Chapter 351

However, when he turned around, he found that at some point a row of black muzzles had been aimed at them. A handsome man with blond hair, although it was already November, obviously didn't have much clothes on him. A silver-white silk shirt, a pair of jeans, nothing more, a huge black dragon head appeared on his chest, and at this moment he was looking at several people with a smile.

The smartest Mao Li knew that his life and death were already in the hands of the other party at this moment, so he immediately stood there, looked at the other party's tattoo and immediately knelt down on the ground with a "thump", and said to Aoyu: "Boss, please Please let us go, we are just young men, please show kindness and let us go."

Not only is there no reason for them to return to the ground to beg Aoyu, because tattoos are basically the expertise of gangsters, the higher the status of the gangster boss, the bigger the tattoo, the more powerful, of course, excluding those full-body tattoos, those people are at most middle-level , the tattoos are mostly black. Generally, the club bosses will only tattoo black animals. The more powerful the person, the more powerful the tattoos. The tattoo of the boss of the Mingdao Club is just a black crow, and the tattoo of a black dragon like Aoyu No one could find a few, so when they saw Aoyu's tattoo, they immediately knelt down and begged for mercy. They knew that they had provoked someone they shouldn't have provoked, and when they looked at the neatly organized troops, they knew that they were fully armed. Today, the Mingdao Society is doomed again.

"I only want useful people, what's your use?" Aoyu said to the Maoris with a smile.

After hearing Aoyu's words, several people immediately left and talked excitedly, constantly explaining their benefits.

"Boss, I can help you manage your finances. I graduated from Tokyo University of Finance and Economics. I am an expert in finance and economics." One person said.

"Boss, I can help you drive. I am a racing expert. There is no one in our district better than me." Another person said.

"Boss, I can help you take over the territory of the Taoist society. As long as the boss of this Taoist society dies, I can help you gather them all." The mustache didn't let Aoyu's face change when he saw what the two previous people said. There is the slightest change so say so.

In the end, Mao Li was the only one who didn't speak. Aoyu looked at Mao Li curiously and said, "Why don't you speak? Don't you want to live?"

"I think, but you didn't ask me, so I dare not answer." Maori said at this time.

"Oh? Interesting, now I let you talk, you come and tell me what's useful for you." Aoyu looked at Mao Li with great interest and said.

"I'm useless, I don't have any specialties. My only specialty is to be the most loyal dog of the owner, an obedient dog who will not betray." Mao Li said at this time.

After hearing this, Aoyu laughed loudly, and said to Mao Li: "Okay, okay, since you said so, then I will accept you, I will be your master, and you will be a loyal dog by my side. Guarantee that you will be calling the shots in the future."

After hearing Aoyu's words, Mao Li said excitedly, "Yes, master."

To be honest, Maori is already 34-[-] years old, he has no success for a while, and he is still a small boss in the Mingdao Club. Does it mean that he is not smart enough, has no scheming, and has no ability? On the contrary, Maori is vicious and unscrupulous. He is definitely a character. It's just that his luck was bad, and every effort was in vain. Later, he got married and his daughter has grown up. However, because Maori failed to achieve anything, her wife remarried after a few years of marriage, and even brought her daughter with her. In the past, Mao Li became disheartened and joined the gangsters. After several years of hard work, he became the leader of a small gang in the northern district. However, they should never be near the territory of the Yamaguchi-gumi because their subordinates offended one of the leaders of the Yamaguchi-gumi. , so Mao Li's entire organization was wiped out, and he was the only one who escaped. Seeing the hard work of the past ten years in vain made Mao Li feel extremely distressed. In desperation, Mao Li joined the Mingdao Society and became a small boss. Another year, Mao Li thought that this was all he could do in his life, but when Aoyu asked the question just now, he knew that his chance had come. He understood the thoughts of such a big man, what they needed was nothing but a group of He is an obedient dog, so Mao Li said it without hesitation, and he really won the joy of Aoyu. Of course, Mao Li is not just talking, the smart Mao Li understands what should be done and what should not be done. When Aoyu agreed When he accepted him, he knew that what he should pay was nothing but his loyalty. In his heart, Mao Li had regarded Aoyu as his real master at this moment, because he knew that his present, future, and everything in the future depended on him. Under the control of the master, if the master tells him to speak, he will live, and if the master tells him to die, he will die.

