Chapter 390
At this moment, on Aoyu's left is Makino Sakurako, and on the right is Jiang Yuzhu, one of them is letting him hang his legs, the other is giving him a taste of fruit, behind him there is Yamaguchi Lily giving him a massage, and An Qier in front is crawling on the ground and playing Holding a big leather ball, Aoyu lay on the recliner and watched TV, life would be so comfortable, watching Nangong Rui'er with a stubborn mouth, Bei Mingbing's eyes full of contempt, but these Aoyu don't care about him at the moment, it's just enjoyment Very ah, while enjoying it, Aoyu was wondering when to accept Jiang Yuzhu, this girl Jiang Yuzhu had a rather old-fashioned way of thinking, although she let Aoyu do everything, but the last step had to wait until the time of marriage. Aoyu is a little itchy, as for getting married, Aoyu has never thought about it, he is still young and doesn't want to get married, otherwise he has already married Xia Xue and the others, why wait until now?With Aoyu's identity, and with the power that shrouds the sky, naturally no one will come to Aoyu to convict him of bigamy, it's just that Aoyu himself doesn't want to.

When Aoyu was feeling comfortable, Nangong Ruier suddenly ran over and said to Aoyu with a smile: "Big Brother, do you want Ruier to forgive you?"

Hearing Nangong Rui'er's words, Aoyu felt depressed, she didn't look angry at all, besides, he didn't provoke her, so why did he forgive or not, really, but Aoyu said it naturally He won't say it, Aoyu said to Nangong Rui'er with a smile: "I think, of course I want to, then Rui'er, how can you forgive big brother?"

Nangong Rui'er rolled her eyes and said to Aoyu: "I want Tang Yanran's autographed album, and I want you to buy it for me."

Hearing Nangong Ruier's words, Aoyu laughed and said: "Hehe, this matter, well, I will immediately explain to Lei Ming and let him get it, let alone a piece of paper, even a car, brother Aoyu, I will also Get it for you."

Indeed, as Aoyu said, such a thing is really too simple for him, but Aoyu always feels in his heart that the request of this little devil, Nangong Rui'er, must not be so simple.

Sure enough, after Aoyu said this, Nangong Rui'er's smiling face changed into an angry look, and she said with a stubborn mouth: "Humph, what, you have no sincerity at all, hum, I don't forgive you is you."

"Then what do you want? Tell me." Aoyu said in a helpless tone, obviously he really had no other way for Nangong Rui'er.

"Hey, I want you to buy it yourself. I know that Tang Yanran signed an album at the Empire State Building in Tokyo today. I want you to buy it for me. Hey, it's you." Nangong Ruier said to Aoyu with a smile , and especially emphasized on herself... The meaning of this is that she will meet without saying anything. Obviously, she doesn't want Aoyu to bring a large number of people to kill him under the banner of covering the sky. That would not be difficult at all. It would be strange for an album to face the sky and not flinch from the black muzzle of the gun.

After hearing Nangong Rui'er's words, Aoyu looked at her helplessly and said: "Okay, okay, I'll buy it for you, really."

Hearing Aoyu's words, Nangong Rui'er jumped on Aoyu's body with a scream of joy, kissed him on the face, and said: "Haha, I knew that big brother is the best, Rui'er forgives you."

After Nangong Rui'er finished this action, she realized that she was a little ambiguous towards Aoyu, seeing the girls around her looking at her with interest, and with that ambiguous smile, Nangong Rui'er blushed and stood up He quickly ran away from here, causing the people behind to laugh.

After lunch, Aoyu got dressed and walked to the Empire State Building in Tokyo alone. When he got there, he found that the gate of the Empire State Building was already full of people, and there were countless boys and girls holding Tang Yanran's sign aloft. , screaming there, and even many of them were waiting there with luggage and food. Obviously, these people had been waiting for a long time. Looking at this team of at least tens of thousands of people, Aoyu was sweating, He finally understood why the task Nangong Rui'er entrusted to him was so difficult. If so many people went to line up by themselves, they would have to wait until next year, so he knew that the girl's matter would definitely not be that simple.

