Chapter 391

Celebrities are cute, but money is even cuter. When the dollar bills were scattered all over the sky, the neat line disappeared in an instant, and the crowd began to scramble wildly. Even the people who were queuing inside ran away when they saw this scene. Come out and start looting, who said that the quality of foreigners must be higher than that of Chinese?It’s not that they are high-quality, it’s just that there is nothing that can’t meet their requirements. Once upon a time, there was an incident of looting flower pots in China. Such a situation will not happen, it is because they did not notice the small flower pot, at this moment the flower pot has become a dollar bill, a lot of money was sprinkled into the sky by Aoyu, those individuals are like dogs The same frenzied snatching, in fact, they are not like this?The essence of flowerpots and banknotes is actually the same, but people have different statuses, identities, and positions, so what they need are also different. There has never been such a situation in foreign countries. It's just that those things are not in their eyes and cannot satisfy their desires.

Seeing those individuals frantically picking up money, fighting each other, and insulting each other, Aoyu smiled happily. He secretly said that he must do more such things in the future and must The appearance of these people was photographed and announced to the world to see what the media who once clamored that the Chinese people have no quality can say.

That group of people, oh no evil dogs, Aoyu walked in easily when the wind was grabbing banknotes there, when Aoyu walked in, he cursed himself in his heart, he was waiting there for such a simple question It was really stupid enough for two hours.

"Hehe, hello, this is the album I just bought, and I came to ask you to sign it." A few minutes later, Aoyu walked up to Tang Yanran with a piece of Tang Yanran's latest album, and said to her with a smile.

"Oh, yes, thank you for your support." Tang Yanran took the album and signed it without even looking at it. After signing, she habitually laughed and replied mechanically. Thousands of times, she is used to false smiles as a star, but when she raised her head to see the person who came, she was stunned on the spot, seeing that there was no one behind Aoyu, she suddenly felt a little bit He looked at Aoyu confused and somewhat differently.

"Don't look at me, they went out to grab banknotes, and they probably will be back in a while, but I think you'd better hit 120 first, I guess a lot of people will be injured, just now I watched them fight fiercely outside." Yu innocently shrugged his shoulders and said to Tang Yanran with a smile.

Tang Yanran, who is smart about this, can naturally understand that this has something to do with Aoyu, but she didn't say it, she just smiled sweetly, and said to Aoyu: "Why are you here today?"

"Hey, I have a younger sister who is your loyal admirer, why don't you ask me to buy your autographed album back today." Aoyu said to Tang Yanran with the same smile.

"Really? Then I'm really honored. The sister of such a big man like you is also my admirer. I should be very happy. By the way, is it true that you introduced me to the banner of the universe last time? I'm thinking about it now. I don't want to change jobs." Tang Yanran looked at Aoyu charmingly and said to him, obviously Tang Yanran was a little moved by the question Aoyu said last time, but she still had to confirm it again, probably because of this paragraph Time has encountered something that is not going well.

"Hey, of course, didn't I say that? You know that Huanyu said that I introduced you, and they will naturally solve everything for you." Aoyu said to Tang Yanran with a confident smile. Yu didn't go to ask at all, but if Tang Yanran really went under her own name, Huanyu would naturally arrange it, and she didn't have to worry about these small things. Aoyu actually didn't care about this popular beauty. There is not much heartbeat, just a little appreciation, at least she didn't stick to you like some people when she saw you have the ability. If she used to treat herself as an ordinary person, then the trouble she had at Ito's house The scene was shocking enough. If it was someone else, she would definitely lean on her body. Aoyu would appreciate her very much just because of this. That is also worthy of praise because she is very scheming, very smart, and knows her own value, at least she is not vulgar.

"Yan Ran, don't listen to this guy. I've seen a lot of people like this. He's a liar. People from the Huanyu Group will listen to him just by looking at him? One can tell he's a stinky poor man. Such a person can't be trusted, absolutely A liar." As soon as Aoyu finished speaking, a fat man walked over, holding a small handbag in his hand, followed by two boys with eyes and wearing black suits. Yu really guessed right. This guy is actually the boss of a big company in China. His name is Ma Dafu. , Since then, the business has grown bigger and bigger, and he is considered relatively rich among the rich people on the domestic front, worth billions of dollars, but money can't change everything, he is still the same, powerful, lustful, Vulgar, shameless, he is also looked down upon by the rich, but in this era, no one has trouble with money, so on the surface, he is still very face-saving, and he is very comfortable when he arrives. This year, at a banquet When I saw Tang Yanran on the Internet, I entangled her, claiming that I would take Tang Yanran as a slave. I didn't know that Tang Yanran was in Tokyo, so I ran over anxiously to pursue Tang Yanran. As soon as I came in, I saw Tang Yanran and Ao Yu was chatting and laughing there, and suddenly he came up to Aoyu and satirized him.

