Chapter 335 Destruction of Simon

Who are the three Supreme Elders of the Demon Sect?All of them have been together for thousands of years, each of them is a genius, and after years of tempering, their face is naturally impenetrable. They don't care about Ximen Can's words at all. Du Fengchen, the eldest of the three elders, said: "Hmph, Ximen If you want to blame you, you can only blame this descendant of yours for not knowing what to do and offending our young master, and our Demon Sect will naturally try to get back their face, so your Ximen family will definitely die today."

After speaking, Du Fengchen and his two senior brothers erupted with a powerful aura at the same time, soaring into the sky, causing all the masters in the world to fight at the same time, and Ximen Can saw that his Ximen family children were suppressed by the aura of Du Fengchen and the three of them , Naturally, he was not soft on his hands, and at the same time burst out an extremely powerful aura, and suddenly confronted the three elders of the Demon Sect.

The aura of the three of them offset each other, but it inevitably made the ordinary experts around feel a little uncomfortable. Aoyu and his side were better, and the elites of Ximen's family were already dripping with cold sweat, facing the sky in horror. The four of them looked.

Of course, these four people were in full swing, and there was more than one person who was alarmed. Countless people cast their attention here. Two people of different shapes appeared in front of the three elders of the Demon Sect and Ximen Can, one old, one young, one monk, one together, and one nun. They were not exactly the five original infant stage masters.

It doesn't matter if they play like this, they startled the few masters who had been peeping at Huaxia from the beginning, and at the same time, they became afraid of Huaxia in the bottom of their hearts. There are quite a few, but I never thought that judging from the current strength, those peerless masters hidden in Huaxia are at least nine in weight. What is the concept of nine?The pope of the Holy See, the speaker of the Dark Council, the wolf king David of the werewolves, the master of Tulip Castle, the head of the Ice Emperor, the Ice Emperor, a special sacred ninja who lived in seclusion on Mount Fuji, and a Tantric bald donkey in India. There are only ten of these seven people, but there are nine masters of the same level in one Huaxia. How can they not be frightened? There is constant internal fighting, otherwise they would not have the courage to come here for hundreds of years and thousands of years.

"Ximen Can, you actually broke your promise and broke out. It seems that we were too kind to you back then. If we knew this, we should have killed you at the beginning. At the beginning, we thought that your cultivation is not easy. I have one more in China!" The masters only let you go, but I didn't expect you to be so ignorant that you came out again." At this moment, Long Xingyun from Kunlun Mountain stood up and yelled at Ximen.

For Long Xingyun's identity, Aoyu also had a general understanding later on. He was probably the first guard of the Long family, but the ancestors of the Long family were so powerful that they didn't know who they belonged to, but Long Xingyun stayed in this world , and holds the dragon family's bundle of dragon balls, as the strong backing of the Long family to maintain China, but no matter how senior Long Xingyun is, he is just a slave of the Long family. Yun's seniority is extremely high, so Long Zaitian and the others are very respectful to Long Xingyun and always treat him as a junior, Aoyu didn't know how to talk to Long Xingyun for a while, he just pretended not to know.Of course, if you really meet Aoyu, you still have to respectfully call him the young master, but Aoyu doesn't want to have anything to do with him. The affairs of his own family are family affairs, and Aoyu doesn't bother to care about those irrelevant people. Not to mention Long Xingyun, an invincible slave, even if the ancestors of the Long family really came out, Aoyu might not give face. Now, the only relatives in Aoyu's heart are his grandfather and uncle, and nothing else reason.

Long Xingyun's words immediately got the approval of Yunzi of Shanling, Jiudu of Emei, Zhou Zangzi of Dong School, and Master Wucheng of Shaolin who were beside him. They glared at Ximen Can at the same time.

"Hmph, I have never forgotten the oath I made back then, but seeing that my Ximen family is about to perish, how could I not come out to help? What's more, I already said this when we made the oath back then, and you agreed, why come out at this time? Spoiler?" Ximen Can said angrily, there was a sense of grievance in his tone.

