Chapter 340 Causal Cycle
The forces in Jianghu didn't have much reaction to this. Although the influence of Misty Palace is not small, the real power is not that big. There is no way to compare with the magic gate, so no one will talk about their deaths. It would be bad to offend the Demon Gate.

But Liu Ziyi, who was rushing to the Demon Sect at the moment, knew nothing about it. A few days later, Liu Ziyi, who was full of emaciation, had arrived at the Tianmo Palace in Kunlun Mountain. When he reached the foot of Guangmingding Mountain, he was stopped by the disciples of the Demon Sect up.

"Who are you? Don't you know that this is a forbidden area?" Several demon disciples flashed out from the intersection, and a leader said.

"Your Majesty, Liu Ziyi from Misty Palace, I'm here to see the young master of the Demon Sect." Liu Ziyi was not as arrogant as last time, and his tone was much calmer. There was no slogan of exorcising demons and defending Taoism in his mouth. It also makes people look a lot more comfortable.

Obviously, the subordinates of the Demon Sect have never been to the last martial arts conference, so they don't know Liu Ziyi, but he has heard of Liu Ziyi's name. Liu Ziyi wanted to suppress the arrogant words of the Demon Sect, but he was very unhappy. Although Liu Ziyi was beautiful, but being beautiful could not change everything. The Demon Sect disciple taunted Liu Ziyi: "Oh, you are the saint of the Misty Palace. Female Liu Ziyi? Aren’t you going to destroy our Demon Sect? There has been no movement for so many days, and the little ones have been looking forward to it for so long? What about your army? Where are the righteous people? Is it with the Ximen family? Is that old boy finished together?"

"This little brother, Ziyi, I came here this time to apologize. Please inform your young master. I think he will meet me." Although Liu Ziyi felt sad after hearing the words of this demon disciple, she had nothing else to say. After all, what the other party said is the truth, and now the form is better than others, so she couldn't help being unwilling, so although she felt sad, she still said to the demon disciple in a low voice.

You must know that Momen has strict requirements on its disciples. Although that disciple is a little upset with Liu Ziyi, he can at most sneer a few words, and it will not be too serious. Go report to Liu Ziyi.

So although he didn't want to, he still said to Liu Ziyi: "You wait here, and I will report to you."

Liu Ziyi nodded happily after hearing this, expressing that she understood that she didn't expect the other party to show her any good looks. Since she was able to come here, she was ready to sacrifice everything, including her dignity. Although she didn't want to, But as the master said, this is for the righteous way of martial arts. Of course, Liu Ziyi also has doubts about the master's words, but she is an orphan and adopted herself for so many years for the Misty Palace. Without the Misty Palace, Liu Ziyi would have died long ago. , so even if she didn't want to, she would admit it.

The disciple made a phone call to inform the higher authorities, and the higher authorities relayed the news layer by layer. After a few minutes, the news reached Ren Tianxing. Naturally, Ren Tianxing would not decide this matter by himself, so he called Aoyu.

"Young master, Liu Ziyi came to Guangmingding to ask to see you, what do you mean?" Ren Tianxing said to Aoyu without any unnecessary nonsense.

Hearing Ren Tianxing's words, Aoyu was stunned, but after a while, he realized that Aoyu had some understanding of Liu Ziyi's intentions, and the methods used by Misty Palace were nothing more than wanting to use himself. Originally, Aoyu was very angry, but after he came back and listened to the elders of the Demon Sect's detailed introduction to Misty Palace, he found that Liu Ziyi was actually a poor person, and it was they Misty who should really die. Those elders in the palace are not her, so Aoyu is not so angry, now after listening to Ren Tianxing's words, Aoyu pondered for a moment and said: "You wait, I will go."

After talking about Aoyu, he moved back to the Momen Guangmingding. At this moment, Liu Ziyi had been taken to the central hall of Guangmingding. Aoyu came out and looked at Liu Ziyi, who was restless below, and treated her coldly. said, "Do you have anything to do?"

"I...I..." Liu Ziyi blushed, but she couldn't say anything. After all, although she had a lot of contacts with those so-called martial arts masters and young masters, those guys wanted to win Beauty Huanxin pretended to be five people and six people one by one, looking like a group of honest children, and Liu Ziyi himself had never said such a shameful thing, so he didn't know how to say it for a while.

"What are you?" Aoyu frowned and said to Liu Ziyi.

"Can you let them go down first." Liu Ziyi looked at the dozens of palace guards standing around and said to Aoyu, after all, it was more difficult for her to say such words in front of so many people than to kill her.

After hearing Liu Ziyi's words, Aoyu waved away the guards standing there, only Aoyu and Liu Ziyi were left in the huge hall, Aoyu said, "Tell me, what is it?"

