Chapter 382

Aoyu and that Yamato no Orochi fought back and forth non-stop. For such a long time, except for that fight with Jiaolong, Aoyu basically hadn't used his full strength. He didn't expect that this Yamato no Orochi would become nine-headed. With a hundredfold growth, he suddenly leapt to the level of a fairy and his strength increased tenfold in this Kunlun mirror. Although he was not as good as Aoyu, he was evenly matched in a short period of time. Yamato no Orochi's body increased again this time , but did not slow down because of his huge body, but became more sensitive. His nine heads spewed out various attacks without listening, which made Aoyu feel a little dizzy. Although Aoyu's physical strength is super strong, but It would be a lie to say that it doesn't hurt. Every time Baqi hits Aoyu, Aoyu's body will vibrate, and sometimes he even slit his mouth in pain, but this is not without benefits. You must know that such an attack It made Aoyu feel the pain, and every time he attacked Aoyu, the power in his body would run quickly, and then strengthen his body even more. Although this effect is invisible to the naked eye, it has an incomparable effect on Aoyu's physical exercise. The good thing is that the battle between Aoyu and Baqi is improving all the time, and Aoyu makes up for his own shortcomings through the battle. Inexperience in combat is Aoyu's biggest flaw, and this moment is the perfect moment. exercise opportunities.

At this time, the nine heads of Yamato no Orochi suddenly came together, and together they ejected an energy bomb, combining the nine powers of Yaki, which was extremely powerful and quickly fused together after being shot, forming a huge ball, directly Attacking Xiang Aoyu, the speed is so fast that the naked eye can't see it. This is the trick that Baqi relies on to save his life. It is his last killer. Gathering all the energy together to shoot out, it can instantly increase his attack by ten. Double, of course, the damage to him is also huge, if it is not that Aoyu has already threatened his life, he will never use it, you must know that Amaterasu and Suzanoo did not let Yaji use the first Not to mention the Nine Heads is a life-saving trick, he is already in danger of life at this moment, not to mention that Aoyu knows a secret that he shouldn't know, which is why Baqi is so desperate, and even used this trick.

Aoyu was caught off guard by the energy ball, and fell to the ground with a scream, and the clothes on his body were instantly reduced to ashes. In fact, even if Yachi used the power of the ninth head, it was not enough for Aoyu. damage, but Aoyu has too little actual combat experience, and the power of Baqi has been greatly improved in the Kunlun Mirror. In this world, its power is already as powerful as the Heavenly Demon, that is, the Immortal Emperor. This is why it can fight The reason for Zhong Aoyu, and this attack is really serious, if you don't say anything else, just look at the chasm under Aoyu's body that is as wide as a thousand meters and deep.

Seeing the figure of Aoyu falling to the ground, Yamato no Orochi laughed wildly and said to Aoyu: "Haha...ha, are you still arrogant? Haha, you are still going to die when you meet my unique move? Haha, dare to follow me!" Anyone who fights against the big snake will die, I have to say that you are very strong, if you are outside, I must not be your opponent, but who made you dare to come into the world of Kunlun Mirror to challenge me, haha."

"Really? Huh, you dead snake, I have to say that this move of yours is indeed powerful enough to even hurt me, but do you want to kill me just by counting on it? You underestimate me, don't you?" When Yamato no Orochi was laughing wildly, Aoyu floated up again at some point, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said to Yamato no Orochi.

"No...impossible, my nine-headed energy bomb here is the old guy Yuan Tianzun of Yuxu Palace, and he can't be my opponent. How is it possible? How can you be fine?" Yamato no Orochi panicked cried out.

"Hey, it's not that it's okay, but I was actually injured, but I didn't die, and if I don't die, you die." Aoyu said with a wicked smile at Yamato no Orochi, and said that this sudden appearance In a word, after finishing speaking, the body turned into a stream of light and rushed to the position of Yamato no Orochi, knocked off its head immediately, and began to strongly erode his ability to regenerate with corrosive magic energy, making it temporarily unable to regenerate .

And Aoyu used the full power of Tiandibahuangquan to attack, constantly destroying Yagi's body, and he could hear Yagi no Orochi's incessant screams from a distance, which made it a bit audible even from a distance. Shocked, the heart-piercing voice made people feel a little scared after hearing it.

After a while, Aoyu knocked all the other eight heads of Yaki to the ground, only the one in the middle was left. Yamato no Orochi screamed in fear, and begged Aoyu, "Please!" Please don't kill me, don't kill me."

At this time, it really can't help it not to be afraid, because the other eight of his heads were all knocked off by Aoyu, and it was attached with corrosive magic energy, which made him unable to repair itself for a while. If the head falls off, he's really dead.

"Oh? Let me not kill you? Okay, you give me enough reasons, and I won't kill you?" Aoyu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth at this moment, and stood in front of the huge head of Yamato no Orochi and said to it, with an expression It was full of jokes, but at this moment his handsome expression without clothes turned a little wretched.

"I, I, and I will give you the Kunlun mirror." At this moment, Yamato no Orochi thought for a long time but couldn't think of any way, so he gritted his teeth and handed over his life-saving treasure in exchange for Aoyu's forgiveness. After all, the treasure is no matter how important it is. Life is important.

"Kunlun mirror? Hehe, this thing is good, but we are all in this world of Kunlun mirror, how can you give it to me?" Apparently, even Aoyu is a little bit excited about this Kunlun mirror, after all, who wouldn't want such a good thing? ?Of course it's good to have it.

"Don't worry, there is a precious orb in the Kunlun mirror. As long as you refine the words, it can master the Kunlun mirror. Give it to you now, please let me go." Yamato no Orochi said pitifully to Aoyu, after he finished speaking, he spit out a shiny orb the size of a pill, obviously it was the Kunlun Mirror The core of the .

Aoyu put away the orb with a smile, and then said to Baqi: "How did you get this thing? This thing has been kept in Kunlun Yuxu Palace for so long without being refined. How did you get it?" ?”

"This thing was stolen by my father during the last East-West Celestial War, and I also got the secret by chance, so I ran out secretly with it. I didn't expect to meet the holy beast Qinglong later, and was killed by him." After it was defeated, I hid and swore never to use the ninth head, just now I only used it at the last moment of my life." Yamato no Orochi said to Aoyu.

"Oh? Your father? Who is he? Hey, the war between the East and the West? It sounds very interesting. Tell me what's going on? Make it clear to me, and you don't want to leave here today. " Aoyu asked Baqi with interest.

"Yes, my father is the nine-headed dragon Hydra in the West, and my mother is the Ten Thousand Years Green Snake in the East. The Great War between the East and the West refers to the rich world of the Western Gods and the Eastern Immortals, so it happens every ten thousand years. When the space gap and the connection between heaven and heaven were opened, they jointly attacked the east, and the two battles have been fought four times, but the western world has never succeeded." Yachi no Orochi confessed all the questions to Aoyu immediately, it didn't want to offend Aoyu Yu Nong lost his life.

Hearing Yamato no Orochi's words, Aoyu was stunned, and after a while, he burst into laughter, pointing to Yamato no Orochi and said: "Haha...ha. I don't know why you look so strange, so you are a Bastards, haha, bastards are good, you have a lot of advantages, haha."

(End of this chapter)

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