Chapter 350

Aoyu returned to his residence, he was already alone at the moment, Lily Yamaguchi had been in the night sky silently for hours, hiding around Aoyu and was on guard at any time, just when Aoyu entered the door, he heard that the room was full of people. There were noises, crying, noise, arrogance, and disdain. After listening carefully, Aoyu found that several people were discussing in his room.

It turned out that the people on their side knew that they were worried about Aoyu when they came back, so they waited in his room all the time, but Aoyu didn't come back after waiting for such a long time, so a dispute arose.

"I don't know if Aoyu is okay. If he wants to do something, what should I do?" A beautiful female voice with a crying voice rang out, which made people feel a little heartbroken. Needless to say, this person Aoyu heard He knew it was Jiang Yuzhu, Aoyu felt warm when he heard her words.

"It's probably dead. I told him not to take the hero, but he didn't listen. Now he's probably been killed and thrown into the sea." A male voice gloated at his misfortune. Needless to say, this person must be the annoying Zhou Jian, This guy was originally good-looking, good-looking, plus his family was rich and good at studying, so he was favored by his family and pursued by many girls since he was a child, so he developed his character of being the second child. He thinks that he is so good that he can have several women at the same time, and those women should prostrate at his feet, but the three women he is pursuing at the same time, Makino Yingzi, Nangong Ruier, and Zhu Zimei, all three of them are because of their pride. Yu's reason is to ignore him at all, which made him secretly hate Aoyu from then on. A few days ago when Xia Xue and the others came to school, when he saw Xia Xue for the first time, he felt that he fell in love with Xia Xue. When Xia Xue, Huo Yu, and Shui Rou'er came out together, they ran over to pursue Xia Xue, but Xia Xue also rejected him because of Aoyu, and he was blown away by Huo Yu next to Xia Xue. The beating made him hate Aoyu to the bone, but he knew that Aoyu could fight and was taken care of by the school, so he never dared to trouble Aoyu. This time he saw Aoyu staying alone Facing those gangsters, it is estimated that he would have escaped death, so he seemed quite happy, and said gloatingly.

When Aoyu heard this guy talking like this outside the door, he felt a little displeased, thinking that one day he would take care of this annoying guy.

"What? You villain, you actually said that to big brother, tell you, big brother will not die, you get out of here, you are not welcome here." At this moment Nangong Rui'er heard Zhou Jian's words angrily to him Said, it is obvious that Nangong Ruier's EQ is 0 now. She doesn't know whether Aoyu has love, but what is certain is that she likes Aoyu, and Aoyu's position in her heart is very important, so she will stand up Said so to Zhou Jian.

Hearing Nangong Rui'er's words, Zhou Jian's face turned pale, and just as he was about to speak, Ye Xinyu burst into tears and said to everyone, "It's all my's all mine. .”

After Nangong Rui'er heard this, she stopped talking. She knew that Ye Xinyu was very sad and blamed herself at the moment. If she quarreled at this time, it would obviously make her even more sad. As for Zhou Jian, this guy obviously started to fight Ye Xinyu again. Therefore, at this time, he must of course maintain a good image in front of Ye Xinyu, but what he just said has made everyone hate him.

Aoyu knew that it was time for him to appear, so he opened the door and walked in.

When everyone was sad, they found that the door had been pushed open. They looked towards the door together and found that Aoyu was standing there, looking at everyone with interest. When everyone saw Aoyu, they were overjoyed. Nangong Rui Er and Jiang Yuzhu rushed up and hugged Aoyu, and cried out in joy, Ye Xinyu laughed happily with tears streaming down her face, Murong Piaoxue looked at Aoyu with a blushing face, apparently she was happy for Aoyu's return , only Bei Mingbing was still cold, but when he looked at Aoyu, there was a little more expression on his face.

Of course, not everyone is happy. Zhou Jian's face at the moment is as ugly as ugly, as embarrassing as embarrassing, but at this time, no one pays attention to him.

On Aoyu's side, there is a family drama, while the Mieri group has already started full-scale action.

"Everyone listen to my order and destroy the Mingdao Club." Lin Tianfeng said to his subordinates as Aoyu walked without extra words.

"Yes" under the leadership of Lin Tianfeng, more than 200 men went to the Tokyo Mingdao Society's headquarters, the Mingdaoguan. Of course, when they just took action, the more than 5000 people who were on standby in the headquarters had already begun to gather, and the tower was on the Huanyu Transport In the rear warehouse of the convoy, there were more than 100 large trucks leaving from the headquarters of Huanyu. Everyone stopped and watched curiously, wanting to see what was going on with Huanyu. Fortunately, it was night. Otherwise, it would be difficult for this fleet of more than 100 vehicles not to attract the attention of others.

The more than 5000 people under the Mie-ri team are now fully armed, and everyone is wearing neat black military uniforms. They don't look like gangsters or special forces of any country. Everyone has a complete set of American Delta Force standard equipment. Each person has an M15 submachine gun, 6 grenades, body armor, night vision goggles, and a handy cold weapon, all of which are missing. It looks neat, but there are also a few discordant ones. Each vehicle There are always one or two unharmonious people on the road. They either carry heavy machine guns or shoulder mortars, and carry an ammunition box of several hundred kilograms in their hands. They are bloated and have a neat military appearance. There are some conflicts, no need to ask these guys are all former iron-blooded troops, and only they are the ones who can be so lawless. They have done such things before, whether in the United States or on the iron-blooded battlefield. Yu hasn't brought those heavy weapons in yet, otherwise, I'm afraid they won't have a car, and heavy armored vehicles have been driven out one by one.

With a sudden brake, large container transport vehicles stopped at the headquarters of Mingdaosha, Mingdao Street in Kita-ku, Tokyo. The roads here are wide and the traffic is large. It is one of the few affluent streets in Kita-ku. Mingdaosha's The headquarters of the Famous Gymnasium is located here. It is already past 11 o'clock in the middle of the night. There are still many people on the street, but the people who cover the sky don't have any scruples. As long as you don't go too far, you can make any trouble.

When the cars parked from the street to the end of the street, some shrewd people have already seen the evil, and the street that was still busy just before turning around was empty within a few minutes, and the members of the Mingdao Society found out Something was wrong, and while sending someone to notify the boss, he continued to observe the situation, but before their men left, groups of men in black military uniforms rushed down from the car, holding submachine guns in their hands and mortars on their shoulders, The subordinates who released the wind were dumbfounded when they saw such a battle at this time. You must know that only the Self-Defense Forces in their country can have such sophisticated weapons, not even the three major gangs.

"Maori-kun, do you think they are here to exterminate us? Even the Self-Defense Forces are here. Should we notify the boss of Mingdao?" A man in his thirties with a moustache pointed at him. The people around said.

"Baka, they are not from the Self-Defense Forces. You see they are wearing black military uniforms, the Self-Defense Forces are blue, and there are foreigners among them. Have you ever seen foreigners in the Self-Defense Forces?" The guy said to the moustache next to him, this Maori is about 34 or [-] years old, he is not good-looking, but his eyes are shining, obviously he is also a shrewd person.

After hearing his words, the people around him immediately panicked, not knowing what to do for a while, the mustache who started talking said anxiously to Maori: "Then, Maori-san, what should we do? Shall we notify the next Dao Boss?"

"If you want to go, you can go. At this time, our survival is the most important thing. This group of people with such a large camp will definitely not let the Mingdao Society go easily. If you don't run now, it may be too late." You are also shrewd, after you finish speaking, you must oil the soles of your feet and run away quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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