Chapter 381
But obviously someone didn't give Ao Yu this time to think, an annoying voice sounded beside Ao Yu'er, "Welcome to my space, in the world of Yata Mirror, this will be your grave, as a brave People in Yata Mirror World, you will be punished beyond your imagination."

This voice sounded silently, and even Aoyu didn't notice it. Hearing this voice, Aoyu immediately turned around, but to his regret, he didn't find anything here.

"Haha, ignorant human beings, you are trying to find me in the world of my great Yamato no Orochi, you are so stupid, stupid humans like you will be punished, haha." That voice was full of arrogance The laughter was full of dissatisfaction, ridicule, and banter.

"Really? Hehe, is it? If you want to kill me, show some skill and don't shout there." Aoyu didn't care about Yamato no Orochi at all, and said lightly, as if everything was in harmony with him. I have nothing to do with myself.

"Hey, humble human, you are not worth my hands, my men are enough to get rid of you." The extremely disgusting voice in the sky said again.

As soon as his voice fell, dozens of people appeared around Aoyu. Obviously, they were all believers in Yamato no Orochi, but Yagi no Orochi was pitiful enough to be able to hide in this mirror after being defeated by Suza no O. There are only so many subordinates that can be contacted in the middle world to recuperate from injuries. Those with good aptitude have been scoured by Amaterasu and others, so there are only so many that can be contacted here. His subordinates are far less than Xu Zuozhi. The samurai under the men and the onmyoji under Amaterasu are so powerful, so they can only hide here. Although the name Ninja sounds mysterious, in fact, the status is really low to the extreme. In Ninja, it is synonymous with slaves. .

The strength of these people surrounding Aoyu is not weak, all of them have the level of divine ninja, and there are a few holy ninjas among them, but these are far from enough, because the Xu Zuo's men are called Xu Zuo Twelve Compared with the warriors of the gods, they are still far behind. Although Aoyu has never seen them, he can be sure that the opponent is definitely stronger than them. There is no way to compare with Amaterasu, the pervert who claims to have 800 million gods. Although Aoyu does not know the gods Where is Takano in Jingli, but what is certain is that it must be stronger than here.

"Which of you is the upper class of the village?" Aoyu looked at these guys and said to the most powerful of them, but at the moment he used Huaxia.

"Humble Huaxia people, what do you want me for? I am the upper class of Shengren Village." An old man with gray hair but very imposing standing at the front of the group said, if this person is not only from the appearance, he is indeed a good-looking talent, not Speaking of other things, just from his current appearance, Aoyu can also tell that he must have looked pretty good when he was young, so it's no wonder that Momen accepted him at the beginning, this person is no different from Huaxia people.

Seeing the upper class of the village standing up, Aoyu's eyes reappeared red, looking at the upper class of the village, he said: "You are the upper class of the village? Then you were the one who killed the young master and his wife of the Long family in Huaxia more than ten years ago? That demon door Are you the traitor too?"

Hearing Aoyu's words, the upper and lower ranks of the village were obviously taken aback, but after a while, they began to laugh wildly again and said: "Yes, I am the one who sneaked into China hundreds of years ago, haha, even if I have finished learning the magic martial arts, it is also me who is a teenager. Years ago, I killed the young master of the Long family and his wife with the hands of the great demon, but it is a pity to let that little bastard run away. Do you have any problems? Could it be that you are the little bastard who didn't die?"

"You are right, I am the child who did not die, but I am not a bastard, now you will pay the price for what you said, and I will sentence you to death in the name of the young master of the Demon Sect." Aoyu said to the upper and lower village , After finishing speaking, Aoyu used the magic hand of the devil, and suddenly countless black afterimages flashed in the sky, and millions of palm shadows appeared in the sky, and immediately countless afterimages hit the upper and lower of the village, Murakami He didn't even have a chance to reflect, his body was smashed to pieces, even his soul was ruthlessly devoured by Aoyu's demonic energy covering his hands, and he didn't even have a chance to resist.

