Chapter 352 The Battle Is Coming
Mao Li obeyed Aoyu's words and took a lot of people to encircle and suppress those members of the Mingdao Society. Since their leaders were called to the headquarters by Mingdaoren, no one could lead them, and be a team of members of the Sun-killing group When they followed Maori's footsteps to various blocks, everyone began to panic. Frankly speaking, the biggest battle of the Mingdao Society only involved dozens of pistols, and most of the time they were still fighting with swords and guns. Luo Na had seen such a tent before, looking at the black muzzles of the guns, they felt a little weak.

One by one, they succumbed to the feet of the Mieri group, and went to the miscellaneous for perfection. It didn't take too much effort to subdue these people. After all, snakes can't do without a head. Originally, the quality was not enough, and the extermination group has a large number of people and excellent weapons. If they can't even deal with them, then there is no need for them to exist.

But it was a bit troublesome to choose people. According to Aoyu's request, Mao Li was really busy. After taking a breath, Mao Li sighed in his heart and finally gave the master an explanation.

In the past few days, the news that a powerful force has wiped out the Mingdao Society in the North District has spread like wildfire, and it has spread quickly. Almost everyone in the North District gang knows the news, even the three major gangs nearby They also received rumors, but no one cared. Places like Kita-ku, Tokyo have power rising every day, and power is falling every day. There is nothing to care about at all. As for the news that Aoyu and the others have a submachine gun People sneered, in their opinion, this is simply impossible, even the three major gangs do not have this strength, let alone others, so the heads of the three major gangs in Tokyo didn't care that they didn't even report it and just let it go , and because no one knows the name of Aoyu's organization, but it is rumored that they are all in black, and they act like an army in battle, so many people call them the black army. After Aoyu heard the name Smiling and acquiescing, it was considered a nod to the name.

And Mao Li and the others began to call themselves the Black Clothes Army Outer Hall to the outside world, controlling the territory of the former Mingdao Society.

And Aoyu naturally gave them the news of temporary reorganization. After all, it is impossible for them to expand outward in the battle at this time. At the same time, Aoyu took into account the discipline of these guys and gave them a seven-kill order: "Those who disobey the order , Kill. Those who are unfaithful, kill. Those who are arrogant, kill. Those who rape women, kill. Those who embezzle public funds, kill. Those who leak secrets, kill. Those who are greedy for life and fear death, kill."

For a while, those little ones who surrendered were all silent, not daring to make the slightest mistake, and the area controlled by this Taoist society has been cleaned up a lot.

Aoyu can also calm down and rest for a few days. Aoyu has followed Ye Xinyu and the others to Tokyo University for a few times, and then stopped going. Aoyu felt a bit of a headache when he heard it. It took Aoyu a few days to choose the most luxurious villa in the Central District from the hundreds of villas provided by the general manager of Huanyu. This is the president of a company that Huanyu bought at the beginning. The guy was bankrupted by Huanyu and died, and the house itself fell into Aoyu's hands. Aoyu chose this place and is planning to find someone to renovate it so that he can live in it. Aoyu is very busy.

However, it is obviously unrealistic for Aoyu to think about living a peaceful life. You must know that although Aoyu's actions this time ate up the Mingdao Society, they did not have much shock to the surrounding forces, not because of anything else, but because of Aoyu. Yu's lineup this time is too big, so big that the surrounding forces don't believe the news, and all the news seems so unreliable to them, so they all started to look at the Mingdao Society, It's not that they didn't have the idea of ​​Mingdao Society before, it's just that they didn't make a move because of some reasons, but this time, Aoyu and the others didn't grab the first move.

And the ones who set their targets here are naturally the vassal gangs of those big groups located around the Mingdao Society. They can be said to be thugs of several big groups, helping several groups to do some shady things, Although there are not many people, they are well-equipped. After all, those groups have a lot of money. Equipping thousands of people is nothing to them. Of course, these gangsters are closely related to big groups like Sanleng and Honda, but they have not yet arrived. The degree of inseparability can only be said to be a cooperative relationship, each takes what it needs, and it doesn't mean that they don't develop first, it's just that the surrounding forces cannot develop with their abilities.

You must know that besides the large number of Chinese gangs, the gangs that are very united and supported by the forces behind them, and the lunatics of the Vietnamese gang, there are only a few gangs under the big groups. When it is impossible for anyone to destroy anyone, they want to expand outward, but there are three major gangs outside their strength that they cannot compete with. There are too many people who want to eat this piece of fat from the Mingdao Society, so no one can eat it for a while. For this reason, the several gangs have been in a stalemate.

But recently, the leader of the Jiuye Gang, a subsidiary of the Sanleng Group, Jiuye Qingming suddenly proposed an idea, and met with the leaders of several gangs. Two gangs form an alliance to eat all the forces in the North District, and then radiate outwards, and the obtained territory is divided equally. If the gang cannot be allocated the territory, the person who gets the territory will give them five percent of their annual income. After a lot of discussion, these people finally decided on this method, and everyone started to take action. Several gangs began to mobilize all their members, reaching a total of nearly 2 people, and these people can be said to be well-equipped, although there may not be members of the Extermination Group. Those equipments are so good, but the difference is not too far.

But just when they were full of ambition to attack Mingdao Society, these people were preempted, how could they not be angry?
In a villa on the outskirts of Tokyo, the gang leader of the Honda Group, Miyagi Sankai, was furiously yelling at the people walking around at the moment: "Bagara, Baga, who is it? If we fight in front of us, I will kill him."