Seeing that Aoyu was dying like this, the guys next to him crawled over with snot and tears one by one, and called to Aoyu, "Master, master, I am willing to be your dog too."

Glancing at the group of people on the ground with disgust, Aoyu said to them indifferently: "Dog, only one dog is enough, so you all go to die."

As soon as Aoyu's voice fell to the subordinates around him, they immediately understood, a burst of gunshots rang out on the street, and those guys who were with Mao Li just now turned into a pile of dead bodies, making Mao Li standing beside him in a cold sweat drenched in fear, secretly thinking that luckily I am alert, otherwise I am afraid I would have died. You must know that you will rarely see robbers in gang fights, but this new master of yours not only has so many subordinates, but also has a submachine gun in his hand. From this alone, you can see It came out that the power behind his new master was at least no less than that of the three major gangsters, and he was vicious. Judging by the actions of his subordinates, it was obviously not the first time he had killed people. Only experienced people would feel it when they killed people. No, this made Mao Li even more afraid of Aoyu, and his heart was extremely frightened.

Seeing Mao Li's expression, Aoyu patted him on the shoulder and said to him: "Don't be afraid, as long as you are loyal, nothing will happen."

Maori quickly responded.

Just now when Aoyu and the others fired shots, they immediately alarmed the people of Mingdao Society. They were startled one by one. It’s okay, they were shocked when they saw it, they were surprised to find that the outside was full of people, whether it was on the wall, corner or roof, there were at least hundreds of guns aimed at this place, and the number of people was several thousand. Daoren's legs are weak when he sees this place. Don't look at him controlling dozens of streets in the northern part of Tokyo, but the number of his men is only a few thousand, and the equipment is really backward. The entire organization is only a few dozen. Thousands of submachine guns pointed at Ming Daoren for a while, not knowing what to do, not to mention today's high-level meeting, the leaders of the Ming Dao Society who were able to get on the stage all called him over. Inside, even if they are outside, it is impossible to send someone to rescue him, not to mention his brothers, even those masters behind him may be weak after encountering so many robberies.

Just as he was thinking of a solution, an old but powerful voice sounded: "The young master has an order, and all members of the Mingdao Society will be killed without mercy."

As soon as the words fell thousands of guns, they began to shoot wildly at the famous gymnasium, the headquarters of the famous Taoist club, with the sound of mortars and grenades mixed in, and soon the six-storey famous gymnasium burst into flames.There were bursts of screams erupting inside, which made people startled.

You must know that it is not without reason that Aoyu issued such an order, because the top executives of these famous Taoist clubs are all extreme nationalists. If I keep them, it will definitely be a disaster. It is better to let my own The loyal dog Mori Kogoro came to help manage it. It is true that there is a reason for Aoyu to keep Mao Li. After all, he wants to use Mao Li to attract those external forces, so as not to let them be wary of this side for the time being. After all, there is a native of them. If they stand up, they won't think that Zhetian has secretly intervened in Tokyo.

"Mao Li, you should lead people to encircle and suppress the remaining members of the Famous Dao Society, as long as they are strong and trustworthy, and don't want any of the rubbish, and don't want people with nationalism. What I want is someone who can completely control you. Do you understand? Just kill the remaining people, these people are a waste of food if they are alive." Aoyu said to Mao Li lightly.

After listening to Aoyu's words, Mao Li was extremely excited. This was the first task given to him by his master, and he must do it well. Moreover, he listened to the master's tone, and after he took these people in, he would transfer them to his subordinates. This made Mao Li extremely excited. , Pidianpidian took a group of people from the Mieri Group to subdue and exterminate those members of the Mingdao Society scattered in more than a dozen blocks.

(End of this chapter)

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