Not only the upper class of the village, but also the ninjas who appeared with the upper class of the village suffered heavy losses, one by one started to cry and wanted to leave here, but obviously they had no such chance, Aoyu looked at it coldly The gang of them who started to flee didn't talk nonsense. With a wave of their thugs, boundless demonic energy rushed out in all directions, and those ninjas were completely swallowed by the demonic energy without even a chance to scream.

At this moment, they have hated Yamato no Orochi to death. Although they are all cultivated by Yaki, it doesn't mean that they are going to die for Yaki. At this moment, they have already given Yamato no Orochi They scolded half to death, but obviously they were completely swallowed by the darkness before they had a chance to finish their scolding.

"Okay, I've already dealt with these little bugs, you should come out too, I'm not interested in playing hide-and-seek with you." Aoyu stood in the air and said lightly, as if he was talking to the air, or Talk to Yamata no Orochi who is hiding somewhere.

"Hehe, human beings, you are very strong, no need to say that you are very powerful, but you are definitely not my opponent. In the supreme space of my Yamato no Orochi, I am everything. You are just a tiny existence. You are absolutely It is impossible to resist me, hehe, now that you surrender to me, I can consider letting you go, a subordinate like you is much better than those trash, haha, how do you think about it?" Yamato no Orochi resounded again in the void the sound of.

"Really?" Aoyu also laughed at this moment, quite happily, and suddenly swung a heavy punch towards a hill in the distance with a smile. The punch was mixed with destructive power. Chi You paid tribute to the Heaven and Earth Overlord Fist, which is extremely powerful. It penetrates directly into the opponent's body and burns the opponent's internal organs with incomparably domineering magic flames. What's even more frightening is that the corrosive breath mixed in it can corrode everything.

Hearing a scream, a body as big as Mount Tai appeared in front of Aoyu. It was a huge monster, several thousand meters tall, and the left and right sides were extremely wide. The whole body was covered with terrifying black scales, and the whole body was not particularly soft. It's not unusual to be soft, but what's frightening is that there are eight snake heads on his body, each of which is more terrifying than the other, each with a different color, one spews out poisonous gas, one spits out frost, and one spits out flames. , one mouth is full of demonic energy, one erupts sulfuric acid, one is like steel from top to bottom, one emits enchanting magic, and the one in the middle speaks out human words, and said to the proud tone with a little panic: "Impossible, in my eighth It is impossible for you to find me in the world of Zhijing, I am everything here, the master here, impossible, absolutely impossible How did you find me?"

"Hmph, come on, you stinky snake, you don't even show up on the stage with your little invisibility. Those fools who lied to you are pretty much the same. You are not qualified to lie to me. And don't take that Kunlun mirror and say what it is!" Oni Yata mirror, okay, don’t think everyone else is a fool, okay, really, but your stinky snake’s body is so big, haha, but it’s not practical, I don’t know you and that dragon, you two Who is more powerful." Aoyu looked at the Yamato no Orochi with great interest, apparently he was very interested in this guy Aoyu, mainly because Aoyu just lost the enemy who killed his parents, he was in a good mood, so he Played with Yamato no Orochi.

"Impossible, how do you know about the Kunlun mirror? Not many people even know about it in the fairy world. How do you know?" Yayu was quite surprised that Aoyu knew the secret of the Kunlun mirror, because this secret was very important to him. It was really important to him, how could he not be surprised that the secret he had kept for so many years was found out?Not excited?So even Aoyu's words of mocking him automatically ignored and said to Aoyu.

"Hmph, do you think that everyone in the world is an idiot? The Kunlun Mirror has such an obvious ability, I immediately recognized it, hehe." Aoyu said to Yamato no Orochi with a smile.

"Since you already know the secret that you shouldn't know, then you go to die." Yamato no Orochi said to Aoyu with a serious and fierce light flashing, obviously already thinking of killing people, after all, if this Kunlun mirror is let The people of Yuxu Palace in the fairy world know that it is here, so they are really finished. At that time, they will face the pursuit of millions of immortals in the heavens. That is not what I want to see. Man must die.

