Chapter 336
After destroying those nasty bugs in Ximen’s family, Aoyu was in a good mood. He was not in a hurry to go back to school, but only stayed in Momen for a few days and continued to want to spend more time with Xia Xue and the others. By the way, he watched the martial arts conference. But at this time, the martial arts conference changed its taste, and it became a surrender conference of various sects to the magic sect.

Although they didn't say that they wanted the Demon Sect to surrender, they expressed a lot of respect in their words, and expressed their thoughts of only looking forward to the Demon Sect's horse and horse in the future. It can be seen that those martial arts heroes who competed with the disciples of the Demon Sect did not dare to fight against the disciples of the Demon Sect. It made people look very depressed, especially Aoyu laughed so hard, because those guys played four or five games, and several people actually said the same sentence, even an idiot can see that there is something wrong with it How fake, but he didn't dare to say more.

Because what Momen did to Ximen's family has been spread all over the world, so no one dares to show any disrespect to Momen, even Liu Ziyi from Misty Palace is restless, not knowing what to do, fearing that Aoyu will retaliate against her In the Misty Palace, she has already disclosed the news to the door and asked them to bring the news back to the Misty Palace. Although it is modern, the Misty Palace is extremely classical, so the news is also transmitted very slowly.

And Zhu Zimei's Jiuyou Palace naturally stole the limelight. Many people want to send them to Jiuyou Palace on the excuse that the female descendants in their families are not talented. Of course, the most important thing is to catch up with the devil Dashu, of course Zhu Zimei agreed one by one to this, and she was overjoyed. You must know that these individuals have extraordinary power in their families, and they all have status in the Jianghu. Those who don't have a woman in their family hope to marry with Jiuyou Palace. This is also the usual trick of Jiuyou Palace in the past, but Zhu Zimei rejected it. Jiuyou Palace no longer needs to sacrifice the happiness of its disciples in exchange for alliances. Second, Aoyu doesn't like it, Zhu Zimei understands that the resurgence of Jiuyou Palace is naturally all thanks to Aoyu, Aoyu let it be born and it will live, let it die and it will die, Zhu Zimei has no doubts about this, So naturally she wouldn't go against Aoyu's intention, not to mention that she likes Aoyu so much.

After watching this game, Aoyu felt that it was not interesting, so he flew to the top of Kunlun alone to enjoy the scenery. Standing on the top of Kunlun and looking down at the earth, Aoyu felt very comfortable with me in the world, and suddenly he was a little lost.

When Aoyu was enjoying the feeling, a crisp voice interrupted him, "Are you Long Aoyu?"

Hearing this, Aoyu was stunned. One must know that this is the top of Kunlun, and ordinary people on the cliff can't come here at all, let alone when they don't know it?Although I was a little distracted just now, but I don't have the strength above the fairy king to get close to me, Aoyu looked in the direction of the voice, and a woman in black palace clothes was looking at me with a smile two meters away from me, and the smile was so amazing It is so beautiful.

Aoyu was stunned for a moment, his heart froze immediately, knowing that the other party used the charm technique, he said to the other party in a cold voice: "Who the hell are you?"

"Hehe, you can't tell people my name casually, but since you can break free from your obsessive charms, you are also very capable, so it's okay to tell you. My brother calls me Xiaobei. As for what other people call me, You are not qualified to know this." The woman said to Aoyu with a smile, but there was a bit of disdain in her tone.

"It's so arrogant, you? Hmph" Aoyu looked at the other party with disdain as well. You must know that although Aoyu can't see through the other party's cultivation, Aoyu can clearly feel that the other party and himself are just brothers, and should It is at the level of an immortal emperor, and my current cultivation level is just like that of an immortal emperor, but because it is a fusion with Zhu Zimei, it is not stable, but my "Chi You Demon Emperor's Art" is extremely domineering, and I am not afraid of facing the opponent, so Said bluntly.

"Okay, I'll teach you a lesson, you arrogant boy. Let's compete in the universe of stars." After speaking, the woman who called herself Xiaobei first walked into the universe, and Aoyu did not object to it. You must know that the series of the two people can be destroyed at will, not to mention an earth or a solar system, so naturally they can't let go of their hands and feet here, so they follow closely. In a blink of an eye, he had already flown across the Milky Way, came to a prehistoric area outside the universe, and stopped here.

The woman named Xiaobei made the first move, waving a strange blood-red banner, and countless blood shadows flew out of the blood-red banner to attack Aoyu. Aoyu knew that the opponent's attack was not weak, but he didn't expect the opponent to be so powerful, so he was caught off guard Under the circumstances, Aoyu could only use his tyrannical body to resist those blood shadows, and killed one of them with one punch, and went straight to the woman, but the attack power of the blood shadow was really terrifying, even Aoyu was beaten to death by him It hurts again and again, and the woman who watched it was shocked again and again, you must know that this baby is not ordinary, it is really amazing that Aoyu can use his body to resist.