After hearing this, they looked at the disciples of Ximen's family who were mostly killed and injured on the ground. They knew that Ximen Can's words were true, and they all pushed the responsibility on Momen's head. I started to fight against the Demon Sect, although I don’t say that I can eliminate the three elders of the Demon Sect, but I can defeat the Demon Sect no matter what, let them go back to recuperate for a few years with some injuries, and change the peace between the world, but since Aoyu appeared A few of them were afraid of the Demon Sect, the Demon Sect was not scary, what was scary was their Young Master of the Demon Sect who could eat dragons alive, and they still remembered Aoyu's radiant and earth-shattering power. Not daring to go too far, they could only be tactful to Du Chenfeng, Sima Tianming and the others said: "Guys, since you are at fault for this matter, why don't you let it go, Ximen Can also go back to practice, how about letting go of a bloodline of the Ximen family?"

What he said is polite, and it can be regarded as giving face to Momen. After all, the old faces of a few people are there, and they are bowing to Momen when they say this. If the situation is different, they can't just agree.

"Hehe, do you want to end up like this after offending my Demon Sect? I don't think the face of the few of you is so big." At this moment Aoyu opened his mouth slowly, but his words were followed by boundless momentum. People who are in the middle of the pressure are out of breath and don't know what to do.

At this moment, those five people and Ximen Can only saw Aoyu, it wasn't that Aoyu's location was too inconspicuous, but that they concentrated all their strength just now to guard against the three elders of the Demon Sect. So a few of them didn't notice Aoyu's hidden aura. At this time, how many people saw Aoyu. Ximen Can didn't know Aoyu's identity, but he was a little uneasy seeing the other party's powerful aura, but the remaining five people could see Aoyu. It's different, after seeing Aoyu, they knew that this matter was not easy to handle, the master's temper was considered to be experienced, and his power was extremely terrifying, if he was really in a bad mood, he might make a fuss Whatever happened, if something bad happened, they might destroy themselves. Beads of sweat kept pouring down from their heads, obviously they were terrified of Aoyu and the others.

Several people looked at each other, but none of them dared to say a word. After hesitating for a while, Zhou Zangzi, the Kongpai, finally spoke to Aoyu and said, "Young Master of the Demon Sect, since this is about your Demon Sect, naturally we won't wait." Dare to take more care, and leave."

After speaking, he ran away first, watching him escape, the rest of them didn't talk too much, they said goodbye one by one, and they all used their real name magic weapon, they really came and went in a hurry, so that the people next to them couldn't see it. A little dumbfounded, especially when Ximen Can saw the five masters in such a mess, he naturally understood the key point, probably because even those five guys couldn't afford to provoke the young man, so they ran away one by one.

Thinking of Ximen Can was a little disheartened. He knew that he and the Ximen family were doomed, so he said loudly, "The sons of Ximen's family will kill me."

After finishing speaking, he was the first to use his flying sword to kill the three elders of the Demon Sect. At this moment, Ximen Can already knew that he had no hope of surviving, so he just pretended to kill one to make enough money, and kill two to earn one. Determined to kill the demon disciples and Zhetian troops.

But things are not as simple as he thought. The three elders of the Demon Sect are different from him. He has not made any progress for hundreds of years, but the three elders of the Demon Sect have obtained the magic weapon given by Aoyu one by one, and the weapon family has completed the classics of the Demon Sect. , the skills have advanced by leaps and bounds. If it weren't for the limited spiritual energy of the earth, I'm afraid they would have broken through to the out-of-body stage by now, so Ximen Can's sudden attack did not cause any damage to them, but angered them. At this moment, there is no need to pay attention to fairness, it is clear that Ximen is going to die without a place to bury him.

Soon, those remnants of the Ximen family died tragically under the hands of Zhetian after leaving several wounds to the elite of Aoyu's subordinates.

And the ancestor of the Ximen family, Ximen Can, was also injured by the three elders of the Demon Sect and then blew himself up. Of course, his self-detonation did not cause any casualties to Aoyu's men and horses. On the contrary, he killed countless people in the Ximen family. In addition, just because Aoyu, who has never made a move, made a move at this moment, so the self-destruct of an extremely powerful proto-infant master did not cause the slightest harm to Aoyu's subordinates.

