longjia Tianlongzhuang, the three major guardian dragon envoys, and Aoyu's elite guard team of 200 people.

It can be said that none of Aoyu's subordinates is below the level of a super expert, and each of them is very powerful. Let alone destroying their Ximen family, it is not impossible to wipe out the entire Jianghu. Of course, it all depends on Aoyu. mood again.

Following Aoyu's waving movement, the Zhetian troops headed by the militant Niekov rushed into the Ximen family's camp one by one, followed by more than a dozen elders, 36 envoys of the Demon Gate, and the four great Dharma kings. The owner of the Five Elements Banner, the guardians of the left and right, and the ten elders rushed forward one by one. The blood-killing landlord Xue Wuhen and his ten major killers were also easy-to-kill people, and they were eager to make meritorious deeds. Also rushed up, the 108th Heavenly Dragon Guard of the Long family, started to act when they saw their young master waving. Unexpectedly, they were rescued by Niekov. into the camp of Simon's family.

Not to mention other Guangsheng-level masters, there are more than a dozen stature-level masters in this group, not to mention Niekov and his group of proto-infant people who have reached the level of hunger strike masters. They took the lead, so they came up one by one, making it hard to guard against. Using them to deal with Ximen's people can be said to be overkill, but seeing that Niekov and the others were so happy to kill, Aoyu didn't stop them.

At this moment, the only thing left around Aoyu is the three elders of the Demon Sect. They have been in the original infant stage for hundreds of years. They used to be unable to break through because of incomplete skills. Aoyu's reappearance has finally completed the remnants of the exercises, and each of them has a breakthrough. If it is not for the lack of spiritual energy on the earth, I am afraid that they have already passed the original infant period and entered the out-of-body period. The three elders are highly respected. Naturally, they disdain to do something to those juniors. The dozen or so holy-level demon sect grand elders who sent out their own demon sect are already their limit. Kefu, Senge, they are different from the three elders of the Demon Sect, each of them is a militant, and they have followed Aoyu for several years, and they are all thick-skinned to death. Naturally, they will not take this seriously, and the one who killed them had fun ah.

Seeing the masters of the family around him fall down one by one, Ximen Fengfeng's heart was bleeding continuously, he didn't understand what he did wrong, the gods treated him like this, Ximen Fengfeng thought of his heart at this moment Linglongzhu smashed him immediately, and summoned Ximen Can, the ancestor of his Ximen family.

Ximen Can has already sensed that there are people fighting outside, and each of them is not weak. He has long wanted to go out to help his children and grandchildren, but it is not hindered by the oath that he cannot go out until the time of crisis. At this moment, he sensed Ximen Hairy called the police, so he naturally knew that the Ximen family had reached the most dangerous moment, so he didn't hesitate to show up immediately.

"Who? You want to kill all the seedlings of my Ximen family? Leave quickly, or don't blame me for being ruthless." Ximen Can's voice appeared in the sky above Hanmei Villa, shaking everyone's scalp numb, and everyone had to stop Attacking each other, let's see who it is, of course Aoyu and the third elder Zhu Zimei of the Demon Sect beside him, and Senge are not unaffected, any of them are not inferior to that Ximen Can only Don't look at Ximen Can, who has practiced for hundreds of years and is still a master of the early stage of the original infant, it is nothing to Aoyu and his subordinates, not to mention the people present, even Xia Xue and the others are now Can compete with this Ximen Can.

"Old ghost Ximen, why did you come out? Since you broke your oath and came out, then you will die with them." At this moment, the voice of the elder among the three elders of the Demon Sect came over.

Ximen Can's face immediately changed when he heard this voice. Although he knew that his descendant had offended someone powerful, he never thought that it was a member of the Demon Sect. Because Ximen Can's cultivation was too low, he didn't notice Aoyu and the others at all. A master who surpassed him, looking at his whole body at this moment, he was in a cold sweat. Each of the three elders of the Demon Sect is stronger than him. This Ximen Can himself knows, and the three came together. Ximen Can knows that he wants to beat them. I'm afraid there is little hope.

"The three elders of the Demon Sect? Why do you want to destroy my Ximen family? Although my Ximen family has a feud with your Demon Sect, but it is a secular matter. You came here in person and bullied the juniors. Aren't you afraid of being ridiculed? I It is not a breach of contract for Ximen Can to come out for the survival of the family at this moment." Ximen Can said angrily to the three elders of the Demon Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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