"Can you let our Misty Palace go?" Liu Ziyi bit her lip and said to Aoyu.

"Hehe, isn't your Misty Palace very powerful? Aren't you going to destroy our magic door? Why are you begging me again now?" Hearing this, Aoyu said jokingly.

"I'm ignorant. All the disasters are caused by me. If you want to punish, just punish me. Don't embarrass our Misty Palace. I am willing to use my body, my dignity, and everything I have to compensate you. Please don't Go and touch our Misty Palace, please?" Liu Ziyi burst into tears at this moment, begging to Aoyu.

"Is Misty Palace really that important to you? Do you know your master, your master seems to be not as righteous as you think, don't you really understand?" Aoyu asked instead of answering her words , said to Liu Ziyi.

"I know, I know everything. I understood everything from the moment Master asked me to please you. Master is planning to sacrifice me. Master is not as pure and noble as Master said, but I am Master after all. I was raised, and Misty Palace gave me a lot of things. My masters and others treated me well in the past. If there was no master, I would have died long ago without Misty Palace, so I can’t stop thinking about the sect. It's not righteous, just treat it as a debt I owe to Misty Palace, and now I will pay it off." Liu Ziyi said to Aoyu with a somewhat excited expression, obviously Aoyu's words had aggravated her pain and made her feel a little sad, after all, who It won't be easy to encounter such a thing.

After listening to Liu Ziyi's words, Aoyu was silent, in fact, Aoyu now felt a little sympathetic to this declining woman in front of him, and after a while, Aoyu said slowly: "It's too late to say anything now and there is no chance."

"Aren't you still willing to let Misty Palace go? What do you want from me? Please? I am willing to be your slave. You can do whatever you want. Can you let Misty Palace go?" Liu Ziyi said with a smile. Tears said to Aoyu.

Aoyu looked at her and didn't know what to say, but after thinking for a while, he decided to tell her, Aoyu said to Liu Ziyi: "Actually, it's not that I don't want to let you go, but that Misty Palace has been killed three days ago. I killed the door, you are late."

After hearing Aoyu's words, Liu Ziyi was stunned on the spot and didn't know what to say. To be honest, her heart was already cold for Misty Palace, but her years of relationship made her unable to give up for a while. For a while, she was stunned and didn't know what to say.

After a while, Liu Ziyi finally came to his senses, there was no transitional excitement, no crazy tearing, and no drawing his sword at Aoyu, he just squatted down and cried with his head in his arms. Sad, he murmured, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault."

After hearing Liu Ziyi's words, Aoyu came over and stood beside her and said to her: "I can't blame you, it's just that I look down on this sect. Sometimes people have to pay for what they do. There is a price, since you Misty Palace offended me, I can't let it go, but when you get to the bottom of it, you are just a poor woman being used by others, so I destroyed Misty Palace, indeed every sect has its own The right to live, logically speaking, I can't control so much, but who let me run into it, if you want to blame, you can only blame your Misty Palace for bad luck, but it just makes me unhappy."

Liu Ziyi didn't know what to say after hearing Aoyu's words. Aoyu's words could be said to be unreasonable, and it seemed to be comforting herself so that she didn't know what to say. After all, the reason why Aoyu It was entirely because of my own reasons that I went to Misty Palace, but now that Misty Palace is destroyed, I have nothing to do, which makes Liu Ziyi feel extremely uncomfortable, and I don't know what to say.

After thinking for a while, Liu Ziyi took out her own sword, and was about to slay herself on her own neck, but was stopped by Aoyu. Aoyu looked at the sword that broke her, looked at her and sighed and said: "Actually, you are quite pitiful. That woman in Jing'an was trying to take advantage of you. Now that they died because of you, it is considered karma, and no one else can be blamed. Do you know why the saints of the Misty Palace are all ignorant? Let me tell you." , because they were all sent out by your Misty Palace and given to those powerful people as playthings. Speaking of which, you are quite pitiful, and the old thing didn’t have any good intentions when he used you. Now her death is also retribution, if you If you want to avenge her, you can come to me, and I will accompany you at any time, but it is not worth committing suicide for her."

After listening to Aoyu's words, Liu Ziyi didn't know what to say for a while, Aoyu's words shocked her too much, she didn't expect that the legendary Saintess Gate who disappeared for unknown reasons would end up like this, and she was a little startled She believed Aoyu's words, because she knew that the other party had no reason to lie to her, and that Misty Palace wanted to use her, but Aoyu was destroyed because her own destruction of Misty Palace was a cycle of cause and effect, so Liu Ziyi didn't know what to say, She just left here blankly holding the sword in her hand, and she wanted to find a place to be quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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