All of a sudden, rivers of blood flowed in front of the Hanmei Villa of Ximen's family. Apart from Aoyu's subordinates, Ximen Fengfeng was the only one left in the vast area, and he was dying at the moment.

"Baby, it's your turn to take revenge." Aoyu said softly to Zhu Zimei, only Zhu Zimei and Dugu Yun who is far away in Tianmo Palace are the only ones around Aoyu who have hatred against Ximen's family, Zhu Zimei wants to take revenge and Aoyu naturally agrees, but Dugu Yun Aoyu didn't intend to let her know about this blood feud, even if Ximen Fengfeng was dead, Aoyu just wanted her to live this life well without any pain in her heart, and let her treat her as a child who was born in childhood. The orphan who grew up with his grandfather is fine.

Zhu Zimei walked up to Ximen Fengfeng with a sharp sword and said to him, "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know, but I know that you have a grudge against me." Ximen Fengfeng said indifferently. He has killed countless people in his life, and there are more than ten million people who have grudge against him. Since the other party will come here to kill himself with his own hands, it must be with him There is blood and deep hatred, and he is very clear about this.

"That's right, I am the Holy Maiden of Jiuyou Palace, today I came to take your name to avenge my Jiuyou Palace." Zhu Zimei said with hatred on her face.

But Ximen Fengfeng didn't have any scared expression on his face, he just said to Zhu Zimei: "Well, I know I will have such a day, you can kill me, but I hope you will spare the old and weak women and children of Ximen's family. Innocent."

After hearing Ximen Fengfeng's words, Zhu Zimei was stunned. She didn't know what to say for a while, but bloody hatred is not so easy to forget. Zhu Zimei raised her hand and pointed at Ximen Fengfeng and said with a sword: "Now you really have good intentions, remember The old and weak women and children of your Ximen family, but have you ever thought about my Jiuyou Palace? How old are the youngest of those junior sisters, but all of them were beheaded to the ground by your Ximen family, and the older ones were not killed. You rape first and then kill? Why didn’t you think at that time that they were also old and weak women and children? Why didn’t you show kindness when my master was insulted by you?”

As he spoke, he stabbed a few more times.

"Okay, okay, okay, are you happy? I will continue without you. I just hope you let go of my Ximen family. Although I, Ximen, have not done anything good, but after all, this is my family. Dear ones, I just hope you can let them go." Ximen Fengfeng said to Zhu Zimei calmly, already dying from Zhu Zimei's stabbing blood.

After finishing speaking, he couldn't lift it up in one breath and fell to the ground dead.

Zhu Zimei looked at Ximen Fengfeng's body, and after looking at it in a daze for a while, she turned around and opened her mouth to Aoyu to say something, but before he could speak, Aoyu said calmly: "I know What do you want to say, but cutting the grass does not remove the root, the spring breeze blows and regenerates, I hope you can understand."

After speaking, he waved his hands to his subordinates, and those subordinates immediately rushed in one by one knowingly, after a while, there were countless cries of women and babies in Hanmei Villa, obviously Aoyu's subordinates were doing their hands inside You know, they have followed Aoyu for many years, but none of them are relentless, and those elite killers from the blood killing building are even more murderous, and they don't care, so in an instant, Hanmei Villa Without exception, 6000 old and weak women and children and dozens of children were beheaded to the ground by Aoyu's men and lost their lives.

Then after Aoyu's subordinates came out, they set a torch and burned it up. Seeing the performance of his subordinates, Aoyu didn't feel any dissatisfaction. Instead, he smiled. Such subordinates are exactly what he wanted. Uncompromising loyalty, strict discipline, and more importantly, they are ruthless and vicious enough to attack, without a moment's hesitation when attacking, this makes Aoyu very satisfied, this is what he thinks his subordinates should be like.

Such a thousand-year-old family, a family that has been in China for many years, and a family that is unparalleled in everything, was ruined in Aoyu's hands. In this battle, all 37562 members of the Ximen family were killed, and no one in the family survived. Once left, this incident shocked China, and no one dared to stop the Demon Sect from then on.

(End of this chapter)

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