Seeing this guy, not only Aoyu, but also Tang Yanran, who was always smiling, frowned. How much she hated Ma Dafu, his language was vulgar, his appearance was ugly, his behavior was obscene, and there was nothing wrong with him. The saving grace is that he has nothing but money. Naturally, Tang Yanran despises such a person, but helplessly, a star like her is not a rich man's toy after all. It is not easy to be clean and self-sufficient in this circle. She absolutely cannot offend such a person, so even though she hates it in her heart, she can only politely refuse, and greet her with a smile every time she meets.

"Oh? I'm poor? Then what are you? It looks like you're just a nouveau riche, nothing to be proud of." " Aoyu looked at Ma Dafu with great interest, and said to him, such a person Aoyu knew what kind of guy he was at a glance, coupled with Tang Yanran's frowning brows, Aoyu naturally knew that she hated this guy enough, so it's not polite to say it, indeed if Aoyu is poor If so, then this Ma Dafu is probably not even as good as a beggar.

"You kid, get out of here, there is no place for you to talk here, only poor people like you can come here, if you don't get out, I'll let my subordinates break your leg today." "Then Ma Dafu heard Aoyu talk to him like this, and said the words he least wanted to hear in his heart. Although Ma Dafu has been rich for a few years, many people respect him, but he himself knows that others Calling him an upstart behind his back, Ma Dafu is quite famous for this word, and this is the word he hates to hear the most. You must know that one of the reasons why he pursues Tang Yanran is because Tang Yanran's beautiful appearance makes him intoxicated, but the main reason It was because Ma Dafu took a fancy to Tang Yanran's fame. In his opinion, with such a woman, others would naturally not talk about him behind his back. They could only be infinitely jealous and envious. This is what Ma Dafu wanted, and he longed to see those But he didn't expect this kid to say it in front of everyone, which made him extremely angry. If he didn't know that the owner of the Empire State Building in Tokyo is not someone he can provoke, he might have already done it here. I taught Aoyu a lesson.

"Boss Ma, Aoyu, please stop arguing and sell me face. Let's forget about this matter." Although Tang Yanran wanted Aoyu to teach Ma Dafu a lesson, she couldn't do that. She didn't want tomorrow's The headline on the front page was "Two people are popular singers, Tang Yanran is jealous, the Empire State Building fights, Huaxia is rich, and died on the spot." That's why she spoke to stop it. Although she didn't know Aoyu's identity, she could make the Yamaguchi-gumi The group leader Yamaguchi Ichiro bowed his knees, dared to lead people to swagger to the Ito family to rob people and killed the head and heir of the Ito family, so that the group leader of the Yamaguchi group could still swagger on the streets of Tokyo after kneeling The power of people who have nothing to do is absolutely terrifying. If they do something, it must be Ma Dafu who will suffer.

However, Ma Dafu obviously didn't appreciate it. Instead, he thought it was Tang Yanran who was helping Aoyu. This poor man leaves, don't let me see him in the future."

"Oh? What is a rich man? Nouveau riche?" Aoyu said to Nama Dafu with a smile.

"Hmph, rich? You, a poor man, can't understand the life of a rich man. Do you know what it means to be rich? This is called being rich. See if you can see it." Ma Dafu pulled out a long hair from his neck. A golden chain about a few centimeters long and a golden pig made of pure gold the size of a fist hung on it.

Aoyu immediately laughed when he saw this guy, this guy is really funny, but unexpectedly, Aoyu smiled evilly at him and said: "This is called rich? Is there money if there is gold? Then I'll beat you to death with a gold brick."

Aoyu was talking to Ma Dafu, and his voice changed. He did not know where to take out a brick made of gold and gold, and pointed it at Ma Dafu's head. Immediately, he heard Ma Dafu scream, Falling to the ground, bleeding continuously, groaning uncontrollably, seeing such a scene, Aoyu immediately burst out laughing, and walked away, leaving behind a few people with dumbfounded faces.

(End of this chapter)

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