Aoyu was in so much pain that he went mad all of a sudden, and his sanity was not so clear. He took out the Heaven and Earth Supreme Fan and swept it at the blood shadow. The Supreme Fan poured all his skills into it, and instantly a huge beast with a head of a sheep and a body with sharp horns and long hair appeared, with its mouth wide open, it actually swallowed all the blood shadows.

"Imperial monster gluttonous, impossible, how is it possible." The woman named Xiaobei looked at the monster that appeared in the fan of Aoyu Tiandi Supreme and shouted, but she was not satisfied with it, and released a blood-red ribbon to surround herself Guard against the attack of the gluttonous beast.

While beating, he shouted, "Long Aoyu stop, I have something to talk to you, don't do it yet, don't you want to kill each other, and hurt both sides?"

Just now, Aoyu used all his strength to inspire the soul of an ancient monster in the fan of the supreme fan of heaven and earth, so he used a lot of strength and stopped when he heard what the woman said. First, there was no enmity between the two Aoyu wants to hear her reasons, and secondly, Aoyu wants to take the opportunity to recover his strength. After all, he must do his best to fight this woman named Xiaobei. I still have some disadvantages, not to mention that I am not as good as her in the first place. If it weren't for the fact that "Chi You Demon Emperor's Art" was really abnormal, his unsteady Heavenly Demon level cultivation base would not be a match for this woman at all.

"I'm here to look for you. Didn't you collect [-] dead souls from your subordinates? How about I help you raise all their strength?" The woman said to Aoyu.

"What? Is there such a good thing? I don't believe that there is a free lunch in the world, let alone a person who doesn't even tell his real name. I have no interest in him." Aoyu obviously didn't give the woman face at all. she said.

"Hehe, his name is Xiaobei." The woman laughed and said to Aoyu.

But obviously Aoyu didn't believe her, she glanced at her mouth and said, seeing Aoyu like this, the woman had no choice but to explain: "My breast name is Xiaobei, only my elder brother calls me that, as for others, they all call me the Virgin of the Umbrella .”

"Mother of Youming?" Apparently, Aoyu is quite unfamiliar with this name, but hearing that the name is very impressive and it matches the exercises she used, so Aoyu's tone softened a lot, in Aoyu's opinion Go back and ask Xing Tian and they will understand everything.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do to help me improve the strength of my subordinates?" Aoyu is quite urgent for those [-] subordinates to be promoted, so he said to the woman named Xiaobei, the Holy Mother of Youming.

"It's not difficult, as long as you help me in Nine Netherworlds when we are in trouble." The Holy Mother of Youming said to Aoyu.

"Help you Nine Nether Underworld? Do you need help in the underworld? What's more, how do you know that I can help you, and don't you think this deal is not fair?" Aoyu asked a series of questions to the Holy Mother of Youming.

"Hehe, it's not fair. Well, in the future, as long as it is your subordinate, you will be exempted from entering the six realms of reincarnation. After you die, our Nine Netherworld will help you train, and then how about changing it to you?" The Holy Mother of Youming is also generous, Released the bait that Aoyu couldn't refuse.

It is true that this bait Aoyu can't decide, his subordinates will not enter the six realms of reincarnation, what kind of gratitude is this, that is to say, his subordinates will always be immortal unless they are beaten with a personality god, such a bait Aoyu can't refuse, But Aoyu doesn't know much about the things in the sky, he only knows about the seven worlds, but he doesn't know much about other things. Of course, Aoyu knows that the more you get, the more you give, no one will come here in vain He expressed his favor, but Aoyu really had no way to refuse this request and nodded in agreement.

"By the way, you haven't told me how you know me? Since you can know me, wouldn't your opponent also know me?" Aoyu said to the Ghost Virgin with doubts at this moment.

"Hehe, don't worry, only my elder brother and I know your existence and we don't know you very well. As for how to find you, to tell you the truth, the souls of this world are under the control of my Netherworld. A soul knows that you are very powerful, and you are not in the six reincarnations, which makes people wonder. I wanted to accept you to work for us, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful, almost like me, especially yours. That treasure is even more powerful, that's why I decided to form an alliance with you temporarily, others will not know about it, I really don't know what your origin is, I think everyone will be surprised if you reach the heaven." Aoyu said.

Aoyu doesn't care about this, he likes his current life very much, as for the upper realms, Aoyu is not in the mood yet, he just wants to have fun on the earth, settle those little trash, let his subordinates improve He just nodded to show that he knew, and flew to the Heavenly Demon Palace. He was going to ask Xing Tian who the Holy Mother of the Umbrella was, why did he feel a little different in the Seven Realms? Of course, I have to find out the details of this woman before I can make a decision. Before leaving, I said to the Holy Mother of the Umbrella: "I will see you in the Heavenly Demon Palace in three days."

After speaking, he wanted to rush back in the direction of the earth.

The Madonna of Youming is the woman who calls herself Xiaobei, who smiles mysteriously in the direction Aoyu is going away and disappears into the void.

(End of this chapter)

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