Chapter 342 Loving Someone Doesn't Have To Be Obtained

The most complicated thing is Dongfangqing. After all, the fight between the two is for her, but her mood is a bit contradictory. You must know that Nangong Litian does not pursue her for a day or two, and he takes good care of her. She didn't feel anything about Nangong Lietian, but it was Long Aoyu, her deadly enemy, who made her feel a little sweet sometimes, but she advocated freedom, and because of her marriage contract with Aoyu, she kept suppressing herself After all, she dislikes such things too much, but seeing Nangong Lietian challenge Aoyu, who knows she is invincible, for herself at this moment, she is extremely worried, because he knows that Nangong Litian is not Aoyu's opponent, and she has always She treats Nangong Lietian who grew up together as her own brother and sister, so she doesn't want anything to happen to him, but she can't say anything. After all, Aoyu is her fiance in name, and she has some feelings for Aoyu , so she could only silently hope in her heart that Aoyu would not really hurt Nangong Litian. After all, at this time, Dongfang Qing's heart could be said to be extremely contradictory. Pursuing herself, the relatives in her heart, she will not feel better if anyone gets hurt, so at this moment, Dongfangqing can be said to be extremely conflicted in her heart.

Of course, apart from them, there are Makino Yingzi who came here to cheer for Aoyu, and Jiang Yuzhu who was very worried about Aoyu but didn't know how to face Aoyu. At this moment, Jiang Yuzhu felt that Aoyu was fighting again because of Aoyu. Things are worrying to death, but thinking of having so many women around Aoyu, I feel a little uneasy, I am in a dilemma, just happened to be seen by Makino Yingzi, Makino Yingzi has decided to pursue Aoyu hard, doesn't care how many women are around him Woman, seeing Jiang Yuzhu's performance at this moment, she also knew what she was thinking. She just attracted Jiang Yuzhu. First, she didn't want her friend to be sad, and second, she also wanted to find a helper for herself in the future.

"It's still too late for you to regret it now. You should have seen the contest between me and Ichiro Ryusheng. You should know in your heart that you are not my opponent. You must know that there is no room for me to make a move. If you die, no one will come to help you take revenge. Right now." Aoyu said to Nangong Xitian standing on the martial arts arena of Guwu Club at this moment, what he said was not a lie, it was indeed Aoyu's identity, coupled with Nangong Xitian's rudeness first, Aoyu Yu killed him and the Nangong family would not say a word, Aoyu said this now to test Nangong Litian's will, Aoyu who is timid and afraid of getting into trouble will never want, Aoyu feels a little bit in his heart at the moment I like this Nangong Litian, although he said that he came to challenge me for the sake of Dongfang love, but I already knew about it, but I didn't interfere too much, because after all, love is free, not to mention Aoyu also wants to use this to try Dongfang After all, the relationship between the two is quite complicated.

"I don't regret it, even if I die, it's worth it." Nangong Lietian said firmly to Aoyu.

"No, you guys still don't want to compare, there's no need to compare this matter, Nangong Litian, give up, I don't like you at all." At this moment, Dongfangqing stood up and stood in front of Aoyu and said to Nangong Litian, Knowing that she is the last thing to see such a situation in her heart, it can be said that both sides are very important to her. After all, one is her fiancé, and the other is her relatives, so she really does not want to see the two fighting. Not one person being injured is something she said she would like to see.

Her words made Nangong Lietian feel like being struck by lightning, but after a while, Nangong Lietian stubbornly believed that Dongfang Qing must be afraid of the pressure of the family to say such words, in fact, Nangong Lietian is not such a deadheaded person People, if it was him in normal times, he would naturally understand, but at this moment, Nangong Litian has fallen in love with Dongfangqing so much, so he can't turn his head around.

Nangong Lietian just opened his mouth to speak, and Aoyu had already spoken one step ahead of him: "Let's go to the women's business, you have nothing to do here, we will solve it by ourselves, even if I don't have you today, I will teach this kid a lesson."

It seems that Aoyu intends to try this Nangong Litian.

One sentence pushed Dongfang Qing to the side, making Dongfang Qing not know what to say, she could only stand there blankly, and she didn't know when she was pulled back by Nangong Rui'er and the others.

"Sister Dongfang, don't worry, big brother won't kill my brother. Didn't you see that big brother has no murderous intent except when he spoke just now?" In this way, Aoyu has no murderous intent except when he said the cruel words just now, which is enough to prove that Aoyu has no murderous intentions towards Nangong Lietian, but Dongfang Qing cares too much about Nangong Lietian, so he doesn't even have such a simple point figure it out.