After finishing speaking, Yamato no Orochi moved its huge body to kill Aoyu. Yagi's body is extremely hard, not to mention ordinary weapons, even the top weapons in the fairy world are difficult to hurt. At most, there will be some minor wounds. The only weakness is His head, but his head is not so easy to deal with. Back then, Xu Zuozhi used the divine sword Amazono and Amaterasu to kill Yachi, which shows how powerful he is. .

The eight heads of Yamato no Orochi rushed towards Aoyu together, killing towards Aoyu, the eight heads exuded different lights, and the eight powers came towards Aoyu from different directions, the head that was speaking just now gave out a shocking sound The syllables make people uneasy and produce countless fantasies.This is Aoyu, if it were someone else, Kong would have burst his head and died.

But this Yamato no Orochi deserves to be unlucky enough to run into Aoyu. You must know that Aoyu's devilish energy is born to represent destruction, devouring, and corrosion. Yamato no Orochi rushed up and hit him hundreds of times. Although Yamato no Orochi has a huge body, this huge body has become a burden for him, because although the huge body is extremely powerful, it is not enough. Aoyu walked back and forth on it for its flexibility, and a gust of wind knocked Yamato no Orochi dizzy, and the powerful corrosive magic directly rushed into its body and began to corrode his insides, and Yamato no Orochi began to suffer It was called Lianlian, which made people a little shocked.

Aoyu is also vicious, knowing that as long as you don't kill all of Yachi's heads at once, it will grow back, but it will have to experience inhuman pain, so every time Aoyu makes a move, he must knock off one of Yachi's heads, and wait for it After it grew out, it was knocked out again, and Yachi screamed in pain.

"You are not my opponent, hehe, to be honest, your strength is not weak, you actually have the power of Daluo Jinxian level, hehe But, it seems that you have borrowed this Kunlun mirror, if you don't have this thing, you probably don't have it. It’s so powerful that if you call it dead, you’re still a god, such strength is not enough.” After a while, Aoyu said jokingly, and stood on Baqi’s head to admire the place where the two had just played. The area destroyed in a short moment of fighting is hundreds of kilometers.

"You forced me, then don't blame me, then don't blame me, you go to die." Yamato no Orochi looked at Aoyu with all sixteen eyes blood red and said.

Ao Yufei got down and looked at him with great interest and said, "Oh? Really? Hey, if you have any skills, just show them."

I saw that the strength of the Yamato no Orochi began to increase crazily at this moment, and it increased dozens of times in a short while, and its aura became even more frightening. Just hearing it screamed, a head fell from its body again. It grows out, and the nine heads look like Aoyu together, giving off a strong murderous aura. What surprised Aoyu is that its ninth head actually flashed this holy light, which makes people feel a little unbelievable that it is frantically repairing him. The wound, the whole body became bigger again, and Aoyu was also a little dumbfounded.

But Aoyu recovered after a while, looked at Yamato no Orochi, oh no, it should be called Jiuqi Orochi now, and said: "Hehe, it's not easy, I said, what tricks do you have to make you so confident that you dare to be here? What you said to me just now, it turned out to be a hydra, hehe, I have heard of the nine-headed demon dragon Xudra in the west, you are not his relative, hehe, but it doesn’t look like it, Xudela’s family is a dragon , but you are a snake, you are not suitable, haha."

I don't know why Yamato no Orochi, who was already extremely angry, felt a little sad when Aoyu said that the nine-headed dragon Xu Dela, but it was only for a moment, and after a while, Yamato no Orochi screamed again Xiang Aoyu killed him.

Seeing such a scene, Aoyu immediately greeted him without hesitation, and punched Yamato no Orochi. At this moment, Yamato no Orochi is quite powerful, at least he has the strength of a fairy king, and it is not so easy to defeat. The strength of the Kunlun mirror also takes a lot of effort. One person, one beast, you come and go and wreak havoc in this world of Kunlun mirror. I don't know how long it took. It was broken.

(End of this chapter)

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