Chapter 341 Loving Someone Doesn't Have To Be Obtained

Aoyu looked at the direction Liu Ziyi was going away and did not stop him. At this moment, Aoyu's mood can be said to be quite complicated. After all, he said that he destroyed the Misty Palace because of Liu Ziyi's rudeness, but he let go. Over her, it really made me quite contradictory, but after investigating Aoyu also roughly understood Liu Ziyi's situation, knowing that she was just a poor person who was deceived by others, so this time it was completely confused. No one can figure it out, Aoyu finally let out a sigh of relief after thinking for a long time, anyway, the matter is already like this, don’t regret it if you have done it, this is Aoyu’s principle, Aoyu will not think about it, blame it I can only blame Misty Palace for being unlucky.

Aoyu sighed in the direction Liu Ziyi was going away, and then returned home, formally starting his studies again, but this time Aoyu brought a lot of women with him, except for the younger Xiaoyun and Mary, the two of them, including Shui Rou'er, were sent to Huaxia University by Aoyu. For a while, there were so many beauties in Huaxia University, which dazzled many people. Those single men in Huaxia University were also crazy about it. After a while, on the night Xia Xue and the others entered the school, I don't know how many single wolves drank all night, singing and dancing for it.

But what disappointed them was that the next day there was news that these women had a close relationship with Long Aoyu, which shocked all the male compatriots. Almost all of them had some relationship with Long Aoyu, which made them completely crazy. Suddenly, many people regarded Aoyu as the greatest enemy in their life, and some even wondered if it was Aoyu who used it. What sorcery has bewitched so many women?
And the one who is more sad is of course Jiang Yuzhu. In her world, love belongs to one person, but the number of women around Aoyu keeps increasing one by one, which makes her a little unacceptable. She doesn't know what to do. In the past, she could bear it, but now it is different. Although she knew that those women liked Aoyu in the past, Aoyu obviously treated them the same. The relationship makes her feel that she still has hope, so she keeps fighting for Aoyu, but at this time her heart is a little cold, and she doesn't know what to say, so she can only cry secretly in the dormitory alone.

Compared to her and the others, Murong Piaoxue and the others have seen such things a lot, so they naturally don't take it seriously. Besides, the few of them will marry the same person. Although I was a little upset in my heart, I was not too excited.

But when it comes to these, there is one person who has to say, that is Makino Yingzi. After hearing that Aoyu has so many women, Makino Yingzi is not only not sad, but quite happy. She once told Jiang Yuzhu, "If a man has The more women, the better, it can only prove that he is better." Under the training of the perverted idea of ​​the little devil, although Makino Sakurako said that she kept herself clean, she was inevitably invaded by some local cultures, and in her mind Otherwise, it is not a crime for Aoyu to do this, but it proves that he is better, which makes Makino Yingzi like Aoyu even more.

"Long Aoyu, where is it? I want to challenge you." At this moment, a handsome man with a sunny face was standing at the door of Teacher Aoyu with a gloomy face and shouted to the inside.

"Who are you? Why do you want to challenge me." Aoyu said to the person indifferently. Frankly speaking, although the kid in front of him came to challenge him with a gloomy face, Aoyu still felt that the other party was not an evil person, so he made an exception. Said to him.

"My name is Nangong Lietian. I'm here to challenge you today. If you lose, you must stay away from Dongfangqing. If you win, I will obey you from now on." Said, obviously this Nangong Lietian has loved Dongfangqing to the extreme, so after hearing about Dongfangqing and Aoyu's marriage, he came to Aoyu without hesitation and wanted to fight him, although he knew that he was not Aoyu's opponent , but he wants to gamble desperately, he wants to put in all his efforts to win Dongfangqing back, and he is willing to risk his life for this, not because he takes Dongfangqing as a bet, but because he knows that a family like them Children have no right to choose marriage. If Long Aoyu hadn't appeared in the past, it would have been possible for him to be in love with Dongfang, but now there is a powerful Long family on top, and he can't help objecting, so the only way now is to let Aoyu voluntarily gave up Dongfangqing, he had no other way to go.

"Hehe, Dongfangqing? Do you like her? Then you come and defeat me, if not, you will become my subordinate in the future." Frankly speaking, Aoyu has never liked Dongfangqing, let alone liked her. The marriage with her was just for the sake of marriage, Aoyu didn't care much about it, on the contrary, it was this Nangong Litian who made Aoyu a little happy, this Nangong Litian is not weak, he is definitely a good player, and from his breath Yu can feel that this person is a good person, but also very scheming, not like those idiots from aristocratic families, knowing that the biggest difficulty in wanting to be with Dongfangqing is himself, for such a person, Aoyuhe Shi appreciates it The idea of ​​subduing him.

"Okay, in the afternoon, I'll wait for you in the Ancient Martial Arts Club." Nangong Litian said each word, and left without looking back.

Looking at the back of Nangong Litian going away, Aoyu smiled happily, he knew that he would have a good subordinate again, but Long Jiu who was sitting next to him was sighing for Nangong Litian, because she knew This Nangong Lietian probably won't be able to escape Aoyu's palm. She has seen Aoyu's methods and knows that defeating Nangong Litian is too simple for him, not difficult at all. Marrying Nangong Rui'er means that the Nangong family belongs to him, Long Aoyu. As Aoyu's power increases again, Long Jiu's heart is extremely complicated. However, the two sides were at odds with each other, and for a while, Long Jiu was caught in such a conflict that he couldn't bear the pain. He didn't know how to deal with this matter. In the end, emotion overcame reason. Regarding Aoyu's matter Long Jiu chose to remain silent.

And this news spread immediately after Nangong Lietian left. One must know that Nangong Lietian and Aoyu are the most influential figures in the school now. How can the spark of fighting between the two of them not attract people's attention?So the news immediately spread throughout the school.

Everyone ran over to watch, Xia Xue, Huo Yu, Lina, and Susan who was a teacher at Huaxia University all ran over to watch. Of course, several ladies headed by Nangong Rui'er also rushed over. Of course they The thoughts in her heart are different, Nangong Ruier is simple-minded and she likes Aoyu, so she came here not to cheer for her big brother Nangong Litian but to cheer for Aoyu, while Murong Piaoxue was a little worried, although Knowing that Aoyu is powerful, but after all, it is not weaker than Nangong Lietian, so she can follow Nangong Rui'er if she is not at ease. Write what.

(End of this chapter)

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