After thinking for a while, Aoyu walked into the crowd, ready to go there, to see if he could find a chance to go in.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't you know how to line up? Do you want to jump in line?" Aoyu just didn't take a few steps forward, and was stopped by a young girl before he squeezed in. After the girl said something, Many people around looked at Aoyu, many girls screamed, surprised by Aoyu's appearance, their eyes were full of stars, but those men were not so good, pointing at Aoyu one by one said: " Hey, how can you do this, don’t you know how to line up? You have to wait in line even if you are handsome.” “Yeah, what’s wrong with being handsome? Go in line.”

They said to Aoyu one by one, even though Aoyu was thick-skinned, he was a little embarrassed, walked back helplessly, and started queuing up. After a while, Aoyu looked at his watch, and an hour had passed , but the people in front of him didn't seem to decrease at all, but there was a long queue behind him, which made Aoyu lament Tang Yanran's beauty a little depressed. It's not bad, but there's no need to be so exaggerated, really."

In fact, how can a half-nerd man like Aoyu only focus on women, games, and novels, how could he pay attention to the entertainment industry?He didn't know that Tang Yanran debuted at the age of 18 and is 22 years old this year. She has become popular all over the world. In Asia, she has tens of millions of fans, at least tens of millions. They are basically red and purple, and purple is black. It is almost a household name. If you don't know her, only a guy like Aoyu doesn't know her existence.

Waiting anxiously, Aoyu turned his eyes and wanted to go to the front. When those people shouted again, Aoyu ignored him and walked forward. Aoyu made up his mind to go in at this moment, and no one else paid attention to it. When we got to the door, Aoyu was stopped by the security guards at the door: "Who are you? Why don't you line up."

"Eh, I'm actually Tang Yanran's friend, and I'm here to look for her." Aoyu said cheekily to the security guard.

"Friend? Ms. Tang's friend? Brother, someone has already used this trick. If it doesn't work, you should change it." The security guard looked at Aoyu and said to him. Obviously, this trick has been used before. I got it.

What the security guard said immediately made Aoyu feel helpless. What he said was the truth. Although Tang Yanran was not familiar with Tang Yanran, she had seen it before. Ability, own identity, it is not difficult to do these things at all, but who is Aoyu?Now that he has agreed to it, he will definitely not go back on his word, so Aoyu can only helplessly, smiled wryly, and then said to the security guard: "Has anyone really used such a trick?"

"Yeah, it's more than that, not only some people say it's her friend, some people say it's her sister, some people say it's her sister, some people say it's her boyfriend, what's more, a guy took it An old lady came forward and said that Miss Tang's mother was coming to see Miss Tang, didn't that guy know that Miss Tang's mother had died long ago? Really." Speaking of this, the security guard was obviously a little eloquent.

Aoyu really got dizzy after hearing what he said, there are everyone in this age, is it true that celebrities are so attractive?Aoyu really doesn't think it makes these guys so crazy, but everyone has their own preferences, and this Aoyu has no right to control it.

Looking at the crowded crowd, Aoyu couldn't help smiling wryly, if he really waited like this, how long would he have to wait, but since he promised Nangong Rui'er that he couldn't use his own hands randomly, what should I do? Woolen cloth?Suddenly Aoyu thought of a plot in a movie, he laughed, Aoyu took out two dollar bills from Qiankun Ring, and then shouted to the crowd: "Hey, look, whose money fell to the ground?"

When everyone turned around, Aoyu grabbed two handfuls of dollar bills and threw them into the sky, and Aoyu was afraid that these guys would check them too fast, so he threw out a few more at a speed invisible to the naked eye. It looked like hundreds of thousands of dollars, and suddenly it rained money all over the sky, and the people watching were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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