There were three other people with the same expression as him. They were all young and vigorous, and the oldest was only forty years old. At this moment, their faces were covered with dark clouds.

An old man with gray hair but bright eyes and a moustache on his upper lip said to Sanki Miyagi who was walking around: "Miyagi-san, don't be angry, we can get it back if someone snatched it away. Well, why be angry, the Mingdao Society is surrounded by our five organizations, he will have to fight us sooner or later if he wants to develop, I think the organization that eliminated the Mingdao Society this time is not a good person to deal with, as the saying goes It’s better to strike first and suffer later, so I think the first thing we need to do now is not to get angry, but to think about how to eliminate these guys and take back the territory that should belong to us.”

After hearing the old man's words, everyone's eyes lit up, and they immediately found a way out. Miki Miyagi said to the old man, "Mr. Kuno, shall we start now? Eliminate them before they get a firm foothold." ?”

The old man who was called Jiuye was Jiuye Qingming. After hearing what Miyagi Sanki said, Jiuye Qingming pondered for a moment and then said to them: "Well, it's a good time for us to do it now, give them more time for them Just a little more strength, this is not what I want to see, but their background is too sudden and there are a lot of people, do you think it will be invaded by some other big force?"

His words made everyone silent. Although this group of people can be the leader of the gang, although they are a little arrogant, none of them are stupid. It's just that they are impulsive sometimes, but their brains are no better than those nine. Ye Qingming is stupid, otherwise they would have been eaten by the Jiuye Gang, why would they still be standing here now?
"No, no one has so many firearms except the three major gangsters and us. It is rumored that they have a submachine gun and look like an army. Although it is a bit exaggerated, I personally think that at least many of them have guns. It's true, this kind of power doesn't have such power except for our organizations that rely on several major groups to support us, as well as the three major gangs and the Black Dragon Association, but if the three major gangs or the Black Dragon Association want to do something to us, There is no need to be so troublesome at all, as long as they believe that none of you here will dare to stand up and resist." The leader of the Oda Organization stood up at this time and said to everyone.

"Well, what Oda-kun said is right. If the three major gangsters and the Black Dragon Association want this place, none of us dare to stand up and object, so now there is only one explanation left. The other party is an external force. As for where? This is not important, as long as it is not the power of our great empire, they will not be able to send more people here. If they want to send more people, they will definitely attract the attention of the three major gangs and the Black Dragon Society. We don’t need to worry about it, so we only have to deal with a few thousand of them. Could it be that our five organizations add up to nearly 2 people, and the full set of US road warfare equipment can’t compare with those foreign forces?” Xiang Tian Zeyuan of Xiang Tian's organization stood up at this moment and said that he thoroughly analyzed the power balance between the enemy and us to cheer up a few people.

After hearing this, everyone including Jiuye Qingming nodded secretly. Indeed, as Xiangtian Zeyuan said, if it was an external force, they would not be able to send more people to come, so what he had to face was nothing more than It's just a few thousand people. With the strength of my side not weaker than the opponent's, plus the strength of the enemy several times, if there is a real fight, there is no reason for my side to lose. The other forces in the North District are not enough now. Filter, there is only a soldier in black, this outsider makes people a little worried, if they are allowed to rectify, conflicts between the two sides will still be inevitable, so after a few people gritted their teeth, they decided to prepare to deal with Aoyu and the others without a stable force hands on.

Decided to take action against Aoyu and the others, then they would never be soft-hearted. At this time, Oda Kuobei stood up and said: "Everyone, I think we must eliminate this force as soon as possible. Our Oda group can completely It will be ready tonight. I have 4000 people and 4000 guns under my command. I guarantee that all will be ready before 8:4 p.m.

"Well, what Oda-kun said is right. If we want to move the ship well, we must be fast. It has been delayed for a few days. We can't drag the people from the south of the Mingdao Society to me. I will deal with them. For the troops from the 4 streets, we will dispatch all members of the Xiangtian team tonight, and all 5000 people will join us." At this moment, Xiangtian Zeyuan stood up and said.

"Our Miyagi family is in charge of the west side. Let us handle the four streets here, and we will dispatch 3000 people." Miyagi Sanqi said unhurriedly.

After listening to the three of them, Qingming Jiuye and Takao Riri, who had not spoken all the time, looked at each other and knew that a few of them had left the widest moving edge to their two organizations. The large group cooperates closely, so the relationship is very important, and it is almost a nostril. It is no wonder that those guys will hand over the most difficult 8 blocks to the east. You must know that although the east block is said to be 6 blocks, it seems to be on par with them. , but this place has always been the key point of protection for the Black Army. According to intelligence, at least [-]% of the group who wiped out the Mingdao Society are here. If there is a fight, it can be seen how much damage the two organizations will suffer.

However, since it is cooperation, there must be someone who suffers. Jiu Ye understands that only by giving up the immediate interests can greater achievements be made, not to mention that there must be gains if there is a loss. The wealth of these eight neighborhoods is comparable to that of the other dozen or so combined. Fuyu, if he really wants to take down his territory, he can expand his territory, and his income will also increase. As long as he doesn't lose too many people, the Jiuye Gang and the Gaoli Family will definitely overwhelm the other three in the future.

So after pondering for a while, Jiu Ye said: "Then leave the east to me and Mr. Gao Li, and we will do it at night."

After listening to Jiuye's words, several people nodded at the same time, and then retired one by one, went back to their own territory, and began to mobilize manpower to prepare for the Mieri Group's territory. They want to eat here to seek greater development. A big battle is coming to Cairo.

(End of this chapter)

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