"Let's make a move." There is no unnecessary nonsense Aoyu said to Nangong Litian.

Hearing Aoyu's words, Nangong Lietian immediately started to act, and immediately performed the "Nangong Lihuo Jue" and "Raging Fire Fist" of the Nangong family. This "Fire Fist" and "Nangong Lihuo Jue" were both created by the ancestors of the Nangong family. It has always been the unique skill of the Nangong family. The achievements of the Nangong family today are inseparable from these two sets of kung fu. Naturally, its power is beyond words.

Seeing that Nangong Lietian made a move and Aoyu was not slow, he immediately started to fight back, and used overwhelming force. Aoyu wanted to make him lose. Yu Ye was not slow, and immediately used the Great Heavenly Demonic Hand. You must know that this Great Heavenly Demonic Hand is a unique skill in the Demon Sect. It is so powerful that there are only a few people who can use it in the entire Demon Sect. However, with Aoyu's skill, it is natural to use it It's not a difficult task, as soon as countless palm shadows appeared like entities, Nangong Lietian's Raging Fire Fist was useless and unable to resist. Nangong Lietian screamed and fell to the ground, vomited A few mouthfuls of blood, this is also because of Aoyu's holding back, otherwise, if he used Aoyu's power even if he used one ten-thousandth of this demonic hand, Nangong Lietian might not even have any scum left by now .

"You lost." Aoyu looked at Nangong Litian who was lying on the ground and smiled at him.

"No, I'm not defeated, I can fight again." At this moment Nangong Lietian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up again and looked at Aoyu firmly and said.

"Oh? Really? You want to fight again? Then you come." Aoyu looked at Nangong Litian with interest and said.

After hearing Aoyu's words, Nangong Lietian started to strike again, but what he used was not the previous Raging Fire Fist, but another unique skill of Nangong family. Leg technique is Nangong Litian's unique skill, his strongest martial art.

Nangong Lietian rushed up and jumped to the sky above Aoyu, in a blink of an eye there were countless leg shadows in front of Aoyu, but Aoyu just waved his hand lightly and Nangong Lietian fell to the ground again, spitting out a small mouthful of blood.

"Do you still want to fight?" Aoyu still had the same expression, without any change.

"Fight, I must fight." At this moment Nangong Litian stood up tremblingly, but when he just stood upright, he fell down again, but he did not give up and got up again.

Seeing such a scene, Dongfang Qing couldn't bear it any longer, rushed out and stood in front of Nangong Litian, and said to him: "Don't fight anymore, please don't fight anymore, you can't beat him, no more You're going to die like this."

"No, I must fight." Nangong Lietian said stubbornly.

"Stop fighting, Nangong Litian, why don't you understand, I have always regarded you as an older brother, you know? I know you like me, but you can't force things about your relationship. You have to know that I don't like you. I only regard you as my relatives, as my elder brother, you know? I hope you can understand." Dongfang Qing yelled at Nangongtian.

Hearing Nangong Litian and Dongfangqing's words, he was dumbfounded on the spot and didn't know what to say.

"I said it's better not to fight anymore. Let's count it as a tie. I'm like a heinous person. Nangong Litian, you go." He also had some confidence in the temptation, so he stopped fighting, anyway, it was too easy for him, Long Aoyu, to obey his subordinates, and there was no need to fight here for a short time, so Dongfang Qing was sad, and everyone was unhappy.

Everyone was overjoyed after hearing this, pulled Murong Piaoxue who was beside her and said to her: "I knew that big brother is the best, ha ha."

Murong Piaoxue next to her was also excited, which was exactly what they hoped for.

"It's not that you won, thank you for not killing me just now, my Nangong Lietian's life will be yours from now on." Nangong Lietian had already reflected upon hearing Aoyu's words, and looked at Aoyu's every word He said clearly that he had already made a decision in his heart and had decided to be loyal to Aoyu. He knew that his feelings for Dongfangqing could not be changed, but since the other party didn't like him, then he should wish her happiness, and from the previous In the fight against Nangong Lietian, he could feel that Aoyu was merciful to his subordinates. If he didn't know what was good or bad at this time, he would be too ignorant. Thinking about it, although she would not be able to be with Dongfangqing in the future, since she said As my elder brother, then I should treat her like an elder brother, as long as she can be happy, I know Long Aoyu's power to some extent, and I don't feel wronged by serving Long Aoyu, let alone helping Long Aoyu Yu is tantamount to helping Dongfang Qing, and Nangong Litian is willing to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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